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Something Biblical And Scientific To Rebut The Big Bang Theory


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i second the last post.
i can see some misunderstanding in it, to give JIMSH a little credit, but by and large the last post is very warranted.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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Archaeology cat

[url="http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/05/21/universe-missing-matter.html"]Missing Matter Found[/url]

[quote]May 21, 2008 -- Researchers say they have found about half of the universe's missing matter hidden in the spaces between billions of galaxies thanks to the Hubble telescope.

This normal matter, which is called baryons, was created during and after the Big Bang, and should not be confused with dark matter, researchers said.

"We think we are seeing the strands of a web-like structure that forms the backbone of the universe," said astronomer Mike Shull of the University of Colorado after an extensive search of the local universe.

"What we are confirming in detail is that intergalactic space, which intuitively might seem to be empty, is in fact the reservoir for most of the normal, baryonic matter in the universe."

The research, published in Tuesday's Astrophysical Journal, sought to answer the question of where the missing local normal matter had gone and what its properties are.

The analysis is the most detailed observation to date of such matter and how it looks within about four billion light-years of Earth.

Researchers used the light from 28 qasars, the brilliant hearts of distant galaxies which still have a black hole at their center, in order to illuminate these structures, a bit like torches shining on fog.

Using the space telescope imaging spectograph on board the Hubble and NASA's far ultraviolet spectroscopic explorer (FUSE), they found hot gas and spectral "fingerprints" of intervening oxygen and hydrogen superimposed on the light from the qasars.

Normal matter makes up about five times the matter of the universe, while dark matter accounts for about 25 percent.

Probing this cosmic web of normal matter will be a task taken on by the new Cosmic Origins Spectograph (COS), due to be installed on the Hubble later this year.

"We predict that COS will find considerably more of the missing baryonic matter," said Shull.

"Our goal is to confirm the existence of the cosmic web by mapping its structure, measuring the amount of heavy metals found in it, and measuring its temperature. Studying the cosmic web gives us information on how galaxies built up over time."[/quote]

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1535866' date='May 21 2008, 07:40 AM']That sounds as though you base your judgement on who has the Holy Spirit and who hasn't on whether you get along with them well on Phatmass and number them amongst your friends. There are people on PM whom I get on with very well and communicate with offline, and there are other people whom I don't like as much and don't speak to outside the forum. Yet I would never claim that my friends have the Holy Spirit while the others don't. Your judgement stems from your personal taste, but I don't think you can see it.
You are contradicting yourself here. In your first paragraph you said that 'of course' you don't know for certain whether people have the Holy Spirit. In your second paragraph you say that you know 'for a fact' that Cmum does not have the Holy Spirit. Which is it?
This sounds to me as though you are playing a fantasy game with yourself as the superhero pitted against the forces of evil (who are out to get you personally, because you're very important). I am always wary of people who claim to have supernatural abilities (which you [i]are[/i] claiming - you have already claimed the ability to judge people's standing with God) and who have an unhealthy fascination with demons, evil spirits, witches, etc. Do you realise that you talk as much about the occult as you talk about God? It's as if the occult and the idea of fighting against it give you a sense of holy self-importance, and anybody who tries to point this out to you is a [i]de facto[/i] agent of the devil.[/quote]
CA, you seriously didn't expect consistancy did you? Anyone who points out the fallacies and errors of JIMSH has to be evil, don't ya know. This is the problem for people who for whatever reason are not grounded in the reality of the Sacrament of Confession. Thank you Jesus for the blessings of confession, spiritual advisors, and practical Catholicism. And JISMSH I seriously think you should stop hanging around ANYONE who claims to be a witch, or a druid or whatever. It is not good for your soul. Seriously.

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1535866' date='May 21 2008, 05:40 AM']That sounds as though you base your judgement on who has the Holy Spirit and who hasn't on whether you get along with them well on Phatmass and number them amongst your friends. There are people on PM whom I get on with very well and communicate with offline, and there are other people whom I don't like as much and don't speak to outside the forum. Yet I would never claim that my friends have the Holy Spirit while the others don't. Your judgement stems from your personal taste, but I don't think you can see it.
You are contradicting yourself here. In your first paragraph you said that 'of course' you don't know for certain whether people have the Holy Spirit. In your second paragraph you say that you know 'for a fact' that Cmum does not have the Holy Spirit. Which is it?
This sounds to me as though you are playing a fantasy game with yourself as the superhero pitted against the forces of evil (who are out to get you personally, because you're very important). I am always wary of people who claim to have supernatural abilities (which you [i]are[/i] claiming - you have already claimed the ability to judge people's standing with God) and who have an unhealthy fascination with demons, evil spirits, witches, etc. Do you realise that you talk as much about the occult as you talk about God? It's as if the occult and the idea of fighting against it give you a sense of holy self-importance, and anybody who tries to point this out to you is a [i]de facto[/i] agent of the devil.[/quote]

:lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll:

Good one CA.

I don't think I am anything special. I'm just your average guy. Jesus, however, is the true hero. If it wasn't for Jesus, I would be dead right now!

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1536494' date='May 21 2008, 04:26 PM']CA, you seriously didn't expect consistancy did you? Anyone who points out the fallacies and errors of JIMSH has to be evil, don't ya know. This is the problem for people who for whatever reason are not grounded in the reality of the Sacrament of Confession. Thank you Jesus for the blessings of confession, spiritual advisors, and practical Catholicism. And JISMSH I seriously think you should stop hanging around ANYONE who claims to be a witch, or a druid or whatever. It is not good for your soul. Seriously.[/quote]


I apologize again.

Now, with that being said, can't we be mature adults and forgive and forget?

Why should I be afraid of anybody practicing the occult, greater is he that is in me than he who is in the world. The night I had a stroke and almost died, Jesus showed me that truly and utterly. I will never have to worry because Jesus is a true hero and the ultimate power in the world.

So, no amount of witches or druids or anything else could even have a chance to pervert me from serving God, because God wouldn't allow it!

Edited by JesusIsMySuperHero
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For further rants against me please do them here

[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=80499"]Rant on me thread[/url]

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