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My Problem With Walt Disney

Malachi Crunch

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<_< No and I really gets me upset.

It is a company that puts it out...Life Decisions International (LDI)

[url="http://www.fightpp.org/"]LDI Link Here[/url]

They put together a booklet but you must purchase it. They pretty much ask the companies their stance and then they go from there. Many companies have stopped their funding because of this boycott so it does work. However, some people cannot do it for various reasons. It is hard especially when it is the "style" do see a movie or whatever. But I hate (don't hate, appreciate) (AND NEVER APPRECIATE) PP and will do everything to stop them. They pull the wool over so many people's eyes and it must stop. I know that I am so little compared the greater good but I just think that so many little things make up a bigger picture and with out that little piece, the bigger picture would be destroyed. So pretty much what I am saying in a non-artsy way is that I am trying to ruin a big organization.

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fides quarens intellectum

[quote name='picchick' post='1519728' date='May 5 2008, 05:15 PM']<_< No and I really gets me upset.

It is a company that puts it out...Life Decisions International (LDI)

[url="http://www.fightpp.org/"]LDI Link Here[/url]

They put together a booklet but you must purchase it. They pretty much ask the companies their stance and then they go from there. Many companies have stopped their funding because of this boycott so it does work. However, some people cannot do it for various reasons. It is hard especially when it is the "style" do see a movie or whatever. But I hate (don't hate, appreciate) (don't hate (don't hate, appreciate), appreciate) (AND NEVER APPRECIATE) PP and will do everything to stop them. They pull the wool over so many people's eyes and it must stop. I know that I am so little compared the greater good but I just think that so many little things make up a bigger picture and with out that little piece, the bigger picture would be destroyed. So pretty much what I am saying in a non-artsy way is that I am trying to ruin a big organization.


Thanks for the link; don't have the money right now, but i will try to purchase it soon.

Thanks for being such a good example to the rest of us!

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[quote name='fides quarens intellectum' post='1519734' date='May 5 2008, 06:17 PM']Thanks for the link; don't have the money right now, but i will try to purchase it soon.

Thanks for being such a good example to the rest of us![/quote]

If you need to know anything about a company let me know. :) I will try to tell you in the meantime. I know that not everybody can boycott and it is pretty much impossible to boycott everyone. It really is. But if everyone tries their best (even if it is just one company) it would make a huge difference!

Edited by picchick
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fides quarens intellectum

[quote name='Malachi Crunch' post='1519727' date='May 5 2008, 05:12 PM']I fear the original point of this thread has been sidetracked a little... but it's all good nonetheless. Really - I had no idea about Ebay and the like.

The point being is that the Disney product, not who they support or what companies they give money too, offers a seemingly harmless message that is entirely devoid of anything holy or of substance that is taught in the Bible. It makes up it's own message so people can dream up anything they want, and it's okay because Disney said so. An entirely secular approach to life.

I believe this so much that I place Walt Disney in my "5 Most Morally Destructive People of the 20th Century" list. Elvis, Hugh Hefner, Timothy Leary and Betty Friedan make up the rest (this list has some explaining to do, so no need to jump on it yet. Will post later).

Has anyone felt the same way?[/quote]

yes, but i think Picchick pretty much summed it all up for us. Sorry!

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[quote name='picchick' post='1519668' date='May 5 2008, 06:11 PM']They do support PP. They also support the gay movement. They are not inline with family values.[/quote]

I have a friend that's in Youth Ministry that found out the gay support the hard way. He was so proud when he could finally afford to take his kids to Disney...and on his first day there it was a Gay Pride Day or something? He said that they wouldn't give him his money back, that if he didn't want his kids to see gay couples making out then he should've come another time.

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[quote name='Malachi Crunch' post='1519727' date='May 5 2008, 06:12 PM']I fear the original point of this thread has been sidetracked a little... but it's all good nonetheless. Really - I had no idea about Ebay and the like.

The point being is that the Disney product, not who they support or what companies they give money too, offers a seemingly harmless message that is entirely devoid of anything holy or of substance that is taught in the Bible. It makes up it's own message so people can dream up anything they want, and it's okay because Disney said so. An entirely secular approach to life.

I believe this so much that I place Walt Disney in my "5 Most Morally Destructive People of the 20th Century" list. Elvis, Hugh Hefner, Timothy Leary and Betty Friedan make up the rest (this list has some explaining to do, so no need to jump on it yet. Will post later).

