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My Problem With Walt Disney

Malachi Crunch

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Malachi Crunch

For most of my life I have viewed Walt Disney as a benevolant visionary and the ultimate family advocate. His creations, his business savvy, his vision, his style... all reflections of his sheer genius. I got a warm fuzzy feeling when I thought of him.

Then I started thinking about his product a bit more critically. He has been described as anywhere between a non-thiest to a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeMolay_International"]DeMaloy[/url] member who vaguely recognizes diety as a reality. In his adult life, no religion could be associated with Walt. His funeral was a closed cermony devoid of any religious undertones. I move on...

I think Walt's vision, being extremely marketable to the masses, can be summed up by a charming but tiny cricket named Jiminy (whose very name is a "polite explicitive euphamism for Jesus Christ" [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiminy_Cricket"]en.Wikipedia[/url]):
"When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Eveything your heart desires
Will come to you"

So what's the big deal? It's just a song. Right? As Disney's influence slowly crept into our society, from the 1930's and 40's, and again from the 1980's thru today, their empire and message gains presence often without thought or notice. The messages they send in their movies are generally never religious, in fact I can't think of one movie that has religion as a back drop. It's always magic, magic magic. Imagination, imagination, imagination. There's little reality in the movies and themes they've created. Total escapism. It's near pagan if you've stopped and pondered it. Witches, dragons, anthropomorphic animals, trees, cars, dolls... an over active devotion to princesses, elves, and so forth. Where does magic get you? Where does imagination without religion get you? A job at Disney?

Okay - it's entertainment... bid deal. We all need it. But shouldn't entertainment be scutinized a little bit? Perhaps it ought to be scrutinized more than anything else, and I'll tell you why. It's while we are watching "entertainment" that our guard is down the most. We are the most relaxed and willing "to let things slide". I'm not certain Disney had a moral agenda when he started his empire, but willingly or not, his message and legacy has been passed down as one of total corporate conglomeration and monooploy, but more importantly, a relativistic wonderland of people "dreaming of anything you want" all the while never questioning the result or consequence. The Disey empire is idoled by millions of families as the ultimate form of entertainment.

I suspect most pop culture savvy people can distinguish from reality and know Disney films are mostly harlmess in and of themselves. However, keep in mind that (IMO) 100% of the Disney message is completely out of the context of God and can consequently lead to selfishness, detachment from reality, greed, moral confusion and most importantly a subtle but steady distancing from God. So next time you see a Disney movie with your kids, be a bit more critical of the what you're watching and have a discussion with your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend to see how un-Godly Disney movies and product are.

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fides quarens intellectum

Plus, i think they are a Planned Parenthood supporter (and consequently on some Christian Pro-Life boycott lists).

Also, where are the positive father figures in Disney films?

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Malachi Crunch

[quote name='fides quarens intellectum' post='1519635' date='May 5 2008, 04:52 PM']Plus, i think they are a Planned Parenthood supporter (and consequently on some Christian Pro-Life boycott lists).

Also, where are the positive father figures in Disney films?[/quote]

Excellent point. The Disney fathers are either just straight of of fiction and would never exist, or are too cookey and wacky to get anything of substance from.

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fides quarens intellectum

[quote name='Malachi Crunch' post='1519655' date='May 5 2008, 04:04 PM']Excellent point. The Disney fathers are either just straight of of fiction and would never exist, or are too cookey and wacky to get anything of substance from.[/quote]

Yeah, that's if they are present at all.

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They do support PP. They also support the gay movement. They are not inline with family values.

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fides quarens intellectum

[quote name='picchick' post='1519668' date='May 5 2008, 04:11 PM']They do support PP. They also support the gay movement. They are not inline with family values.[/quote]

There we go. Don't see much of a debate after this.

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I'm sorry....:( I did not mean to ruin the debate. I was just adding my two cents...:(

And yes...I do as much as I am able.

PP is one of the worst out there. I do not shop on Ebay. I do not use Paypal. I do not see Disney movies, go into the disney store. I have stopped buying Nike brand items. I have stopped eating at Cold Stone (my body has thanked me for that one)

I will admit it is hard. But after learning as much as I have about PP I will do my best to undermind it.

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I wonder if Victoria's Secret is on the boycott list? Even if they don't support Planned Parenthood, they still cause a lot of harm due to their advertisements. <_<

Edited by XIX
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[quote name='XIX' post='1519692' date='May 5 2008, 05:44 PM']I wonder if Victoria's Secret is on the boycott list? Even if they don't support Planned Parenthood, they still cause a lot of harm due to their advertisements. <_<[/quote]
Do you want me to check? :) I don't shop there so I never bothered to look.

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fides quarens intellectum

[quote name='picchick' post='1519694' date='May 5 2008, 04:47 PM']Do you want me to check? :) I don't shop there so I never bothered to look.[/quote]

Do you have like a list or something?

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Plus all the very adult garbage that makes it into their movies, its subliminal.

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[quote name='fides quarens intellectum' post='1519710' date='May 5 2008, 05:59 PM']Do you have like a list or something?[/quote]

Yes :)

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fides quarens intellectum

[quote name='picchick' post='1519720' date='May 5 2008, 05:05 PM']Yes :)[/quote]

How could i go about getting such a list? Is there a link on the phorum somewhere?

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Malachi Crunch

I fear the original point of this thread has been sidetracked a little... but it's all good nonetheless. Really - I had no idea about Ebay and the like.

The point being is that the Disney product, not who they support or what companies they give money too, offers a seemingly harmless message that is entirely devoid of anything holy or of substance that is taught in the Bible. It makes up it's own message so people can dream up anything they want, and it's okay because Disney said so. An entirely secular approach to life.

I believe this so much that I place Walt Disney in my "5 Most Morally Destructive People of the 20th Century" list. Elvis, Hugh Hefner, Timothy Leary and Betty Friedan make up the rest (this list has some explaining to do, so no need to jump on it yet. Will post later).

Has anyone felt the same way?

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