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The Gospel Of Oprah, The Dangers Of The New Age Movement.

White Knight

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[quote name='kujo' post='1533344' date='May 19 2008, 08:43 AM']Christ-consciousness? What the bloody-hell is that? To be "fully-human?" Wasn't Christ also fully-divine?

This is all secular-humanism trash. Good for the sake of self, not for the sake of right.

On a side note, does anyone else have to fight the urge to laugh when you hear people using words above their intellect? Like that lady in the crowd who kept tripping over "Christ-consciousness" and the like? Always cracks me up! :lolroll:[/quote]

Our country is a writhing wasteland of people speaking about things that are well beyond their intellect. Our entire culture has subscribed itself to that relativistic humdrum that places as much importance on the opinion of Simon Cowell as the President as the Pope as the Bible as Joe Schmoe.

Anway...now that that is out of my system...'Christ Consciousness' sounds awefully Gnostic to me...

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[quote name='Veridicus' post='1538617' date='May 23 2008, 12:18 PM']Our country is a writhing wasteland of people speaking about things that are well beyond their intellect. Our entire culture has subscribed itself to that relativistic humdrum that places as much importance on the opinion of Simon Cowell as the President as the Pope as the Bible as Joe Schmoe.

Anway...now that that is out of my system...'Christ Consciousness' sounds awefully Gnostic to me...[/quote]


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I hope that we as Christians will use bible quotes to build people up, not tear them down.

Oprah is not spouting 'new age croutons' but stating Christian reality in a way that people can understand.

Jesus did not come to die on the cross. Jesus was sent by God to bring salvation to the world. Through the passion as well as through the resurrection.

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[quote name='FreeSoul' post='1543418' date='May 26 2008, 12:23 PM']Jesus did not come to die on the cross. Jesus was sent by God to bring salvation to the world. Through the passion as well as through the resurrection.[/quote]

I do not think that you fully appreciate the danger of her seperating those statements. They are inseperable. Jesus [i]did [/i]come to die on the cross, Jesus [i]did [/i]come to bring salvation to the world, Salvation was brought through his passion [i]and [/i]resurrection. There would be no resurrection without Christ's body on the Cross. There would be no salvation without Chris's body on the Cross.

Listen carefully again to the way she states what she believes...actually she admits that she doesn't 'believe' but 'feels the Christ Consciousness.' Your are right that it is not spouting 'New Age Croutons.' The fact is that gnosticism is just about the oldest Christian heresy...its older than protestantism, that's for sure. The first gnostics trace as far back as the 3rd and 2nd centuries I believe. Gnostic theology has crept up every so often since then with Manicheanism and the Cathars and even in teh modern era. Oprah is simply adding modern flare to an exceedingly old heresy. That's my opinion anyway.

Edited by Veridicus
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I agree, but this is semantics. She is not separating the statements. As when JPII said the problem with pornography is that it not that it goes too far, but [b]that it doesn't go far enough[/b]. In other words, Oprah is saying that Jesus did not JUST come to die on the cross. Oprah's error is that she did not express this sentiment more clearly.

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[quote name='FreeSoul' post='1543440' date='May 26 2008, 12:55 PM']I agree, but this is semantics. She is not separating the statements. As when JPII said the problem with pornography is that it not that it goes too far, but [b]that it doesn't go far enough[/b]. In other words, Oprah is saying that Jesus did not JUST come to die on the cross. Oprah's error is that she did not express this sentiment more clearly.[/quote]

I don't think it is semantics. I don't think that your opinion of what her true sentiments are is an more valid than any of ours. I am sure you want to believe that she means the best, but I wouldn't be so sure that she does. We are not all arguing over [i]wording [/i]but the [i]substance [/i]of what she is saying. She says "Jesus didnt' come to die on the Cross but to show us how to do it...how to be...how to have the Christ Consciousness that he had. To show us the Christ Consciousness that he had and that that Consciousness abides with all of us. That's what I got." She didn't say [u]anything [/u]about salvation...she is spouting what appears to me to be a gnostic understanding of Christ's purpose in coming to Earth: to come share with us a divine knowledge and unite us in some sort of divine gnosis to his consciousness. She states, "this is about coming to find out what you [i]know [/i]for yourself...what you [i]feel [/i]for yourself. And that God in the essence of all consciousness isnt' something that you believe...God 'is.' And God is a feeling experience, not a believing experience." The bible states it simply that believing in Jesus is the way to eternal life. She further states, "If you religion and your God is about belief then it is not truly God." Reducing Christ's mission to a simply 'sharing in the Christ consciousness' just reeks of gnosticism to me. I'm sorry, I don't think its semantics and I think your arguments are putting claims into her words that simply ARE NOT there.

