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What Is The Mark Of The Beast


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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1525033' date='May 11 2008, 01:32 PM']I have heard this one theory where the "mark of the Beast" is taking the mark of the leader of the world, or the Antichrist (this theory says there is only one). The mark is actually a chip that is injected under your skin in either your hand or forehead, and it is basically this mega credit card and ID and a bunch of other goodies all rolled into one.[/quote]

Hey, His Child Forever.

I started my little search to understand Christianity and its war with occultism, thinking very much the same.

But here's the thing you have to start to think about. If its only about a chip, that is really a get out hell free card, and neither God nor Satan make things that obvious, God because he doesn't want unworthy people who don't seek him out to have access to his riches in glory, and Satan because he's just a plain liar and deceiver. BTW, I think that Jack VanImpe person is a huge deceiver by making it all about this chip.

If you think of the chip thing though, think about what you said - its a mega credit card that allows people to turn off your ability to feed, clothe, shelter, and entertain yourself and your family! How's that not playing God? So, yes, I would already be against it, not because I've heard its this chip thing, but I realize the mark of the beast is man making himself God, and so I draw the line in the sand right away, saying - you have no right to tell me how to buy and sell! I would rather die. Of course, many other people who have the spirit of God will realize the same, and we will start this separate community thing, and it will work out fairly well, which will ultimately frustrate this guy - the Anti-Christ - the ultimate guy who wants to play God, because people won't be falling in line, and he will war against the saints, and we will die, many of us, and that will be the final straw for God, and he will ultimately punish him for murdering his saints!

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[quote name='kujo' post='1525014' date='May 11 2008, 01:15 PM']A good place to start is by reading the book we are referring to, [url="http://www.amazon.com/Lambs-Supper-Mass-Heaven-Earth/dp/0385496591/ref=pd_bbs_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1210529142&sr=8-1"][u]The Lamb's Supper[/u][/url].

I will have to dig up some other stuff online later on. You [i]really[/i] oughta read that book, though. Changed my life, dude.
I think you and I will end up agreeing on a lot of thing because we share similar libertarian views on stuff; however, I think you are a bit more radical than I am. I believe in pragmatism which informs my libertarianism. So, when you say that constant surveillance is unGodly or that money is unnecessary because God can take care of everything, I have to disagree with you. You and I are both Godly folks and not doing anything wrong. So what if the government or anyone else wants to observe us? In my case, they'll be observing a big, hairy dude stumbling through life trying not to fall on his face. And money is necessary because it allows economies to function. In an ideal world, sure we wouldn't need money or property because we'd all share and make sure each other's needs are met. But this ain't the ideal world, my friend.

Again, I agree in principle that less government allows man to be more free, which, in turn, allows him to fulfill God's plan; however, we have to govern and protect ourselves.[/quote]

True, true, on that stuff.

I've kinda heard the argument before, that why should we care, and I go, why shouldn't we? I wouldn't have to worry too much on my own too, because I don't break the law too much. And the whole money situation. God implemented money in Genesis 2 as a means of trade and financial interactions. But the one we have now.

If you think about it like this.

Armcel Rothschild was quoted saying - give me the control of the economics of a country, and I care not who writes its laws.

Talk about a piece of work!

Basically he's saying - give me the ability to print and distribute a nation's money supply, then I control the law makers and everybody else.

How do they do this. The Federal Reserve is not a public institution. It's a private institution! The Federal Reserve, which is controlled by the Rothschilds, prints up the money we use as a loan to our governments, which the government has to pay back!

With that being said, He has perfected the way to control nations and its citizens by putting our nations into debt.

Guess what Proverbs 22:7 says

[quote]The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7[/quote]

Hasn't he done a complete 180 on what God intended us to learn from that scripture? How can you say it is godly if the person who created the system can do a 180 on God! To my knowledge, if you do a 180 against God and his word, that is pretty Satanic!

So we need a better, more godly economic system.

Fortunately, God has that under control.

[quote]And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:25-26[/quote]

I believe God will tear down the current economic system we 'enjoy', and replace it with a godly one! I'm not sure how it will work, but when it is done, we will be satisfied, and we will praise the name of the LORD our God with exceeding joy! I can't wait for that day!

