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My Problem With Walt Disney

Malachi Crunch

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[quote name='picchick' post='1519960' date='May 5 2008, 08:43 PM']I am not denying that there are some good messages in Disney movies. I am a fan of Snow White. I still dream that "someday my prince will come". I like Peter Pan and the idea of never growing up. I like Beauty and the Beast and still imagine I am Belle. I loved the idea of magic and a fairy godmother. Heck, I grew up on it. But you must admit that Disney now was not what Disney was.

However, I have seen Little Mermaid and it does have it in there. I didn't even realize that it was until someone mentioned it to me. Then when I actually paid attention...there it was. I will admit I am still skeptical of the Lion King thing. BUT I DID SEE THE LITTLE MERMAID ONE

Disney was also the one who owns ABC which aired the show "Nothing Sacred".

Religion aside, Disney does support Planned Parenthood. I am not saying that they need to discriminate against gays but they support it openly by having days dedicated to it. Look, I don't care if a gay couple goes. Cool with me except for the part that they are sponsoring a PP sponsoring company.[/quote]

Meg, stick to your guns on this one.

I hate (don't hate, appreciate) to say this to everybody going, oh come on. . .

Jesus said not to be leavened by the leaven of the Pharasies, a bunch of self-righteous bigots. If you think that because 'good' triumphs over 'evil' in Disney films makes it okay to watch a movie that is filled with witchcraft, occultism and demonology, you will have to discuss that with David my father.

He said, I will set [b]no[/b] evil thing before my eyes! Supporting Disney is just plain wrong. Disney supports planned parenthood because its evil. They're movies are evil to the core, and should be avoided. Witchcraft, Telepathy, magic, all powerful Genies. . .

Think of that, Alladin, with the All Powerful Genie. Xaltar (Is that the name) wish! I want to be an all powerful Genie! Since when was something other than God all powerful?

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[quote name='picchick' post='1519960' date='May 5 2008, 09:43 PM']However, I have seen Little Mermaid and it does have it in there. I didn't even realize that it was until someone mentioned it to me. Then when I actually paid attention...there it was.[/quote]

It's obviously his knee in the movie, not an erection.

[quote]Religion aside, Disney does support Planned Parenthood. I am not saying that they need to discriminate against gays but they support it openly by having days dedicated to it. Look, I don't care if a gay couple goes. Cool with me except for the part that they are sponsoring a PP sponsoring company.[/quote]

That's unfortunate, but working for Disney is a serious consideration for me and if I am hired, it will be a huge first step for me in my new career. In this sort of situation I cannot simply abandon my plans because of companies they sponsor.

I also use Adobe software in this field of work, and I also have Bank of America bank account. I'm not going to switch software or banks because they support Planned Parenthood. It's just not going to happen.

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On the matter of software and stuff.

If everybody stopped using every single piece of software who supports planned parenthood stopped using that software, none of us would be here, because Bill Gates donated 100 million dollars to planned parenthood. So, I shake my head to you for saying that.

On the matters of Jobs. Heck, my last two jobs have been the forefront of what is ailing in the world. I was once an operator who connected loved ones with their family and friends in a correctional facilities, and now, I am collecting on the debts our current economic system in the world has created.

If you didn't work for all the corporations that supported this current world system, you wouldn't work. No guff. But what you can do is make stands against it. I don't like collecting debts on people who are in debt because of the system, but if I can give them breaks, and offer settlements, then I am. My way of giving the Rothschilds the finger in the material world. . .

Think about how Communism came about in Russia. The proponents of Communism were placed in places of influence in all levels of society, and they shaped the nation. Lets take note of that, and start shaping by getting into places of influence!

Edited by JesusIsMySuperHero
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[quote name='Cure of Ars' post='1520055' date='May 5 2008, 11:29 PM']Looks like a knee to me too.[/quote]

Ditto. Stoners and burnouts point this stuff out, put it on the internet and make something out of nothing. Then we assume it's true...

Not dissin' anyone on this board...just dissin' the origin of these rumors.

Edited by kujo
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Fine, I stand corrected again. Sorry everyone

[quote name='Kitty' post='1519980' date='May 5 2008, 09:56 PM']It's obviously his knee in the movie, not an erection.

That's unfortunate, but working for Disney is a serious consideration for me and if I am hired, it will be a huge first step for me in my new career. In this sort of situation I cannot simply abandon my plans because of companies they sponsor.

