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Being Anti-gay Marriage = Against Minority Rights?

Paladin D

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Another link would be many of the male children who are abused sexually, grow up with same sex attraction.

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a lot of the pedophiles attacking boys, do it mainly because it may be somehow more torturous for the victim, boys are less likely to admit it and accuse the offender. dont mistake it for their actual preference

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1524093' date='May 10 2008, 01:43 PM']There is a great link between the two. Homosexual men account for less than three percent of the US male population. However, homosexual men commit one third or more of pedophiliac acts on children.[/quote]

There is a reason for that. Most practicing Luciferians are Homosexuals by choice, as an act of rebellion against God. With that attitude, they also love abusing children, as children are precious in the eyes of God. Its the nature of evil. If you will be willing to rebel against God like your father the devil in one way, it leads to other things!

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1524097' date='May 10 2008, 02:02 PM']a lot of the pedophiles attacking boys, do it mainly because it may be somehow more torturous for the victim, boys are less likely to admit it and accuse the offender. dont mistake it for their actual preference[/quote]

I do not a man who is sexual attracted to young boys is by definition a homosexual pedophile.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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Prose-There was a minister up before the Human Rights Commission for speaking out against gay marriage. There was also a candidate for MLA in Calgary who wasn't allowed his nomination by the PC's because of an old article he wrote. Two complaints have been filed with the Human Rights Commission against Bishop Henry about his pastoral letter against gay marriage.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1524102' date='May 10 2008, 01:05 PM']I do not a man who is sexual attracted to young boys is by definition a homosexual pedophile.[/quote]

its really more a case of being attracted to children in general, and simple opportunism.

still, it would be a crime to compare the two, especially given by such flimsy statistics. how much cases are simply unreported to save face? also, saying that many pedophiles like boys, does not mean homosexuals are more likely to abuse children. toads are amphibians, not all amphibians are toads. large portion of prison population is made of the minorities, doesnt mean that the colour of you skin makes you more likely to be a criminal(bad metaphors but whatever).

quite apart from that, do have any idea how concieted you(in general, not any specific person here) look when you make statements like that? you just come across as a bigoted, intolerant and uninformed person. and who would take a person like that seriously?

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1524369' date='May 10 2008, 09:17 PM']its really more a case of being attracted to children in general, and simple opportunism.

still, it would be a crime to compare the two, especially given by such flimsy statistics. how much cases are simply unreported to save face? also, saying that many pedophiles like boys, does not mean homosexuals are more likely to abuse children. toads are amphibians, not all amphibians are toads. large portion of prison population is made of the minorities, doesnt mean that the colour of you skin makes you more likely to be a criminal(bad metaphors but whatever).

quite apart from that, do have any idea how concieted you(in general, not any specific person here) look when you make statements like that? you just come across as a bigoted, intolerant and uninformed person. and who would take a person like that seriously?[/quote]
Which part was bigoted, intolerant or uniformed?

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1523903' date='May 10 2008, 11:35 AM']It is considered a violation up here to talk out against gay marriage. It's considered hate (don't hate, appreciate) (don't hate (don't hate, appreciate), appreciate) speech. I think about the only non-morality/sin argument that you can make is that legal, civil marriage was originally meant to avoid issues related to illegitimacy of children, and inheritance. Since illegitimate children are not a concern of homosexuals, it isn't the same as an inter-racial marriage argument.[/quote]
It is so sad you live in such a totalitarian state, that free speech no longer exists.

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Wait wait wait.

I'm confused.

Did you say that 1/3 of pedos are homosexual adult males who commit their crimes against ONLY male children? If that's the case, then what's the rest of the breakdown? Because if it's that the other 2/3 are straight adult males who commit their crimes indiscriminately, then that statistic does nothing for your argument.

If you don't want to repost the info here you can just link me to the source you got it from. :)

As a side note, I have heard (though I would need to be fact-checked on this one) that with a LOT of acts that appear to be literal pedophilia, it's really about power, and not about sex, in the same way that rape is more often about power, than pleasure.

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[quote name='Alycin' post='1524076' date='May 10 2008, 02:12 PM']Every time a Christian compares a gay person to a pedophile, we do ourselves an incredible disservice. While yes, both these things are sexual disorders, so to speak, a pedophile who acts on his passions always, 100% of the time, takes advantage of an unwilling, non consenting, innocent child who is the victim of a terrible, terrible crime. Two gay people in a consensual relationship... you CANNOT compare the two.[/quote]

Irrelevant. Consent is not an excuse for perversion. Besides, what about all those teenage girls - some as young as 14 - who get knocked up by adult men - supposedly "consensually"? Should we legalize that?

Edited by Norseman82
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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1524375' date='May 10 2008, 08:23 PM']It is so sad you live in such a totalitarian state, that free speech no longer exists.[/quote]

Agreed. :ohno:

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The whole Pedophile thing can be pretty much summed up in one way. Anybody who would do that against a Child is in open rebellion against God, because God values Children. Wether it is an uncle and his Niece, or Mr Smith up the street with Tommy.

The first question in my mind would be, how long have they been practicing occultism. I consider any person who would harm a child a Satanist from the moment I heard. Nobody, ever, should touch children in that way. It is wrong and Satanic, and just plain evil. The fact such monsters are out there is the damage done during the first sin!

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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1524383' date='May 10 2008, 08:28 PM']Irrelevant. Consent is not an excuse for perversion. Besides, what about all those teenage girls - some as young as 14 - who get knocked up by adult men - "consentually". Should we legalize that?[/quote]

I think you may have missed my point entirely. I was in no way stating that consent make something moral. I was saying that comparing a crime where there is a completely innocent, unwilling victim to the poor choices of two people is a terrible "tactic" often used by Christians that makes us lose credibility.

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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1524383' date='May 10 2008, 08:28 PM']Irrelevant. Consent is not an excuse for perversion. Besides, what about all those teenage girls - some as young as 14 - who get knocked up by adult men - supposedly "consensually"? Should we legalize that?[/quote]

There is a reason that we have laws that say people under the age of 18 cannot consent to sex, or sexual acts in general. And I have no idea where you would think I would be for the legalization of something like that... again, I think you misread my post in a way where I wonder if you didn't make things up completely in your head. lol.

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[quote name='Alycin' post='1524391' date='May 10 2008, 07:33 PM']There is a reason that we have laws that say people under the age of 18 cannot consent to sex, or sexual acts in general. And I have no idea where you would think I would be for the legalization of something like that... again, I think you misread my post in a way where I wonder if you didn't make things up completely in your head. lol.[/quote]

Crazy thing, Alycin, its legal in Canada! I don't approve of that, as it would be totally gross for me, a 34 year old to have sex with someone 20 years younger than me because of consent!

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