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An antichrist is one that rejects Christ. Anyone who says they are the Christ, when they are not is also an antichrist. Yet THE Antichrist foretold in Holy Spiriture, and by Mother Church is the Devil.

That was very interesting dominicansoul about John 6:66

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[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1525057' date='May 11 2008, 04:02 PM']Of course, many other people who have the spirit of God will realize the same, and we will start this separate community thing, and it will work out fairly well, which will ultimately frustrate this guy - the Anti-Christ - the ultimate guy who wants to play God, because people won't be falling in line, and he will war against the saints, and we will die, many of us, and that will be the final straw for God, and he will ultimately punish him for murdering his saints![/quote]

I agree. However, the theory doesn't say that some guy is going to pop up out of no where and demand that everyone take his "mark." I believe that the theory means to say that the Antichrist will build up an image of himself, one of peace and of pacifist leadership, and trick the masses that this "mark" will be very efficient economy-wise. Of course there will be the real Christians who know that this is a trick, but if this Antichrist guy is a smooth talker, then he'll fool a lot of people. Heck, he might even convince people that the Christians are the bad guys or something.

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[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1525067' date='May 11 2008, 04:14 PM']True, true, on that stuff.

I've kinda heard the argument before, that why should we care, and I go, why shouldn't we? I wouldn't have to worry too much on my own too, because I don't break the law too much. And the whole money situation. God implemented money in Genesis 2 as a means of trade and financial interactions. But the one we have now.

If you think about it like this.

Armcel Rothschild was quoted saying - give me the control of the economics of a country, and I care not who writes its laws.

Talk about a piece of work!

Basically he's saying - give me the ability to print and distribute a nation's money supply, then I control the law makers and everybody else.

How do they do this. The Federal Reserve is not a public institution. It's a private institution! The Federal Reserve, which is controlled by the Rothschilds, prints up the money we use as a loan to our governments, which the government has to pay back!

With that being said, He has perfected the way to control nations and its citizens by putting our nations into debt.

Guess what Proverbs 22:7 says
Hasn't he done a complete 180 on what God intended us to learn from that scripture? How can you say it is godly if the person who created the system can do a 180 on God! To my knowledge, if you do a 180 against God and his word, that is pretty Satanic!

So we need a better, more godly economic system.

Fortunately, God has that under control.
I believe God will tear down the current economic system we 'enjoy', and replace it with a godly one! I'm not sure how it will work, but when it is done, we will be satisfied, and we will praise the name of the LORD our God with exceeding joy! I can't wait for that day![/quote]

I have heard you mention this Rothchilds guy for awhile now. I'll have to do some research before I feel prepared to discuss adequately.

On the whole, capitalism is the best we've got. Sure, if/when God comes back and institutes His Kingdom on earth, we won't need to have money or economies at all. And I am [b]all for that[/b]. Until then, however, I think that capitalism and free market economies are the best way to go.

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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1525165' date='May 11 2008, 04:13 PM']I agree. However, the theory doesn't say that some guy is going to pop up out of no where and demand that everyone take his "mark." I believe that the theory means to say that the Antichrist will build up an image of himself, one of peace and of pacifist leadership, and trick the masses that this "mark" will be very efficient economy-wise. Of course there will be the real Christians who know that this is a trick, but if this Antichrist guy is a smooth talker, then he'll fool a lot of people. Heck, he might even convince people that the Christians are the bad guys or something.[/quote]
Here's the question that will blow your mind.

There are people on this message board, under my understanding, who already have taken the mark of the beast. It's not a chip, but a life style!

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[quote name='kujo' post='1525215' date='May 11 2008, 05:30 PM']I have heard you mention this Rothchilds guy for awhile now. I'll have to do some research before I feel prepared to discuss adequately.

On the whole, capitalism is the best we've got. Sure, if/when God comes back and institutes His Kingdom on earth, we won't need to have money or economies at all. And I am [b]all for that[/b]. Until then, however, I think that capitalism and free market economies are the best way to go.[/quote]

Actually, from what I read in Joel Chapter 2, it is way before he comes back, as the later part of the chapter is about further judgments God has planned!

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[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1525244' date='May 11 2008, 08:21 PM']Here's the question that will blow your mind.

