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The Cafeteria Is Closed Blog

Lil Red

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Okay his return post from Europe is turning me, making it seem as if the EU and the 'peace' it brings is greater then the nationalism Europe is characteristic for. Ironic in that i'm an Irish Nationalist AND becuase he seems Blind to the evils of the EU, pressurizing the mostly Catholic States of Poland, Malta and another one, can't remember, to legalise abortion, campaigining here in Ireland to make the elctorate think the Irish Veto, (No Vote), to the Lisbon Treaty actually means anything at all. Oh yes, the EU is a good thing.

But his veiw of the political situation in Europe, however schewed, is not what bothers me.

It seems to me as if he prefers peace over all things, if that means sacrificing Nationalism, (which he's blasting as an evil outright), then so be it. I guess patriotism is only applicable to Americans for him. Personally I'd rather Justice to Peace, which, if what God says to St.Faustina in her journals is true, is what God favours to. "My Mercy does not want this, but Justice demands it" (In reference to the Holy Souls in Purgetory) Altough i'm far from a theological expert, I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong here.

I'm still willing to give him the benifit of the doubt, i'ma keep reading his blog, see if he changes any more or less.

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[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1523257' date='May 9 2008, 12:14 PM']This is what he said regarding the sex-change for kids comment:
[i]"Gender identity disorder is real - it usually starts before school age. While the operation and the entire process is easier before puberty, it'd seem wiser to let the person make the decision as an adult. Of course, parents have the right to decide on medical treatment - within limits."[/i]

Of course I do not agree with him, I'm far too right wing to be considered a libertarian, but he did not say that the prepubescent Sex Change was morally licit, this is a fallacy, he was making a generally statment that [b]Parents[/b] have the right to make decisions for their kids medically speaking, within limits.[/quote]
I looked that up, and he seems to be talking about this particular "sex change" business. A lot of people were blasting him for this and arguing in the "comments' section, but rather than clarify in the midst of this fury, Gerald's only response was, "All gay all the time," followed by a smiley face, as if to mock the opposition.

[quote]"I took the Cafeteria tag out of my logo, btw, so spare me the umpteenth dig re: that. When I put it up, I a) meant it as a bon mot and b) had no idea that bishops would, eg, actively campaign against civil unions for homosexuals. Since I came out in favor of that and defended gay adoption (based on my wife’s prior work in the field and from the example of friends), too, my position as a 'Cafeteria Catholic' is firmly established and need not be brought up at every turn, as if it were a new insight. I freely admit it. The far-right and whatever you could be described as are correct in saying so."[/quote]

Oh, "The Cafeteria is Closed" guy had [i][b]no idea[/b][/i] the Catholic Church would take a stance in accord with Catholic moral teaching! :rolleyes:
Who woulda thunk it??
(Guess he was hoping the cafeteria would stay open after all.)

This dude's blog should be closed, and he should get a job.

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That's pretty hilarious. Now he can related a bit to how all those "other Catholics" felt when he pointed out their selective tastes in theology and morality.

Of course, hopefully he'll eventually recognize his error and repent, but that'll likely take a lot of time. While I personally think his pride was blinding, opening him up to this happening in the first place, he serves to remind us that we must all continually re-embrace the cross and decrease ourselves so that Christ my increase. The first step towards becoming a regular at Rome's Golden Corral can be a small as allowing yourself a couple more months between Confessions or neglecting time in prayer and Scripture.

The odd thing about Gerald's sudden departure to Cafeterianism is it's not like the bishops came out with any new teaching. They've only repeated exactly what the Church has always taught.

Edited by LouisvilleFan
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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1526547' date='May 12 2008, 08:33 PM']That's pretty hilarious. Now he can related a bit to how all those "other Catholics" felt when he pointed out their selective tastes in theology and morality.

Of course, hopefully he'll eventually recognize his error and repent, but that'll likely take a lot of time. While I personally think his pride was blinding, opening him up to this happening in the first place, he serves to remind us that we must all continually re-embrace the cross and decrease ourselves so that Christ my increase. The first step towards becoming a regular at Rome's Golden Corral can be a small as allowing yourself a couple more months between Confessions or neglecting time in prayer and Scripture.

The odd thing about Gerald's sudden departure to Cafeterianism is it's not like the bishops came out with any new teaching. They've only repeated exactly what the Church has always taught.[/quote]
agreed. which reminds me that i need to go to Confession soon. :)

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1526054' date='May 12 2008, 04:47 PM']So we're all "Closed Cafeteria Catholics" til Our Lady of the Hairnet throws something on our plate that we don't like?[/quote]

I totally got that!

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Socrates' post='1526482' date='May 12 2008, 09:04 PM']This dude's blog should be closed, and he should get a job.[/quote]


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