Has anyone felt the same way?[/quote]

Yes totally...they take all that is innocent and make it icky (in so many immature words :P) Just take for example, The Lion King and The Little Mermain.

The Lion King, after Pumba and Timon and Simba are looking at the stars, Simba goes and throws himself on the grass...the flowers that get thrown up spell "SEX"

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jbHw_vG37Y"]Video link[/url]

In the Little Mermaid, the priest at the end...well to put it bluntly...he has an erection.

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InFLnzeQjWw"]Video Link[/url]

Not exactly so innocent, I'd say.

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[quote name='Malachi Crunch' post='1519727' date='May 5 2008, 07:12 PM']I believe this so much that I place Walt Disney in my "5 Most Morally Destructive People of the 20th Century" list. Elvis, Hugh Hefner, Timothy Leary and Betty Friedan make up the rest (this list has some explaining to do, so no need to jump on it yet. Will post later).[/quote]

I am speechless. Elvis, Walt Disney and [i]Hugh Hefner?[/i] REALLY??!?!?!??!

[quote name='BG45' post='1519740' date='May 5 2008, 07:20 PM']I have a friend that's in Youth Ministry that found out the gay support the hard way. He was so proud when he could finally afford to take his kids to Disney...and on his first day there it was a Gay Pride Day or something? He said that they wouldn't give him his money back, that if he didn't want his kids to see gay couples making out then he should've come another time.[/quote]

They also host Night of Joy, an annual Christian music event.

[quote name='picchick' post='1519745' date='May 5 2008, 07:25 PM']Yes totally...they take all that is innocent and make it icky (in so many immature words :P) Just take for example, The Lion King and The Little Mermain.

The Lion King, after Pumba and Timon and Simba are looking at the stars, Simba goes and throws himself on the grass...the flowers that get thrown up spell "SEX"

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jbHw_vG37Y"]Video link[/url]

In the Little Mermaid, the priest at the end...well to put it bluntly...he has an erection.

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InFLnzeQjWw"]Video Link[/url]

Not exactly so innocent, I'd say.[/quote]

I know! And Toy Story too:

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL_Eblg45Ew&feature=related"]Video Link[/url]

Edited by kujo
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[quote name='kujo' post='1519777' date='May 5 2008, 06:57 PM']I am speechless. Elvis, Walt Disney and [i]Hugh Hefner?[/i] REALLY??!?!?!??!

They also host Night of Joy, an annual Christian music event.

I know! And Toy Story too:

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL_Eblg45Ew&feature=related"]Video Link[/url][/quote]

<_< and thank you for scaring the heck out of me....

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[quote name='picchick' post='1519791' date='May 5 2008, 08:19 PM']<_< and thank you for scaring the heck out of me....[/quote]


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[quote name='picchick' post='1519745' date='May 5 2008, 06:25 PM']The Lion King, after Pumba and Timon and Simba are looking at the stars, Simba goes and throws himself on the grass...the flowers that get thrown up spell "SEX"

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jbHw_vG37Y"]Video link[/url]

In the Little Mermaid, the priest at the end...well to put it bluntly...he has an erection.

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InFLnzeQjWw"]Video Link[/url]

Not exactly so innocent, I'd say.[/quote]

Um, do you even check Snopes.com to see if these urban legends are even true?


Anyway, I don't see what's wrong with Disney movies. They were a big part of my childhood and I turned out fine. My family is very Catholic and they don't have a problem with them. They involve imagination in most of them because, well, the world would be as boring as cr.ap if we didn't have it. So what if a lot of their movies involve so called "magic"? Do you honestly think that will want to make kids go out and join the occult?

As for the "Gay Pride Parade" thing, there are unofficial "gay days" where large groups of gay people agree to go to Disneyland on a certain day. I don't think this is a Disney-sponsered event. There's a Goth day, too. And besides, if Disney said "no gay couples allowed", that would be discrimination against their sexual orientation.

I plan on working for Disney after I finish school. I've already been involved in video conferences with their production managers, directors and VPs, and I think they are a fantastic company and offer a lot of different job opportunities for technicians like myself.

[quote]However, keep in mind that (IMO) 100% of the Disney message is completely out of the context of God and can consequently lead to selfishness, detachment from reality, greed, moral confusion and most importantly a subtle but steady distancing from God.[/quote]

This has to be one of the silliest things I have ever heard. Give me one example where the Disney message is "out of the context of God."