There are people on this message board, under my understanding, who already have taken the mark of the beast. It's not a chip, but a life style![/quote]
please remove the plank from your own eye before assisting others with their splinters, and if the plastic bag does not inflate that does not mean oxygen is not flowing.

you are claiming to know the state of people's souls based upon what they have written on a message board. I have not seen anyone on this message board who would merit the accusation that they had made themselves out to be God. some might have sins of pride, but the faithful Catholics here all try as much as possible to submit to the authority of God and the Church and try to keep their pride in check. it's a struggle for some, but they don't deserve your condemnation as being marked with the sign of the beast.

in fact, the very fact that you are looking at people that way is much more similar to the mark of the beast, as God alone is our judge whilst you sat for a second in a little judgment seat over people you don't even know personally.

anyway, the first option in your poll is definitely a very good interpretation of the mark of the beast. historically, it referred in a special way to Emperor Nero as well (scripture can have multiple meanings, and often has one historical meaning and some other spiritual meanings). it also refers to the mocking of the perfect number. two divinely perfect numbers are 3 and 7... so 3 6's is the ultimate imperfection as it is one away from 7. That ties into the days of creation (the same way man making himself out to be God does, man is 6 because he was made on the 6th day of Creation)... those two spiritual meanings converge and both refer to man rejecting God and trying to replace Him with something imperfect, himself.

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[quote name='Aloysius' post='1525258' date='May 11 2008, 06:39 PM']please remove the plank from your own eye before assisting others with their splinters, and if the plastic bag does not inflate that does not mean oxygen is not flowing.

you are claiming to know the state of people's souls based upon what they have written on a message board. I have not seen anyone on this message board who would merit the accusation that they had made themselves out to be God. some might have sins of pride, but the faithful Catholics here all try as much as possible to submit to the authority of God and the Church and try to keep their pride in check. it's a struggle for some, but they don't deserve your condemnation as being marked with the sign of the beast.

in fact, the very fact that you are looking at people that way is much more similar to the mark of the beast, as God alone is our judge whilst you sat for a second in a little judgment seat over people you don't even know personally.

anyway, the first option in your poll is definitely a very good interpretation of the mark of the beast. historically, it referred in a special way to Emperor Nero as well (scripture can have multiple meanings, and often has one historical meaning and some other spiritual meanings). it also refers to the mocking of the perfect number. two divinely perfect numbers are 3 and 7... so 3 6's is the ultimate imperfection as it is one away from 7. That ties into the days of creation (the same way man making himself out to be God does, man is 6 because he was made on the 6th day of Creation)... those two spiritual meanings converge and both refer to man rejecting God and trying to replace Him with something imperfect, himself.[/quote]

First, thank you for the rebuke.

However, you need to remember one thing. You should be able to discern someone's fruits

[quote]Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. Matthew 7:15-17[/quote]

There are people on this message board who say its okay for people to do genetic manipulation of babies in the womb, but I draw a line in the sand, because only God should form babies in the womb.

These people talk about it with such fevour, telling me that I might want to reconsider that opinion, because of how wonderful it is.

Honestly, I know enough about Jugglary to know that is the oldest trick in the book. They are trying to say something that takes God's place is good, which is a total falsehood! Jugglary, also know as Witchcraft, is the art of making people believe a lie is the truth. The people who are trying to brainwash you saying it is good and okay to do that, when it is evil! Nobody takes God's place when it comes to anything I'm involved in!

So what kinds of fruits do I see of the people who say it is good for people to form babies in the womb? I see them as false prophets who are corrupt and bring forth evil fruit! Don't mess with God's creation, or he will judge you!

So, in my opinion, they have already taken the mark, if they want to do that. Let them, God will judge them soon enough when he opens the fourth seal, releasing Death and Hell to claim them!

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Brother Adam

Why is your opinion authoritative? When Jesus warned of false prophets, what specifically did he mean? Is it really okay for you to take any passage of scripture and apply it to anything you want?