I also use Adobe software in this field of work, and I also have Bank of America bank account. I'm not going to switch software or banks because they support Planned Parenthood. It's just not going to happen.[/quote]
I am not calling anyone to join me on the boat to boycott Disney or anyone else. I have Adobe programs too. I didn't realize that they supported PP though before I bought them. Boycotting is not for everyone. I encourage people to but I am not going to hate (don't hate, appreciate) anyone or thing ill of everyone because they don't. That is just not me.

I encourage it of course. But I like I said, it is not for everyone.

You do what you can.

Planned Parenthood is a very very evil organization. I will do everything I can to not support it. Disney supports it. Therefore I do not support Disney.

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[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1519977' date='May 5 2008, 09:53 PM']Meg, stick to your guns on this one.

I hate (don't hate, appreciate) (don't hate (don't hate, appreciate), appreciate) to say this to everybody going, oh come on. . .

Jesus said not to be leavened by the leaven of the Pharasies, a bunch of self-righteous bigots. If you think that because 'good' triumphs over 'evil' in Disney films makes it okay to watch a movie that is filled with witchcraft, occultism and demonology, you will have to discuss that with David my father.

He said, I will set [b]no[/b] evil thing before my eyes! Supporting Disney is just plain wrong. Disney supports planned parenthood because its evil. They're movies are evil to the core, and should be avoided. Witchcraft, Telepathy, magic, all powerful Genies. . .

Think of that, Alladin, with the All Powerful Genie. Xaltar (Is that the name) wish! I want to be an all powerful Genie! Since when was something other than God all powerful?[/quote]

Please stop telling me what to do. I know you are trying to be helpful but please stop. As far as Aladin goes, it is based off a story. Most of Disney's movies are based off of fairy tales by classic authors. Snow White? Cinderella? Are you going to say that we do not read them?

I do not believe that they are evil to the core. After being corrected on the rumors in the movies, all I can say in not liking Disney is the fact that they support PP.

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Where Disney Puts It's Pixie Money

Quite a few anti-catholic moves by Disney. Read up.


Edited by KnightofChrist
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[quote name='picchick' post='1520183' date='May 5 2008, 11:53 PM']Please stop telling me what to do. I know you are trying to be helpful but please stop. As far as Aladin goes, it is based off a story. Most of Disney's movies are based off of fairy tales by classic authors. Snow White? Cinderella? Are you going to say that we do not read them?

I do not believe that they are evil to the core. After being corrected on the rumors in the movies, all I can say in not liking Disney is the fact that they support PP.[/quote]
And that in and of itself is not a bad reason to not support it. For one thing, when they are supposed to be this great family-friendly entity, it's sort of sinister (And dumb, when you think about it, since they're killing off their own audience...).

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let me add too that it does sadden me that Disney has made the move to support planned parenthood. Like I said before. I always like to dream I was a "Disney Princess" like Belle and Cinderella and so forth. I don't want you all to think my heart is like stone or whatev.

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[quote name='kujo' post='1520154' date='May 5 2008, 10:21 PM']Ditto. Stoners and burnouts point this stuff out, put it on the internet and make something out of nothing. Then we assume it's true...

Not dissin' anyone on this board...just dissin' the origin of these rumors.[/quote]

The Rescuers did show a quick pornographic image of a naked woman. After that its kind of difficult to trust completely its just stoners... but yeah...

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[b]Priest[/b], another Miramax release (which was owned by Disney), depicts five Catholic priests as perverts and blames their perversion on Church teachings. One priest is homosexual-as-pervert; a second an adulterer; a third an alcoholic; a fourth demented; and the fifth just plain mean and vicious.

[b]Bands signed by Disney owned and funded Hollywood Records include(d):[/b]

Human Waste Product - who sing about sex with the Virgin Mary while calling Her a "wh**".


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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1520197' date='May 6 2008, 01:26 AM']The Rescuers did show a quick pornographic image of a naked woman. After that its kind of difficult to trust completely its just stoners... but yeah...[/quote]

Don't remember this....


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Well I don't actually remember it either. But it is true.... Disney had to recall the VHS release.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1520204' date='May 6 2008, 01:49 AM']Well I don't actually remember it either. But it is true.... Disney had to recall the VHS release.[/quote]

Didn't know that. I love the Rescuers....I still hang the ornaments of Bernard and Miss Bianca on my Christmas tree each year! They're moldy as heck, but they are classics.

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