One of [i]Pinocchio's[/i] messages is that you shouldn't lie and you shouldn't get involved in drinking or smoking. That scene where everyone is smoking cigars and drinking beer and they suddenly turn into donkeys is scary. I don't see how that goes against God's laws or something.

And how about [i]Beauty and the Beast?[/i] That film features Belle loving someone who isn't attractive at all. Isn't focusing on someone's heart and not their looks a good thing?

Most of the Disney movies portray murder as bad, show characters dealing with mourning, and have innocent love stories. How is this bad?

Does EVERYTHING in this world have to contain some sort of religious material?? Geez! <_<

Edited by Kitty
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[quote name='picchick' post='1519691' date='May 5 2008, 04:39 PM']I'm sorry....:( I did not mean to ruin the debate. I was just adding my two cents...:(

And yes...I do as much as I am able.

PP is one of the worst out there. I do not shop on Ebay. I do not use Paypal. I do not see Disney movies, go into the disney store. I have stopped buying Nike brand items. I have stopped eating at Cold Stone (my body has thanked me for that one)

I will admit it is hard. But after learning as much as I have about PP I will do my best to undermind it.[/quote]

That's all God asks us to do. Stand. Keep on living up to your convictions sister.

On the whole Disney note. I've not been a big fan since I have learned that his family has ties to. . . Guess who people . . . The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. I think there has been some intermarrying stuff, but can you see something. Here's Disney, such a innocent family loving guy making movies with occult overtonnes, and friends with people who are controlling our economies right now, an economic system I believe is filthy, satanic, and evil!

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[quote name='Kitty' post='1519928' date='May 5 2008, 08:39 PM']Um, do you even check Snopes.com to see if these urban legends are even true?


Anyway, I don't see what's wrong with Disney movies. They were a big part of my childhood and I turned out fine. My family is very Catholic and they don't have a problem with them. They involve imagination in most of them because, well, the world would be as boring as cr.ap if we didn't have it. So what if a lot of their movies involve so called "magic"? Do you honestly think that will want to make kids go out and join the occult?

As for the "Gay Pride Parade" thing, there are unofficial "gay days" where large groups of gay people agree to go to Disneyland on a certain day. I don't think this is a Disney-sponsered event. There's a Goth day, too. And besides, if Disney said "no gay couples allowed", that would be discrimination against their sexual orientation.

I plan on working for Disney after I finish school. I've already been involved in video conferences with their production managers, directors and VPs, and I think they are a fantastic company and offer a lot of different job opportunities for technicians like myself.

This has to be one of the silliest things I have ever heard. Give me one example where the Disney message is "out of the context of God."

One of [i]Pinocchio's[/i] messages is that you shouldn't lie and you shouldn't get involved in drinking or smoking. That scene where everyone is smoking cigars and drinking beer and they suddenly turn into donkeys is scary. I don't see how that goes against God's laws or something.

And how about [i]Beauty and the Beast?[/i] That film features Belle loving someone who isn't attractive at all. Isn't focusing on someone's heart and not their looks a good thing?

Most of the Disney movies portray murder as bad, show characters dealing with mourning, and have innocent love stories. How is this bad?

Does EVERYTHING in this world have to contain some sort of religious material?? Geez! <_<[/quote]

I am not denying that there are some good messages in Disney movies. I am a fan of Snow White. I still dream that "someday my prince will come". I like Peter Pan and the idea of never growing up. I like Beauty and the Beast and still imagine I am Belle. I loved the idea of magic and a fairy godmother. Heck, I grew up on it. But you must admit that Disney now was not what Disney was.

However, I have seen Little Mermaid and it does have it in there. I didn't even realize that it was until someone mentioned it to me. Then when I actually paid attention...there it was. I will admit I am still skeptical of the Lion King thing. BUT I DID SEE THE LITTLE MERMAID ONE

Disney was also the one who owns ABC which aired the show "Nothing Sacred".

Religion aside, Disney does support Planned Parenthood. I am not saying that they need to discriminate against gays but they support it openly by having days dedicated to it. Look, I don't care if a gay couple goes. Cool with me except for the part that they are sponsoring a PP sponsoring company.

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Disney does not in any way sponsor "gay days." I work with this company a lot and can tell you this with 100% certainty.

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