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An Evangelical Calls The Passion Too Catholic


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Here, an Evangelical Protestant gives 5 Reason's NOT to see Mel Gibson's new movie:


Strangely enough, this makes me feel proud to be Catholic, and makes me wonder what the reaction will be when the millions of Protestants who have supported this movie realize how truly Catholic it really is...

Thanks CMom, for showing me the link.

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"The script of The Passion of Christ was specifically intended to link the crucifixion of Christ with what Roman Catholics believe is the re-sacrificing of Christ that occurs in the mass."

Ah, well here's the first sign that this guy doesn't know Catholic teaching. He thinks that Catholics "re-sacrifice" Christ at every mass...

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If anybody would like to call, e-mail or instant message Mr Webb about him mis-representing Catholicism, here's his contact information:

Pastor Webb's cell phone: (910) 322-8611

E-mail: ajwebb@providencepca.com

IM: ICQ #57574769

(taken from the website)

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"The Passion of Christ does not even make any pretence of teaching the active obedience of Christ, the entire notion of which is alien to Roman Catholic theology."

Oooh, this one is really annoying... He claims that obedience to Christ is alien to Catholic theology. The sad thing is that he probably really believes that.

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At least he gave us a quote of Gibson saying he's a Tridentine right Catholic!

"I don't go to any other services," the director told the Eternal Word Television Network. "I go to the old Tridentine Rite. That's the way that I first saw it when I was a kid. So I think that that informs one's understanding of how to transcend language. Now, initially, I didn't understand the Latin. ... But I understood the meaning and the message and what they were doing. I understood it very fully and it was very moving and emotional and efficacious, if I may say so."
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hahaha! This guy gives hardcore support to the "Jesus" movie as an effective evangelization tool and then tears up the Passion for having an actor portray Jesus!

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After reading through and writing a response to about half of that article, I felt that I wasn't being called to email him.

Sorry. I just don't think that it is worth it. I will pray, and offer penance for his ignorance.

God bless.

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Just in the interest of fair play, I'm sure that mister Webb would identify himself as an evangelical, not a fundementalist. From the website, he is affliated with the Presbyterian Church in America, a conservative evangelical branch of the Presbyterian denomination.

The sad thing is that most "reformed" protestant should agree with him, if they take their own written theology and doctrine seriously. I came out of a PCA church when I converted and while reading the article was struck by how grateful I was that God gave me the grace to become catholic.


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  PedroX said:
Just in the interest of fair play, I'm sure that mister Webb would identify himself as an evangelical, not a fundementalist. From the website, he is affliated with the Presbyterian Church in America, a conservative evangelical branch of the Presbyterian denomination.

Thanks for the clarification. I changed my post.

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  dUSt said:

Strangely enough, this makes me feel proud to be Catholic, and makes me wonder what the reaction will be when the millions of Protestants who have supported this movie realize how truly Catholic it really is...


I don't if this is bad for me to think (it prob. is...), but I think that the media has focused on how many of the protestant churches are endorsing the film. The only thing that I have heard (on the reg. tv channels) about Catholics is about wat JP2 might have stated about it.

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I guess since he's so upset about it it's doing a good thing!

But it's really sad how people misunderstand the Faith so much. And how they misunderstand Jesus and the Gospels, too.

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I went to see the movie this afternoon, and there were a lot of Ash-covered foreheads there.

At the end, about six peeps in the front row clapped.

I figured they must be fundies... :rolleyes: ^_^

Everyone else left, quite silently, almost reverently...pensively, at least. -_-

Would that they would depart Mass thusly!

Anyway, dust, I'm with you.

That movie just shows a teensy weensy glimpse of what it means to be a Catholic...It hints at the Eucharist and Holy Orders, at Peter's importance, and at Mary's role as intercessor...and a protestant minister can't take it...pity. -_-

Pax Christi. <><

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oh I soo felt the same way guys and gals.

I was able to view it tonight after Mass, I felt proud to wear my ash's, there wasnt very many ash covered faces, so I stood out. Thanks be to God.

I did feel however, that after the movie, maybe the people looking at me understood more of what that cross on my forehead represented and why one would wear a cross on our forehead.

If anything comes from this movie, its that Jesus has never been talked about so much in the media as it has been in the past few weeks. If there is anyone who hasnt heard the name Jesus or knows about Him, well they do now.

Besides being baptised and confirmed into the Catholic Faith, i've never been more proud to be Catholic.

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