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Justin86' post='1524982' date='May 11 2008, 12:44 PM']Britney looks awfully occultish in you av. Evil, evil girl.[/quote]

She's not evil or occultish. She was in a mental institution, did you know that? She had some very bad influences in her life including an older man who had her hooked on multiple prescription medications. It's not nice to make fun of people who are suffering mentally and even worse to call them evil.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' post='1525286' date='May 11 2008, 07:25 PM']Why is your opinion authoritative? When Jesus warned of false prophets, what specifically did he mean? Is it really okay for you to take any passage of scripture and apply it to anything you want?[/quote]


Al wanted me to answer why I can say some people have already chosen their path, and how I can say that.

So, I said, wait a minute, I can evaluate any person's walk by what fruits they produce. If someone will produce a fruit that says its okay to play God by doing something, I can take note of that, and either give them enough rope to climb out of that pit, or let them hang themselves.

For instance, I will never buy how genetic modification of babies is okay, no matter what health benefits it may give, because man has no right to genetically modify something God created in the first place! We're saying we know better than GOD!

So, I would rather not play God, thank you very much! It is personally offensive to me that people would even consider this, as I get an anger in the holy spirit that people would even consider that insanity and evil! Or, are you okay because you've been brainwashed to say it helps people!

Anybody who has chosen that it is okay has already taken the mark! I hope I am getting through to some people. If you are standing on the fence, listen to this John the Baptist, it is not okay! It is evil, and we can't, can't, can't allow that to happen. We should be just as much against this kind of playing God as those evil men who commit murder every day in abortion clinics!

Or, am I just suppose to say, hey, everybody is okay, there is no such thing as morality, and everybody can do whatever they want, just as long as they say its of God, when it obviously is not!

Edited by JesusIsMySuperHero
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[quote name='Brother Adam' post='1525286' date='May 11 2008, 07:25 PM']Why is your opinion authoritative?[/quote]

Other than I am not Roman Catholic, why isn't it?

[quote name='Brother Adam' post='1525286' date='May 11 2008, 07:25 PM']When Jesus warned of false prophets, what specifically did he mean?[/quote]

Easy, anybody who says they are Christian, and then say nonsense!

[quote name='Brother Adam' post='1525286' date='May 11 2008, 07:25 PM']Is it really okay for you to take any passage of scripture and apply it to anything you want?[/quote]

I don't.

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[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1525268' date='May 11 2008, 09:00 PM']First, thank you for the rebuke.

However, you need to remember one thing. You should be able to discern someone's fruits
There are people on this message board who say its okay for people to do genetic manipulation of babies in the womb, but I draw a line in the sand, because only God should form babies in the womb.

These people talk about it with such fevour, telling me that I might want to reconsider that opinion, because of how wonderful it is.

Honestly, I know enough about Jugglary to know that is the oldest trick in the book. They are trying to say something that takes God's place is good, which is a total falsehood! Jugglary, also know as Witchcraft, is the art of making people believe a lie is the truth. The people who are trying to brainwash you saying it is good and okay to do that, when it is evil! Nobody takes God's place when it comes to anything I'm involved in!

So what kinds of fruits do I see of the people who say it is good for people to form babies in the womb? I see them as false prophets who are corrupt and bring forth evil fruit! Don't mess with God's creation, or he will judge you!

So, in my opinion, they have already taken the mark, if they want to do that. Let them, God will judge them soon enough when he opens the fourth seal, releasing Death and Hell to claim them![/quote]

I think that it is a little extreme for you to be damning these people to Hell, the ones who (as you gave for an example) believe in the genetic manipulation of genes of children in the womb. These people are not evil and corrupt, nor are they Lucifer lovers, and certainly they are not trying to brainwash anybody. I would say that they are misguided Catholics (you say you have seen these people on the boards?) who just need to be pointed in the right direction to help them understand why such a thing is immoral. Maybe they have been misinformed about the process. Or, perhaps a fellow Catholic told them it was okay to believe such a thing, and they think it's Church teaching or approved by the Church. You don't know the circumstances.

Your writing style is familiar. I remember, in my lurking days, an individual who sounded....much like you. Damning everybody.

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[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1525244' date='May 11 2008, 07:21 PM']Here's the question that will blow your mind.

There are people on this message board, under my understanding, who already have taken the mark of the beast. It's not a chip, but a life style![/quote]

for it to be a question, it needs to have a question mark somewhere.

If its a question without a question mark, that would actually blow my mind.

Then I could just make statements?

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