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The Lisbon Treaty


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Any Euro here will know what i'm talking about. But anyone who is aware of this EU wide treaty should comment here, I want to know what people's opinions on it are. I myself could rant for days on it, I am not in favour of handing over Ireland's soveriegn law-making powers to the EU Parliament, to hell with economic prosperity, not at the expense of hard fought independence from one Empire to be tricked into another.

Your opinions?

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[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1524752' date='May 11 2008, 10:58 PM']Any Euro here will know what i'm talking about. But anyone who is aware of this EU wide treaty should comment here, I want to know what people's opinions on it are. I myself could rant for days on it, I am not in favour of handing over Ireland's soveriegn law-making powers to the EU Parliament, to hell with economic prosperity, not at the expense of hard fought independence from one Empire to be tricked into another.

Your opinions?[/quote]
Don't know squat about the treaty, but I just wanted to say that you make perfect sense here. If only the majority of Euros thought like you. Unfortunately it seems that Europe is well on it's to becoming the USE.

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[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1524752' date='May 11 2008, 02:58 PM']I am not in favour of handing over Ireland's soveriegn law-making powers to the EU Parliament, to hell with economic prosperity,[/quote]

Many people in the UK think similarly. The upside about being in the Irish Republic is that you guys know you are going to be able to vote on it.

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Which is why the European Politicians are pooping themselves, if Ireland does vote no to the treaty, it cause a, ahahaha, a [i]'constitutional Crisis'[/i], (to those who don't know, the EU doesn't have a Constitution, this Treaty is a constitution in disguise.), they're trying their best to tell the population here that it really doesn't matter and this Referendum is just a formality. While at the same time various nationalistic, independent and even Religious organisations, (not Churches specifically), are trying to drum up a no vote.

And Justin86, no, it will NOT become a parody of the USA, its more malignant then that.
Hell, i'll let the President describe it for you.
[quote]"We are a very special construction unique in the history of mankind ... Sometimes I like to compare the EU as a creation to the organisation of empire. We have the dimension of empire .. What we have is the first non-imperial empire .. We have 27 countries that fully decided to work together and to pool their sovereignty. I believe it is a great construction and we should be proud of it"

— Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, 2007[/quote]

The majority of Euros WANT to say no to this treaty but nearly all European Countries are using this 'Treaty' thing to constituionally deny their people's a referendum. The UK for example, did this. In Ireland, the Constitution cannot be bended this way. Making it probably the most democratic in Europe at the moment even with its enshrinement and preference of Religious Morality within said constitution. Which if Lisbon goes through, Brussels will see fit to simply, strike off. We will have no power anymore. Our national histories, our pride, our independence, sovereignty and our right to interpret human rights will be struck down, stolen or destroyed completely by some far off oligarchy that we didn't elect.

The Eu was created for Economic prosperity and Peace, but at the cost of Justice? Peace can wait and to hell with the economy, I will not have my nation subjecated by a new Evil Empire.

May I also note that if Ireland DOES vote no, and the EU attempts to take Ireland's sovereignty via a majority yes vote in the EU, it could, in all possibility, lead to all out war. Hopefully not. It would mean Ireland's infrastructure would be destroyed in minutes, altough a conquest of Ireland would be next to impossible to maintain.

Edited by Galloglasses
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[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1524925' date='May 12 2008, 03:00 AM']May I also note that if Ireland DOES vote no, and the EU attempts to take Ireland's sovereignty via a majority yes vote in the EU, it could, in all possibility, lead to all out war. Hopefully not. It would mean Ireland's infrastructure would be destroyed in minutes, altough a conquest of Ireland would be next to impossible to maintain.[/quote]
Wow, so much the whole "non-imperial Empire" bull, huh?

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Yeah I know what you mean, however, Poland, Malta, France and Spain have always been friendly towards Ireland, so if it comes tot hat, it will most likely led to either a wider conflict or, God Willing, a break up of the Union.

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Huh, the next European conflict. It always seems to involve people building Empires doesn't it?

I wonder if the States would wind up involved...[i]again[/i]. :rolleyes:

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Probably not, hopefully it won't come to a conflict. Sides, if it does, guess who gets the blame this time? =D ... D=

I'd be more worried about what China is up to.

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