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Attention Frequenters Of Vocation Station


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Answer: No.

dust (the ultra-handsome) (the ultra-handsome) determined on several occassions that it was not necessary that he assign a new moderator. I understand that there have not been updates to the vocation thread as often as you would like to see them, but frankly, I get requests EVERY DAY. we moderators do this as a part-time side-gig. I'd love to say I have the time to update as soon as I get a request but I can't... and they do get overwhelming! the other moderators have offered to help out so here's what will happen:

you will message ANY moderator. that moderator will either make the change or make another moderator aware of the need for a change (like by forwarding the message). updates will be made [b]once monthly[/b].

if you have any questions or concerns, you may message a moderator or leave them here (within in the guidelines).


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[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?act=Stats&CODE=leaders"]list of moderators[/url] :)

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Deus te Amat

Cool beans. Thank you! :)

I really appreciate all that you guys do. Keep up the wonderful work!

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Thanks for working on a solution. I hope this won't be overwhelming for the current mods. Will they be able to make the changes on the closed thread posted to the open vocation update threads this last year i.e. will they be able to go through and update to get things accurate and current?

I realize it's going to be a lot of work with the backlog especially, which is why I suggested perhaps someone new with more than usual amount of time on their hands. Please know too, Hughey, the suggestion is absolutely nothing personal or a reflection on you, just a realization of how busy you are and how helpful help might be! I think we all know what it's like to be overwhelmed and need to call in recruits at various times!

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i dont take it personally. i work a full time job, go to school, and have a personal life. i don't have a lot of "free time". i know it needs to be updated. i have the messages (yes, ALL OF THEM) and will be giving each mod a few of them. ive already explained to each of them how to update. your updates will appear shortly. im not guaranteeing a time. after it is updated again, it will happen monthly.

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oh and btw... i've updated the thread less than a year ago. ;) i just don't get to ALL of the updates. and yes, i'm young. so sue me. (al is young. raphael is young. mmm... i guess that's all of the young mods.)

also, please remember that updating that thread is more than just typing a thing in and hitting save. it's coded in such a way that you have to do everything exactly else mess the whole system up! further, because it's coded the way it is, it can be pretty confusing trying to sort through the list. ... so take it easy!

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Still send [b]ME[/b] the messages with the updates and I will feed them on to the others. That way the messages aren't scattered all over the place. I, at the very least, can delegate!

Also, please note: as of this moment I have only FIVE (yet-to-be-entered) updates to the thread. Those five members requesting changes are:

Dominican Philosophy
Mari Therese
deo optimo maximo

If you are not listed here but you have sent me an update or need to, please PM me! If the box is full (I'm sorry - I know this happens a lot!), email me through phatmass. Thanks!

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Thy Geekdom Come

Laura, I've decided to leave Jennie and go back to seminary. Can you add me to the list?

:P jk, couldn't help myself.

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I did a search but couldn't find the 2 threads with the updates... Anyone find them? I know there are more, especially in regards the men.

One I remember in particular is that Belinda isn't searching any longer.

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Guest lynettemtl

Hello: I just signed up on the Phatmass website. I am wondering how I can become part of the vocation station and begin to post on this site. Thanks very much for your kind help

Lynette LaRosa

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' post='1517257' date='May 3 2008, 06:11 PM']I've received two more updates. I'll find the thread.[/quote]

Three updates -
here is mine! [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?s=&showtopic=60331&view=findpost&p=1477547"]Please have a look here... [/url] :))

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