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A Case For Chaos

Lil Red

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[url="http://www.creativeminorityreport.com/2008/05/case-for-chaos.html"]h/t to Creative Minority Report[/url]
so, in this blog article, he talks about the fact that in the 'olden' days, everyone went up and received whenever - there were no orderly communion lines; and that he liked that no one was watching to see if you went up, and if you needed to not receive, you didn't feel as if people were watching and judging. and that nowadays, maybe people often feel like they have to go up (even though they shouldn't) because everyone in their row is going up.

what are your two cents about this?

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Archaeology cat

Hey, I was just reading that. :) Anyway, this would be fine with me. For one, we could take turns going up so I wouldn't have to disturb Kieran if he's sleeping, since I don't leave him in his buggy in such instances. For another, I wouldn't feel like it's a mad rush to get up there, or feel pressured somehow to go if I hadn't confessed a sin. At my current parish there really is this rush to go right after the Agnus Dei. I mean, like, right after I've started kneeling almost. I didn't mind so much at my old parish, as it was quite large and so I could sit near the back and have lots o' reflection time before going up, but I don't get that here. I think it takes maybe 10-15 minutes, tops, for everyone to receive the Eucharist at my current parish. I would like it if we'd actually use the communion rails since we have them.

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I have never seen a church without ushers at Communion. Kind of ridiculous I think.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1519547' date='May 5 2008, 03:06 PM']I have never seen a church without ushers at Communion. Kind of ridiculous I think.[/quote]
That all Churches have ushers at Communion, or not having them?

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I seem to run into this a lot in Italy and at the papal masses that I have attended. My first reaction was this is crazy! I didn't like it. Then I reflected a bit and thought, wait this is how it should be. We should be eager to receive Him!

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Nobody's ever said something to me when I've abstained from Communion.

For all they know, you ate right before Mass. Makes for a convenient excuse, anyway, should anyone have the nerve to ask.

Edited by LouisvilleFan
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i've had people ask me before. :ohno: i've also had people ask why i receive on the tongue.

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[quote name='MissScripture' post='1519915' date='May 5 2008, 09:24 PM']That all Churches have ushers at Communion, or not having them?[/quote]
Its ridiculous not to have them. Communion should be an orderly dignified part of the Mass, so people going up willy-nilly seems out of the question.

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1520381' date='May 6 2008, 01:25 PM']+J.M.J.+
i've had people ask me before. :ohno: i've also had people ask why i receive on the tongue.[/quote]
ITs tempting to ask them why they went to Communion isn't it. :lol_roll: THe first question is never appropriate, the second one is a good teaching moment.

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I would be freaked out if everyone was racing up together. Personally, I don't care who sees if I do or do not take communion.

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1519411' date='May 5 2008, 11:31 AM']+J.M.J.+
[url="http://www.creativeminorityreport.com/2008/05/case-for-chaos.html"]h/t to Creative Minority Report[/url]
so, in this blog article, he talks about the fact that in the 'olden' days, everyone went up and received whenever - there were no orderly communion lines; and that he liked that no one was watching to see if you went up, and if you needed to not receive, you didn't feel as if people were watching and judging. and that nowadays, maybe people often feel like they have to go up (even though they shouldn't) because everyone in their row is going up.

what are your two cents about this?[/quote]
I lived in Ireland for four-and-a-half years. The Irish don't do lines, or queues, very well. When the bus came, it was a scrum to get on. Same thing at communion. It's a bit unseemly, IMHO, although that's probably more to do with what I'm used to than anything else. Anyhoo, I like the orderly procession technique myself: it has more dignity than the mad rush and it gives one time to reflect as one processes.

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God Conquers

I'm in full agreement with the original post. It's important not to have these crazy orderly lines to communion. We're not robots or in line at a concession stand, we are freely going to recieve Christ, we should be able to do that whenever we want during communion.

There's an Opus Dei chaplain at Simon Fraser University who makes everyone get up haphazardly in order to allow people who don't want to recieve to do so in peace and relative anonymity. He's awesome.

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[quote name='God Conquers' post='1521029' date='May 6 2008, 09:01 PM']I'm in full agreement with the original post. It's important not to have these crazy orderly lines to communion. We're not robots or in line at a concession stand, we are freely going to recieve Christ, we should be able to do that whenever we want during communion.

There's an Opus Dei chaplain at Simon Fraser University who makes everyone get up haphazardly in order to allow people who don't want to recieve to do so in peace and relative anonymity. He's awesome.[/quote]
that's cool! :)

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1520285' date='May 6 2008, 10:24 AM']Nobody's ever said something to me when I've abstained from Communion.

For all they know, you ate right before Mass. Makes for a convenient excuse, anyway, should anyone have the nerve to ask.[/quote]

Yeah, I am kind of scrupulous about trying to go to confession on Saturdays or before mass on Sundays. If I don't do that, I usually abstain from receiving.

In high school and college, I was in a choir and we'd do multiple masses a lot...so it wouldn't be a big deal if I didn't receive because people probably assumed that I had received earlier in the day.

[quote name='Lil Red' post='1520381' date='May 6 2008, 01:25 PM']+J.M.J.+
i've had people ask me before. :ohno: i've also had people ask why i receive on the tongue.[/quote]

Me too...I've been ridiculed by a non-Catholic who came with me to mass once. Needless to say, I dropped the Catholic hammer on her after mass.

[quote name='prose' post='1520443' date='May 6 2008, 02:58 PM']I would be freaked out if everyone was racing up together. Personally, I don't care who sees if I do or do not take communion.[/quote]

This whole thing reminds me of a retreat I worked on when I was a CORE Member at one of my former parishes. We were having mass on Saturday night with this visiting priest. And, at Communion, he placed the ciborium and chalice on our makeshift altar (::cough cough:: ping-pong table :blush: ) and told the teens to come and receive for themselves. Me and the YM looked at each other and our faces went ghost-white.

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1520285' date='May 6 2008, 09:24 AM']Nobody's ever said something to me when I've abstained from Communion.

For all they know, you ate right before Mass. Makes for a convenient excuse, anyway, should anyone have the nerve to ask.[/quote]
I've always wanted to tell them I just got done killing someone someone who was overly intrusive.

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