We may just have to agree to disagree...

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Christianity is broad enough that the United Church is recognized as Christian (not by all, but by many) and some members of the United Church debate whether to acknowledge the resurrection itself! Now Oprah is saying that it happened but for another purpose - and she is no longer Christian? I am assessing Oprah according to her own standards and beliefs for resurrection, which is why it is semantics - we are talking apples and oranges - a completely different understanding of who, what and why Christ is, and no this is not relativism.

She is neither a priest or representative of the Catholic Church. I do not think video important or relevant to us as Catholics outside of some political desire to influence the material world. So what if it is gnosticism (and it is)? Are there not Gnostic Christians? She and they may or may not be Christians according to the Catholic Church, but I don't understand why we are discussing this if she is not Catholic!

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[quote name='FreeSoul' post='1543474' date='May 26 2008, 04:06 PM']She is neither a priest or representative of the Catholic Church. I do not think video important or relevant to us as Catholics outside of some political desire to influence the material world. So what if it is gnosticism (and it is)? Are there not Gnostic Christians? She and they may or may not be Christians according to the Catholic Church, but I don't understand why we are discussing this if she is not Catholic![/quote]

Dude, why wouldn't we be concerned about this incredibly-powerful woman pontificating on national television to her disciples--I mean [b]viewers[/b]-- about some bogus, hairbrained theological heresy? This isn't some bum on a street corner, but a multi-billionaire media sensation whose disciples--I mean [b]viewers[/b]-- listen to and follow her every word, who watch her shows, read her magazines and books, listen to her speeches, etc.

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I'm not concerned because she's not Catholic and so I'm not worried about her. Television is (and always has been) filled with heresies and apostaties or whatever. Why is Oprah now such a big deal? At least she is concerned with the welfare of people around her, no matter how misinformed! I'm not worried about Oprah any more than I am worried about MTV & Consumerism - a much more serious concern completely devoid of ANY acknowledgement of a spiritual search whatsoever - or the Dalai Lama, Prominent Imams or other faiths with successful followings.

My faith is in the Church, and my main concern is more with being a Catholic myself than if someone else (who hasn't even been baptized into the Church) is being one.


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[quote name='FreeSoul' post='1543821' date='May 26 2008, 07:45 PM']I'm not concerned because she's not Catholic and so I'm not worried about her. Television is (and always has been) filled with heresies and apostaties or whatever. Why is Oprah now such a big deal? At least she is concerned with the welfare of people around her, no matter how misinformed! I'm not worried about Oprah any more than I am worried about MTV & Consumerism - a much more serious concern completely devoid of ANY acknowledgement of a spiritual search whatsoever - or the Dalai Lama, Prominent Imams or other faiths with successful followings.

My faith is in the Church, and my main concern is more with being a Catholic myself than if someone else (who hasn't even been baptized into the Church) is being one.


Why am I concerned?

[quote]The Oprah Effect

Lisa Price was at a crossroads. By 2002, Carol's Daughter, the bath and beauty products business she had founded in her Brooklyn kitchen, had hit $2 million in sales. "We were trying to decide whether to scale back to keep control of costs or find investors to keep growing," she recalls, Twenty minutes later, the phone rang. It was a producer from The Oprah Winfrey Show asking Price to come on the program.

The effect of Price's appearance was astounding: the Carol's Daughter Web site nearly crashed from the high volume of orders that came in after Oprah raved about the products. "What it did was give us a stamp of approval," Price says. The company easily attracted new investors such as Jada Pinkett Smith, celebrity endorsements from Mary J. Blige and mass market distribution in stores like Sephora.

Such is the power of Oprah. She arguably holds more sway in making--or breaking--an individual (James Frey, anyone?), a business (Carol's Daughter and hundreds more), a book (too many to mention) or an industry (the beef brouhaha in 1998) than anyone, ever, in this country--and maybe even the world. She's our $1.4 billion woman--and that's just with her sprawling media empire. Factor in her ability to subtly endorse products without ever appearing in a commercial or an ad, and her economic impact magnifies. She has made her mark on the retail landscape, seemingly fueled the exponential growth of online shopping, transformed the book industry, made giving to charity a priority for millions, and exposed new audiences to Broadway. Consider this: If every one of her 49 million viewers and 2.4 million magazine readers bought just one Oprah-sanctioned item a month, for say $10, that would equal a whopping $6.168 billion a year pumped into America's economy. That's about how much Starbucks made last year, worldwide.

