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Mother: "It`s my body!"


Choice is possible only when all the alternatives we face are

morally valid. When the "choice" is between letting an innocent

human being live or killing him, only one morally valid position

is possible. The alternative is the satanic act of taking an

innocent life.

In the area of life and death, "choice" is a misplaced word. If

we`re going to choose well, then we can choose only the good, the

true, the beautiful - life. To choose against the good, the true,

the beautiful, and life, is to turn against right reason, public

order and common decency - against our very selves. Not even that

Paladin of death, Jack Kevorkian, would associate himself with

the slogan "Choose Death"!

The right of a woman to control her own body is precisely the

right that the Supreme Court of Canada created in 1988. But it

is a false and poisonous right. What legitimate right requires

for its exercise the infliction of pain and, further, that

everytime it is exercised someone dies?

We Knights often hear advocates of choice fervently proclaim that

it`s up to each and everyone of us to determine for ourselves if

abortion is right or wrong. This kind of ridiculous rejection of

an objective standard of right and wrong would logically prevent

us from admitting the least moral distinction between Adolf

Hitler and Mother Teresa.

What we are seeing today is the fundamental dishonesty of

refusing to let words have their meaning. In fact, as has been

pointed out, the very use of the term "choice" is a lie - the

killing of other people not being a matter of choice.

There`s no getting away from it:

To be pro-choice is to be pro-abortion.

To be pro-choice is to want to deny what abortion does.

To be pro-choice is to want to hide the humanity of the child.

To be pro-choice is to want to decide who is human or a person.

Who could possible want to live by such anti-social moral

principles? Sadly, for Canadians, it would appear an increasing

number of people. For too long, we Knights have allowed many of

our Christian brothers and sisters to cherish superstition in the

face of scientific and moral truth. Let`s not be afraid to speak

out anymore and let`s not miss any opportunity to hurl this

prevailing evil, pro-choice philosophy back to hell where it came


by Thaddée Renault

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Abortionists claim that the unborn child is just tissue of the mother...

If the unborn child was just tissue, then the DNA fingerprint would match the mother's DNA fingerprint.

The DNA from the time of conception is a totally different DNA map of a human being.

How can the unborn child be a piece of tissue?

We should sue the supreme court for wrongful death of over 43,000,000 people.

Your Servant in Christ,


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i always dont like it that much when i get in arguments with pro choicers. They always use the same excuces. I agree with you 100% monk on what u gotta say.

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In college, my response to the "it's a woman's choice" argument was to make a poster with a picture of an aborted baby and adding the caption "What kind of CHOICE is this?"

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Your Constitution protects Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Property in that order.

Life trumps Liberty. It shouldn't be a mother's choice.

It was her choice before conception. (in almost all cases)

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Every single one of the Nazi's in the Jewish genocide were held liable that participated.

This genocide has already killed more people. Yes, I do think the mothers should stand trial for murder.

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I agree that the doctors and nurses, at least, should be convicted of murder, as well as some of the women. The punishment for many of the women, however, is living a life with a nagging, guilty conscious torturing them and reminding them of the murder they committed.

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  IcePrincessKRS said:
Dontcha mean pursuit of happines? Or am I totally mixed up?

Same thing. I think property is the original or intended wording. The Fathers of American Confederation were rich guys, after more riches.

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  ironmonk said:

Mother: "It`s my body!"


Choice is possible only when all the alternatives we face are

morally valid. When the "choice" is between letting an innocent

human being live or killing him, only one morally valid position

is possible. The alternative is the satanic act of taking an

innocent life.

In the area of life and death, "choice" is a misplaced word. If

we`re going to choose well, then we can choose only the good, the

true, the beautiful - life. To choose against the good, the true,

the beautiful, and life, is to turn against right reason, public

order and common decency - against our very selves. Not even that

Paladin of death, Jack Kevorkian, would associate himself with

the slogan "Choose Death"!

The right of a woman to control her own body is precisely the

right that the Supreme Court of Canada created in 1988. But it

is a false and poisonous right. What legitimate right requires

for its exercise the infliction of pain and, further, that

everytime it is exercised someone dies?

We Knights often hear advocates of choice fervently proclaim that

it`s up to each and everyone of us to determine for ourselves if

abortion is right or wrong. This kind of ridiculous rejection of

an objective standard of right and wrong would logically prevent

us from admitting the least moral distinction between Adolf

Hitler and Mother Teresa.

What we are seeing today is the fundamental dishonesty of

refusing to let words have their meaning. In fact, as has been

pointed out, the very use of the term "choice" is a lie - the

killing of other people not being a matter of choice.

There`s no getting away from it:

To be pro-choice is to be pro-abortion.

To be pro-choice is to want to deny what abortion does.

To be pro-choice is to want to hide the humanity of the child.

To be pro-choice is to want to decide who is human or a person.

Who could possible want to live by such anti-social moral

principles? Sadly, for Canadians, it would appear an increasing

number of people. For too long, we Knights have allowed many of

our Christian brothers and sisters to cherish superstition in the

face of scientific and moral truth. Let`s not be afraid to speak

out anymore and let`s not miss any opportunity to hurl this

prevailing evil, pro-choice philosophy back to hell where it came


by Thaddée Renault

cool ironmonk, thanks!

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  God Conquers said:
Same thing. I think property is the original or intended wording. The Fathers of American Confederation were rich guys, after more riches.

that's not what it was about. read up on your Locke. not only do we need political freedom. we need economic freedom as well. that's what that means in a nutshell.

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