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Televangelist John Hagee Apologized For Calling The Catholic Church

White Knight

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whatever the motive, there is always forgiveness. just be extra prudent when you choose who to trust. this character might take a little longer than others..

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='goldenchild17' post='1528099' date='May 14 2008, 06:29 AM']maybe he's sincere, and maybe I'm cynical, but it seems all the big wigs (no matter what field) are always apologizing whenever they say something unpopular. Maybe he's changed, and if so great, and without any other outside evidence I'll take him at his word, but for some reason I have a feeling he's just caving to pressure and I wish people would just stand up for what they believe, no matter what it happens to be.[/quote]
I tend to agree with you. I'll try to give him the benefit of the doubt, though.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1527743' date='May 14 2008, 04:23 AM']Lame.
Sorry :mellow:

Maybe I should say "Politicos!"[/quote]

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Lounge Daddy

No doubt that the apology is politically motivated, esp after Obama's been so closely identified with a "trouble pastor" by the media, and Hagee doesn't want similar attention.

However, the apology is still an apology and also a step in the right direction. Additionally, even the Catholic League's Mr. Donohue honestly said that he hardly expected any apology.

Keep in mind that Hagee is a leader and every leader has sheep. There are people who very well may reconsider any anti-Catholic sentiment. Even a small good thing is still a good thing. This can only bring further good.

Thank God for the Catholic League. :cool:

From [url="http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D90KV46O0&show_article=1"]another article on the same story[/url]:

[quote]Donohue, one of Hagee's sharpest critics, said he accepted the apology and planned to meet with Hagee Thursday in New York.

"I got what I wanted," Donohue said in an interview. "He's seen the light, as they like to say. So for me it's over."


[b]In a statement posted in the Catholic League's Web site, Donohue added: "What Hagee has done takes courage and quite frankly I never expected him to demonstrate such sensitivity to our concerns."[/b][/quote]

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[quote name='Lounge Daddy' post='1528270' date='May 14 2008, 10:34 AM']No doubt that the apology is politically motivated, esp after Obama's been so closely identified with a "trouble pastor" by the media, and Hagee doesn't want similar attention.

However, the apology is still an apology and also a step in the right direction. Additionally, even the Catholic League's Mr. Donohue honestly said that he hardly expected any apology.

Keep in mind that Hagee is a leader and every leader has sheep. There are people who very well may reconsider any anti-Catholic sentiment. Even a small good thing is still a good thing. This can only bring further good.[/quote]

Word, Lounge Daddy. We are not responsible for the (in)sincerity of people.

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Some people a hampering over that this gesture was purely political.
So what?

I say if politics actually joined people closer together for once - bravo.

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[quote name='goldenchild17' post='1528101' date='May 14 2008, 03:31 AM']Watch yourself. Them fightin words. :mellow: :)[/quote]

Because you live in Colorado springs? or because you support the Christian Coalition?

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I don't like his wording in the apology. For some reason it sits kinda funny.

God Bless him if he is being truthful and in time we will know him by his fruits. If he has truly turned a new leaf then it will be evident in his ministry. I've watched Hagee for a long time and have heard him say many a bad thing toward the Church. I've also heard him tell his congregation, as regards the Iraq war, that we should just go over there and kill everybody. I pray that he has been truthful in his apology, and we will know it by the strides he makes to fix the damage he has made. Many anti-Catholic tele -evangelists have gone from extremely anti-Catholic to supporting the Catholic Church. Two men I can think of a Van Impe (who reads the Catechism on his show) and Billy Graham. Both of those men dedicated years to bad mouthing the Church and then something came over them (about the time JPII was elected Pope). I pray it is the same with Hagee.

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[quote name='StColette' post='1528430' date='May 14 2008, 01:54 PM']I don't like his wording in the apology. For some reason it sits kinda funny.

God Bless him if he is being truthful and in time we will know him by his fruits. If he has truly turned a new leaf then it will be evident in his ministry. I've watched Hagee for a long time and have heard him say many a bad thing toward the Church. I've also heard him tell his congregation, as regards the Iraq war, that we should just go over there and kill everybody. I pray that he has been truthful in his apology, and we will know it by the strides he makes to fix the damage he has made. Many anti-Catholic tele -evangelists have gone from extremely anti-Catholic to supporting the Catholic Church. Two men I can think of a Van Impe (who reads the Catechism on his show) and Billy Graham. Both of those men dedicated years to bad mouthing the Church and then something came over them (about the time JPII was elected Pope). I pray it is the same with Hagee.[/quote]

I hope your rational-mindness is contagious...some people on this thread could use some!

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I hope his apology came after some prayerful consideration and soul searching, and not just exclusively because of politics. I suspect if politics weren't involved, that the apology might not have come as it did or at all.

I get really tired of that Whore of Babylon thing. Christian Identity people called me that so many times I practically started answering to it. I didn't mind as much when they called me a papist, because I am that, but getting called a whore gets old quick.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1528484' date='May 14 2008, 03:48 PM']I get really tired of that Whore of Babylon thing. Christian Identity people called me that so many times I practically started answering to it. I didn't mind as much when they called me a papist, because I am that, but getting called a whore gets old quick.[/quote]

Amen Catherine, That's why I was so off the cuff yesterday and poor Red had to moderate me!
I get tired of Hagee being poured down my throat etc along with that Whore thing. They must like jeremiah alot!
Chapter 3? or is it 4?

Mr Donohue is a good man.

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[quote name='praying4carmel' post='1528408' date='May 14 2008, 11:36 AM']Because you live in Colorado springs? or because you support the Christian Coalition?[/quote]

the Springs. I couldn't give a rat's a** about the coalition.

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[quote name='Didacus' post='1528397' date='May 14 2008, 11:29 AM']Some people a hampering over that this gesture was purely political.
So what?

I say if politics actually joined people closer together for once - bravo.[/quote]

sure, if he's sincere I agree. And I won't argue that he's not. It's just a feeling I have. I think that IF he's NOT being sincere then the political pressure is the deciding factor and I wish people would step up to the pressure and believe what they believe publicly regardless of any public pressure. Not saying this is him for sure, just saying it's happened so often, people just apologizing because its the "PC" thing to do, and I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case here. I think we will know (either way) by his actions in the coming months and years.

Edited by goldenchild17
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tgoldson-I don't remember exactly which verse. The Christian Identity guys I went up against in the Posse and in the KKK are very old testament. The guy the Posse sent after me actually tried to stab me in the eye for "an eye for an eye." Thank God for Mr. Magoo glasses. What used to get me is that they tell you they are all about the bible, and then they don't know any of it outside a few pulled out verses that they don't understand in context, mutilate, and misuse. I don't remember Jesus ever calling anyone a whore, including the real ones he met.

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I don't trust Hagee at all. That's just me. I especially find Hagee a thorn in the side, because his church is in close proximity to where I live. I know a member of his flock. I have heard from my family their own experiences with members of Hagee's church. All I can say is there is no love in their hearts for Catholics, PERIOD.

I also know of a woman who is confused between the Catholic Church and Hagee's Baptist. She attends Mass AND goes to Hagee's services. She walked into his church wearing a medal of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and the ushers ripped it off her neck and threw it in the garbage.

No apologies there!

Hagee won't mean what he says every time he is caught saying it...but what he teaches his flock behind closed doors we can only imagine by their fruitless behavior and attitude...

Edited by dominicansoul
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