On a seismic scale of impact, Ms. Winfrey is a 10, with aftershocks felt at both poles. This is how her influence stacks up:

The Oprah Winfrey Show, now 20 years old, has been No. I for 19 seasons. Before Oprah decided to stop submitting the show for Emmy consideration, it won 35 Emmy Awards. It is her most popular showcase, and it's broadcast to 122 countries.

The show (Harpo Productions) is the platform for her business, Harpo, Inc., which has grown and diversified. Harpo, Inc., now includes Harpo Films (Beloved, Tuesdays With Morrie, Their Eyes Were Watching God), Harpo Radio (a $55 million deal with XM satellite radio for the new Oprah & Friends channel) and Harpo Print (O, The Oprah Magazine and O at Home with Hearst), as well as a deal with Oxygen Media and the Oxygen network.

In a 2004 study, Brigham Young University found that Winfrey's book club recommendations had a greater influence on book sales than anything else in the history of modern publishing. Says Sara Nelson, editor-in-chief of Publishers Weekly, "Oprah is getting people who were not particularly reading, to read."

It's her 59-and-counting book club picks that usually get the most press, but Oprah gets thousands of books moving in other ways. From April 2005 to April 2006,162 books got a plug on her show. Kerry McCloskey went on the show in early April 2006 touting her research on sex and passion as the best slim-down plan in her book, The Ultimate Sex Diet (True Courage Press). According to Nielsen Bookscan, the week after her appearance, McCloskey's book sales shot up 1,260 percent. Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., also got a lot of love when he appeared on the show twice in April 2006, pushing sales of his Getting the Love You Want (Owl Books) up 849 percent.

O, The Oprah Magazine was the most successful magazine launch in publishing history: It has a circulation of 2.4 million, it reaches 16.3 million total readers each month, and it's now avail able in a South African edition. Her magazines are also a lush outlet of product love, lining the coffers of thousands of vendors and retailers. Each issue of O features celebrities and experts and books and products that just ache to be purchased. The spring 2006 issue of 0 at Home, for example, showcased 71 products in one story.

She doesn't do traditional endorsements. You'll never see Oprah's name on sneakers or clothes. Instead, her interest is in spreading her passions. Oprah likes to promote what she thinks is important and useful. We follow--and spend in droves. "She influences the purchase of 20 to 25 percent of all goods. I think Oprah is actually underestimated," says Michael Silverstein, coauthor of Treasure Hunt: Inside the Mind of the New Consumer (Portfolio). Oprah's product bacchanal hits its pinnacle with "Oprah's Favorite Things--The Holiday Edition." This list of items has included everything from Burberry coats to computers and chocolate.

For every several thousand of Oprah "blessings," a few turn out not so rosy. Though her 2005 audience giveaway of brand-new Pontiac G6's was trumpeted as the epitome of successful product placement, the automotive press was not all convinced. "It was great for Oprah, but I didn't see much on Pontiac. I didn't hear her say, 'This is a Pontiac kind of day,'" said Lincoln Merrihew, managing director of automotive practice at Compete Inc., in WardsAuto.com.

Still, for most vendors, there is nothing like an Oprah blessing, says Rob Walker, the consumer columnist for The New York Times Magazine. "If you have a product, there's no better environment to be in than on Oprah. You're being treated as almost a religious artifact," he says. Large retailers, such as Sony, see a nice jump in sales, but Oprah also picks small vendors like Pamela Fitzpatrick. Her $39.99 tub of oatmeal raisin cookie dough from Chicago's gourmet grocery fox & Obel was Chosen as a Favorite Thing for holiday 2005. "It was really like winning the Academy Award," Fitzpatrick says, adding that the first 220 sales came 45 minutes into the show. They then sold around 600 tubs in the first two weeks after the show aired, and over the holidays they sold three times that many.

Oprah's desire to help those in need has been a lifeline to many charities and nonprofits. The Reverend Gloria White-Hammond, chairperson of the Million Voices for Darfur campaign, was certainly pleased. "Oprah's impact on the Save Darfur Coalition's effort was nothing short of tremendous," she says. According to the Coalition, donations went up 1,200 percent in the three days after Oprah highlighted their efforts on her show, and 1,600 percent more donors signed up in the same time. Translation: Many lives were saved in Darfur.

