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The Gospel Of Oprah, The Dangers Of The New Age Movement.

White Knight

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If you judge people, you have no time to love them - Mother Theresa

I am glad that Oprah is powerful, she is a testament to many people who have gone through sexual abuse. I am glad that she is successful and spending time saying that she spouts 'new age c.rap' is not something that I would choose to say either to her face or behind her back. She is not obliged to be faithful to the Catholic Church.

I have to say that if I was Oprah and people all around calling themselves Catholic were speaking about me the way that people on this board are speaking, simply because I followed my own spiritual path, I might consider the merits of the logical argument, but it's packaging would not be a positive testament to the average Christian's character.

[quote]Oprah is clearly got a warped view...
I loved how they systematicly cut her don with bible verses...
secular-humanism trash. Good for the sake of self...
does anyone else have to fight the urge to laugh when you hear people using words above their intellect...
I also laugh when I hear people using words like synergy or dynamic or paradigm in meetings just to sound like they know what is going on...
Oprah came across as someone who had been brainwashed with a bunch of croutons and then her brain started to fizzle when she couldn't really fight back...
Oh great, ignorance is about. I don't know who is worse, her or Dr. Phil...
BUGS ME TO HECK! Seriously, Sylvia Browne uttered such nonsense like "surround yourself with the white light of the Holy Spirit and surround yourself with Christ consciousness". What the frack is that supposed to mean? This new age carp is smurfin stupid...
Our country is a writhing wasteland of people speaking about things that are well beyond their intellect...[/quote]

I mean, I heard of terms like the 'Legion of Mary' and 'Putting on the armour of Christ', but I suspect it wasn't meant to read 'use words that denigrate our brothers and sisters intellect and dignity'. Why don't we admire the amazing gifts and - yes - incredible power and intellect of this amazing woman and then direct our prayers that our world will be led in the right direction!?!?! How are the above excerpts any different from the scandalous water-cooler conversation people indulge in over Brangelina and Johnnifer?

If Oprah is stupid for being spiritually misinformed then I'm pretty sure we all need to go back to CLASS.

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I think its more spiritually corrupted then Misinformed. Most New Agers tend not to be ignorent of Religion before they become New Agers.

Also, the majority here don't hate (don't hate, appreciate) Oprah now.

They're bloody scared of her. What she is spouting is theological posoin, and she is the most powerful and influencial woman in America. Her word is considered law by most of her watchers. This is scary. It'd be less scary if she wasn't talking about Religion at all.

Edited by Galloglasses
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Yes I agree. God Bless Oprah.

But hopefully not in the way of making her spread the New Age further.

God Naturally has more power. But calm down for a minute and THINK, she is a powerful HUMAN. Powerful people have massive influence over fellow humans. How else do heretics or evangelicals win converts?

And for goodness sake calm down and stop sounding so contempuous of us. I'm not attacking you.

Edited by Galloglasses
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Yeah, I know what you're saying, but I'm still not worried.

If God is the perfect food then people will keep searching until they get fed, and if the Catholic Church is the only cafeteria in town serving perfect food....

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I'm not contemptuous, I'm just offended by the words that were used. I don't think I was as harsh as the stuff I quoted was I? I really think that the only way to do this is to focus on the goodness that God has given us to work with. BE NOT AFRAID! lol

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Aye do not be Worried. but there is plenty of cause for Concern. The Church's influence is particularly weak, powerful people like Oprah's opinion and religious beliefs affecting MILLIONS in some way, shape or form. Thats plenty to be concerned about.

Lets do comparison, Tom Cruise is a scientologist convert, however he's not the brightest tool in the shed, and is embarrassed and riduculed alot over big mistakes. Now imagine if his life suddenly got cleaner and better and he looked alot better ever since his conversion, people would be INFLUENCED to look more favourbly on Scientology and we would possibly lose souls. This is the case with Oprah who is much more powerful and influencial, she does not look like an idiot, (except for in this video), and she doesn't make public and tactless accidents and mistakes, so people will be influenced to look more favourably on the new age. Get why we're concerned?

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No. I don't. I believe that the Church is not weak but in a state of transition. Vocations were down but now we know that they are true committments and not holdovers from a time when the Church was learning to be more of a living entity and less of an institution. We will be fine. There are many Oprahs out there. Why are we not talking about Deepak Chopra or Eckhart Tolle (who was successful long before Oprah) or Creflo Dollar or T.D. Jakes or George Bush or the Dalai Lama? Why a whole thread devoted to a youtube video with fancy editing and eerie music?

My concern is that over which I have control - namely, myself and being a witness through prayer and action. Getting swept up in a world of worry over someone else, who quite frankly is doing a lot of good for the world in more ways than she is ruining it is a waste of my energy, and with that...I am finished with this thread. Good luck folks! lol

Thx :)

Edited by FreeSoul
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[quote name='FreeSoul' post='1543926' date='May 26 2008, 08:34 PM']There are many Oprahs out there. Why are we not talking about Deepak Chopra or Eckhart Tolle (who was successful long before Oprah) or Creflo Dollar or T.D. Jakes or George Bush or the Dalai Lama? Why a whole thread devoted to a youtube video with fancy editing and eerie music?[/quote]

Because this thread is not about any of them. If you'd like to discuss them, start a thread.

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