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Being Anti-gay Marriage = Against Minority Rights?

Paladin D

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[quote name='Alycin' post='1525197' date='May 11 2008, 05:05 PM']To clarify, I do believe that homosexuality is immoral.

I do not believe, not for a minute, that the prevalence of pedophiles who are also homosexuals is what it's made out to be.[/quote]

Agreed homosexuality is immoral. Therefore any standard for moral sex for a homosexual stands on quicksand. Once one immoral sexual sin is permissible under the guides "consented to by the persons involved” it would be very easy to slip into pedophilia so long as both persons "consented".

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1525200' date='May 11 2008, 04:08 PM']According to you in post 43. Why else argue what a [u]atheist[/u] homosexual would believe.[/quote]

wow, way to be subtle, and try to discredit her by calling her a godless homosexual. who according to you is one step, or less, from being a paedophile.
totally uncalled for.

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[quote name='Alycin' post='1525203' date='May 11 2008, 05:14 PM']Come again?
If you are saying that the statement of mine you quoted has to do with me playing devil's advocate, you're wrong.[/quote]

You played devil's advocate for a purpose. The sources I provided where pro-christian, why else play devil's advocate in response?

[quote name='Alycin' post='1525203' date='May 11 2008, 05:14 PM']The overwhelming majority of studies conducted do not find a link between homosexuality and pedophilia. That is a fact.[/quote]

Do they? According to who? Dr. Herek? Do you have all the studies in front of you to make such a statement?

edit: to fix quotes

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1525208' date='May 11 2008, 05:21 PM']wow, way to be subtle, and try to discredit her by calling her a godless homosexual. who according to you is one step, or less, from being a paedophile.
totally uncalled for.[/quote]

Goodness me, read post 43. I did not call her anything. According to me she is a Christian.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1525209' date='May 11 2008, 06:23 PM']Do they? According to who? Dr. Herek? Do you have all the studies in front of you to make such a statement?[/quote]


Yes, I happen to have them at hand with me right now! :P


First, it should be noted that a quick google search of "homosexuality and pedophilia" produces TONS of links to right-wing and Christian (or right-wing Christian) sites that cite the same 2 or 3 studies, two of which are widely rejected by the scientific community.

The single article I posted, alone, cites more than 11 sources on ONLY scientific studies that state that no such link exists, most of which come from the APA, ASA, CPA, and associated organizations.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1525212' date='May 11 2008, 06:25 PM']Goodness me, read post 43. I did not call her anything. According to me she is a Christian.[/quote]

I knew what you meant, after I went back and re-read it. :)

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[quote name='Alycin' post='1525216' date='May 11 2008, 05:34 PM']lol!

Yes, I happen to have them at hand with me right now! :P


First, it should be noted that a quick google search of "homosexuality and pedophilia" produces TONS of links to right-wing and Christian (or right-wing Christian) sites that cite the same 2 or 3 studies, two of which are widely rejected by the scientific community.

The single article I posted, alone, cites more than 11 sources on ONLY scientific studies that state that no such link exists, most of which come from the APA, ASA, CPA, and associated organizations.[/quote]

Stating you believe homosexuality is immoral makes you a rightwing wacko, like me! :topsy:

Yes indeed 11 sources from scientific studies that only agree with the writer, who again is very pro-homosexuality, and an activist for that movement. He would also argue against your very correct belief that homosexuality is immoral. And most likely so would his sources.

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I have to take a break, I am about to watch P.S. I love you with the two moms in my life.

Before you go thinking I have two moms, one is my sister! She is a new mommy!!! :P

I'll be back later but I do want to state this much:

I am not opposed to thinking that there is a possibility that a link could exist between homosexuality and pedophilia. What I am opposed to is stating such as a fact when it most certainly is not and when the majority of the studies suggests a different conclusion. I do not think any science is flawless. I think there will always be things we don't know because science is just a means of trying to figure out how God's creation works. There will always be gaps and we'll never know everything there is to know.

My main point in debating here today was that we, as Christians, need to be very careful of how we argue and what we use to argue. We need to be thorough and well-educated on the topics at hand. We need to educate ourselves outside our comfort zones and we need to be aware of things (like Paul Cameron's "study" being a joke in the scientific community, for example) if we are to be taken seriously and if we are to remain credible.

More later! Movie time!

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1525219' date='May 11 2008, 06:38 PM']He would also argue against your very correct belief that homosexuality is immoral. And most likely so would his sources.[/quote]

Reputable scientific sources never argue morality.

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[quote name='Alycin' post='1524076' date='May 10 2008, 03:12 PM']Every time a Christian compares a gay person to a pedophile, we do ourselves an incredible disservice. While yes, both these things are sexual disorders, so to speak, a pedophile who acts on his passions always, 100% of the time, takes advantage of an unwilling, non consenting, innocent child who is the victim of a terrible, terrible crime. Two gay people in a consensual relationship... you CANNOT compare the two.[/quote]
:yes: :cool!:

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[quote name='Alycin' post='1525187' date='May 11 2008, 03:53 PM']. . . which were not biased sources . . .[/quote]
All sources have a bias, i.e., a subjective viewpoint, and I am wary of anyone who claims objectivity.

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I'm going to come into the argument again.

Most, if not all Luciferians, not the standard Satanist - who are just atheists who want to rebel against God, practice Sodomy with members of the same sex. It is a matter of pride for them, as they love Lucifer, and think he was good because he gave us knowledge between good and evil. With that being said, if most Luciferians are in open rebellion against God in this area of life, they will destroy Children because THEY hate (don't hate, appreciate) GOD!

That is why Homosexuals will account for the most pedophiles, as most, if not all, Pedophiles will be Luciferians who will also practice Homosexuality!

I know enough about that evil twisted world to know this is not just an opinion, but a matter of fact!

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I would point out that I believe and I think those that argue as I, that there is a link between homosexuality and pedophilia, is much like the link between Marijuana users and harder drugs. Marijuana is a gateway drug, but this does not mean necessarily that a marijuana user will ever do anything more than that.

But the more marijuana use is accepted in todays culture the more this link is denied. This same type denial is used in denying the link between homosexuality and pedophilia. Again because homosexuality has become so accepted in our culture today.

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[quote name='Alycin' post='1525227' date='May 11 2008, 05:45 PM']Reputable scientific sources never argue morality.[/quote]

To put it another way they would object to or reject the natural law which condemns homosexuality.

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I think the main link may be in a disordered society. When we leave God out of the equation, and go strictly on our own wills, there are no longer the boundaries of right and wrong. It is a short hop after that from one immorality to another.

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