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God Question

Guest OSO

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[quote name='OSO' post='1519294' date='May 5 2008, 09:31 AM']Meg your response is also very interesting yet a few of the points need to have a little bit more light shed on them. For the aspect that God would not come to man and let man know that they were speaking to God is not looking at some of the texts that influence many around the world. For instance, the burning bush, Gods word being spread by angels, or any other example of the divine speaking with man. But however, I am still glad that you answered the question at hand.

It seems that for you if you saw God you would just know, sort of like john the Baptist recognizing Jesus as the son of God. This is a response that really leaves out any rational explanation, it’s a mere feeling and you cannot really create a point for or against. Not that this would be considered an incorrect response, but it is a feeling, and a persons feelings can be manipulated to make them believe in what ever. How can it be that this feeling alone is the deciding factor, is it a gut response? Sort of ‘I just know?’ Again this is a fine response, but it leaves out any sort of deeper understanding of God, it seems it is like ‘neh, I cannot think of some way to proving it I’m just saying I would know just because I would know.’ Yet it is not backed up by a rational explanation of what would convince you.[/quote]

Dude, that's totally OT. In the Gospels, Jesus never told them (that i can remember) who He was after He'd risen AND THEY HAD SEEN HIM BEFORE. But they still didn't know. They had a feeling. (our hearts were burning within us) and they knew Him in the breaking of the bread.

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[quote name='OSO' post='1519294' date='May 5 2008, 10:31 AM']Meg your response is also very interesting yet a few of the points need to have a little bit more light shed on them. For the aspect that God would not come to man and let man know that they were speaking to God is not looking at some of the texts that influence many around the world. For instance, the burning bush, Gods word being spread by angels, or any other example of the divine speaking with man. But however, I am still glad that you answered the question at hand.

It seems that for you if you saw God you would just know, sort of like john the Baptist recognizing Jesus as the son of God. This is a response that really leaves out any rational explanation, it's a mere feeling and you cannot really create a point for or against. Not that this would be considered an incorrect response, but it is a feeling, and a persons feelings can be manipulated to make them believe in what ever. How can it be that this feeling alone is the deciding factor, is it a gut response? Sort of 'I just know?' Again this is a fine response, but it leaves out any sort of deeper understanding of God, it seems it is like 'neh, I cannot think of some way to proving it I'm just saying I would know just because I would know.' Yet it is not backed up by a rational explanation of what would convince you.[/quote]
Why do I need convincing when God is concerned? If it is truely Him then He will let me know just as He has let those before me know.

I have an understanding of God...remember? the handshake? :P But seriously, my understanding grows and grows everyday as He reveals Himself to me. In Icons God is represented as a half circle. We will know God but not fully. To say that I need prove is testing God no?
[quote name='CrossCuT' post='1519303' date='May 5 2008, 10:49 AM'][size=1]Well, first I would stab him to see if he would die...then if he didnt, i would take some of his blood for testing.
Rationality all the way.
You are awesome!! I love it.

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[quote name='missionseeker' post='1519752' date='May 5 2008, 05:34 PM']Dude, that's totally OT. In the Gospels, Jesus never told them (that i can remember) who He was after He'd risen AND THEY HAD SEEN HIM BEFORE. But they still didn't know. They had a feeling. (our hearts were burning within us) and they knew Him in the breaking of the bread.[/quote]

the breaking of the bread is a handshake for picchick. it is the defiitive point that she will know.



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[quote name='missionseeker' post='1519774' date='May 5 2008, 06:54 PM']the breaking of the bread is a handshake for picchick. it is the defiitive point that she will know.



:) Thanks for providing my clarification :) You are awesome.

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Thank you....

OSO...what would you do? What are you trying to prove? What would it take for you to believe that God is out there and that God cares for you? What would it take for you to realize that it is Him?

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[quote name='rkwright' post='1519065' date='May 5 2008, 01:46 AM']um... if Padre Pio could do it... then maybe that question can be answered by someone whose not God?[/quote]

Padre Pio could do it only because God gave him the gift. You could say that doesn't prove he is God, but it would prove that he is from God. And if he's from God, he won't be lying about who he is. So if he says he is God, then I'd believe him. :)

[quote name='OSO' post='1519281' date='May 5 2008, 11:13 AM']Louisvillefan, first of all it is interesting and a normal response to this sort of question, if the person claiming to be God then most people would state prove it on some sort of higher level than what is perceived that man can do. So in your case you wanted some sort of knowledge, yet knowing individuals past does not prove that they are a God, it merely shows that this individual may have higher capacity for knowledge and/or understanding yet does not prove that this individual is actually what you may consider God.[/quote]

Dude, you're killin' my buzz.