What seems to bolster her featured charities and retailers most is the limitless resource that is oprah.com. "When Oprah does something, there is an immediate 'click' impact," says Heather Dougherty, senior analyst at Nielsen//Net Ratings. For example, take the month that the Save the Darfur Coalition was featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show. According to Dougherty, oprah.com had 2.2 million unique visitors. "She has a very deep site. The deeper the site, the better the engagement," Dougherty says. "Other comparable sites are so small [number of visitors], we don't measure them."

Oprah's protégés serve both as brand extensions and as a fire under her seat. Dr. Phil's success has been its own phenomenon--he now has the second-highest-rated talk show and eight best-selling books, is the new spokesperson for Match.com, and has prime-time TV specials and the Dr. Phil Foundation. Others who've benefited include her crowned boy wonder, interior designer Nate Berkus, with his own home line at Linens 'N Things; Bob Greene, Oprah's personal trainer and fitness guru; Suze Orman money diva; Mehmet Oz, M.D., health guru; and her two newest additions, Robin Smith, love and relationship psychologist, and Rachael Ray, the smiley TV chef (whose new show is produced by Harpo Productions) and magazine powerhouse in her own right. And, of course, there's Gayle King--Oprah's BFF and editor-at-large of O, The Oprah Magazine, who, at press time, was still churning in the rumor mill as a possible cohost to join ABC talkfest The View.

What's left? Ah yes, Broadway. Ms. Winfrey's producer credit for Alice Walker's The Color Purple on Broadway surely had something to do with its outrageous opening ticket sales--S16 million in two months--and possibly its 11 Tony nominations. But, more than the bursting moneybags and accolades for the show (this in a business with a 75 percent failure rate), what's significant is, as with her book club, Ms. Winfrey has brought new audiences to Broadway.

With every venture, Oprah somehow finds more to do, more needs to fill, and more ways to make and use her money--and her power. The Live Your Best Life speaking tour and on line multimedia workshop is a standing-room-only event every year. She's released a six-disc DVD set of her Twentieth Anniversary Celebration with all proceeds going to the Angel Network, her charitable foundation that has raised $50 million in five years and $10 million for Hurricane Katrina victims. And in October 2005 she launched a Child Predator Watch List that has captured four sexual predators and has rewarded those who located them with $100,000. It is undeniable. Oprah has the Midas touch.

So what will Her Highness turn into gold next? We're all watching.

*Based on our $6.168 billion estimate.


IF OPRAH WERE… A NATION her 51.4 million weekly viewers and magazine readers would equal more than the population of Canada (33 million), Spain (40.3 million) or Argentina (39.9 million).

IF OPRAH WERE… A PILE OF GOLD she'd be equal to 24,000 14-karat gold bars.

IF OPRAH WERE… BLING she'd be eight times the equivalent of 373 100-karat pear-shaped, flawless diamonds (the most expensive ever sold).

cnnmoney.com reported in January that Oprah ranked second only to Google as the biggest brand newsmaker of 2006. Behind Ms. Winfrey were Amazon, eBay and iPod.

IF OPRAH WERE… A NATIONAL ECONOMY what she'd pump into the U.S. economy would be slightly more than the GDP of the Bahamas.*

By: Ulrich, Carmen Wong, Essence, Oct2006[/quote]

Source: Essence Magazine

This is no ordinary woman, but a person with tremendous influence. Think how amazing it would be if she became Catholic, or at least a bland Christian instead of this New Age C.rap?

Edited by kujo
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[quote name='Alycin' post='1543838' date='May 26 2008, 07:55 PM']I used to watch Oprah every day.



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Guys, guys, guys, save the heretical Witch burnings for Friday the Thirteenth, for tradition's sake.

Guess we're lucky hardly anyone in Ireland watches Oprah.

Actually I don't watch too much TV.

Stupid internets, sucking out my life-force.

Also, to those less familiar with Gnosticism, (IE, those guys who haven't dived into the thread yet), Gnostics, at the base level try to REDUCE God to Man's level, and treat Him more or less like something that should be used, not Obeyed. And elevating Man to God's status. Its the western way of worshipping yourself. Thats essentially what the theology boils down to and is woefully heretical. Protestantism is bad enough, but, dang, we really don't need this poison in the world.

By the way, she would either be a quasi-Christian New age sprinkler, or a scientologist.
I think we got the less dangerous of the two possible Oprahs.

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