I know some people have the spiritual or otherworldly "insight" into things, but nobody knows the heart except God. And, as someone else pointed out, the sheep know the shepherd's voice.

[quote name='OSO' post='1519281' date='May 5 2008, 11:13 AM']As for the person proving that they are God by having stigmata, like Padre Pio, does not make that person God, mainly because man already has done that, which is what rkwright pointed out.[/quote]

Stigmata shmigmata. No man has produced the stigmata (not validly, anyway). It is a miracle and -- like all miracles -- comes from God alone.

Besides, I was referring to Padre Pio's well known ability to perceive the sins of confessors during the sacrament of Reconciliation.

How about you give us the "right" answer?

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P.S. Props to Meg and CrossCut... both for awesome answers and for not taking this guy too seriously. :)

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[quote name='OSO' post='1519032' date='May 4 2008, 11:19 PM']Hypothetical question: let’s say that someone on the street came up to you and told you that they were God. What would it take for that individual to convince you that they truly are God? Is it a miracle or some sort of knowledge of the world? Please explain what would be the deciding factor that this individual is really God?[/quote]

Oh, I haven't talked to an atheist in a while. I hope I am up for the challenge.

First, I'm not going to go with the Catholic stuff.

If I truly wanted to know if someone is God, I would ask him, who is the whiterider. Since I already know that answer, God would be just confirming some testimonies I have already heard.

Second, I would ask him, why did you allow millions of Jews to live in the promise land for over two hundred years without a king? Did you know that OSO.

You're an atheist, so you have decided in your mind that God doesn't exist. At least that is what you are saying. Your intellect can't comprehend the fact there is a God, because you only believe what you see.

Well, here's something you can think about, and you can see it, and read it. I hope it actually gets you to really re-think your whole world view.

Do you believe in Chernobyl? I hope so, because we can go to Russia right now, and look at it. Unless it is a grand conspiracy to make people nuclear power is possible! :lol_roll:

Guess what Wormwood translated into Russian is? Chernobyl.

The bible says a star named wormwood would poison 1/3 of the waters of the world, something very possible right now, if the cement casing of Chernobyl decay!

How can a bunch of primitives in the holy land 1700 years ago accurately describe something that could happen to exacting details?

These are not Nostradamus prophecies, that are so vague, it could mean anything. There is an object named wormwood/Chernobyl, that could possibly poison the lakes and rivers of Russia and possibly the entire world!

Chew on that for a while!

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[quote name='OSO' post='1519032' date='May 5 2008, 12:19 AM']Hypothetical question: let’s say that someone on the street came up to you and told you that they were God.[/quote]
If someone come up to you and says they are God, tell them that is fine, that you are a god, too. If they start to display miracles or show off inconceivable amounts of power or wisdom, don't bow down to them. Simply put your hand in your armpit, proceed to make offensive noises and say, "Yeah, but can you do this?" It's a great icebreaker.

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The first thing I would say to that is "God came in the flesh 2,000 years ago, and He ain't coming back again, except in glory. So dude, where's the glory in this street corner of yours?"

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If God appeared in the flesh before Christ, why couldn't he do it after Christ?

Whether he's God or not, at least he's honest.

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1520282' date='May 6 2008, 11:16 PM']If God appeared in the flesh before Christ, why couldn't he do it after Christ?[/quote]
Are you suggesting that the Son would leave His Body and reincarnate? I'm not sure about the theological complications of that...

Has there been any evidence of Him doing this? Say, an apparition to a saint somewhere? I'm suspicious.

[quote]Whether he's God or not, at least he's honest.[/quote]
Not sure what this means. :unsure:

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1520282' date='May 6 2008, 08:16 AM']If God appeared in the flesh before Christ, why couldn't he do it after Christ?

Whether he's God or not, at least he's honest.[/quote]

When did God appear in the flesh before Christ? Did I miss something?

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[quote name='rkwright' post='1520318' date='May 6 2008, 09:18 AM']When did God appear in the flesh before Christ? Did I miss something?[/quote]

He came in flesh to visit his friend Abraham. . .

Actually had a meal with him too, a fatted calf!

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