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Franciscans Of The Immaculate


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The founder of this community I think, is doing the retreat in the fall after I enter the religious congregation of priests and brothers I'm applying to. I've only heard good things about this community.

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they now have a webTV, it's called "TV IMMACOLATA":


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I don't know if this has been posted about yet, but the Friars of the Immaculate have a contemplative house for men now in Italy. Fr. Maximilian Mary, FI went there last year. Here's a video of him about it, [url="http://airmaria.com/2008/02/05/video-roving-reporter-fr-maximilian-dean-entering-the-contemplative-life/"]http://airmaria.com/2008/02/05/video-rovin...emplative-life/[/url] Also, his mother is a Discalced Carmelite Nun - pretty awesome. :pray:

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[quote name='Rising_Suns' post='1598436' date='Jul 11 2008, 10:51 PM']They have a strong formation regime, which includes 3 rosaries per day, and 2 hours of Eucharistic adoration with Benediction, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the Litany of Loretto, and a host of other powerful prayers, spiritual readings, and meditation. Many of their friaries have perpetual adoration. They place a strong emphasis on the vow of obedience, as they should, as the Saints have. They are allowed to talk during certain meals, but as I understand it, this is usually only on feast days and Sundays. Fridays they eat their meals on their knees. Dinner is optional, and fasting is encouraged. (they also know how to have fun, and enjoy their recreation time).

In a word, if you feel called to the Franciscan order, then there is little else out there that matches this community. You may look into the Franciscan Friars of the Primitive Observance, but if you are a traditional Catholic and love the latin Mass, chanted divine office (rather than spoken), and prayers in latin, then the FI is really your only option.[/quote]

Ave Maria!

on my visit to the friary in Indiana last year, we hit our fourth Rosary that day (one is said while you wash the dishes after the meal), and i thought it was a great sign. however at the end of the day during the holy hour, the fifth one was getting to be a real trial. i had never done that many in a day before, and wondered if i could stand doing any more. by the end i was so relieved it was over but then realized how very fruitful it was. 5 seemed to be just over my limit, so i felt it was good training to keep me on my toes.

there were different variations on the schedule there versus what you mentioned, and i imagine it's a little different for each friary, but you got the gist of it. one highlight for me is that they, as is the Italian custom, take about a one hour siesta in the afternoon. you are free to take a nap, or do whatever.

there were so many things that impressed me, which is why i am planning to enter in August this year. :)

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i was looking at one of their many websites and found an old version of their vocation video, which describes a lot about them

Rebuilding the Church For Jesus Through Mary (14:23)
"the life, mission and apostolate of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate"

newer, shorter version
Franciscan Friars Vocations Video (3:54)
[url="http://airmaria.com/?sn=37&vp=1988&prefx=finews&plyrnb=1&ttl=FI%20News"]http://airmaria.com/?sn=37&vp=1988&amp...p;ttl=FI%20News[/url] ([url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7V3iYeZU0E"]youtube copy[/url])

i'm discovering they have so many websites around the world

FI, USA main

FI, USA media - podcasts, videos, etc.

Mount Saint Francis Hermitage, New York (1st year postulancy formation)

FI, Australia

FI, Philippines

Marian Friary of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Griswold, Connecticut (2nd year novitiate formation)

Immaculate Mediatrix Movement (MIM) - lay movement

variety of websites and their apostolates, radio, english/italian

italian FI portal?

italian publication(?)

italian publication(?)

italian tv

italian tv

Mary Victrix - Marian chivalry.. the renewal of chivalry is extraordinarily important for the restoration of moral and cultural common sense. Men need to be men and women need to be women. Marriage, family and society at large depend on it.

and the list goes on..

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[quote name='Thomist-in-Training' post='1631327' date='Aug 18 2008, 08:44 PM']Oh, I can't believe it! Well, maybe you won't be able to answer a while if you're staying two weeks... but JohnnyDigit, I didn't realize you were going to Indiana!! I was there too, one of the three girls with the Sisters for Assumption etc.! I was the one with the glasses and brown hair and the fancier mantilla... are you the Vietnamese one? If you read this send me a PM and tell me how it went...[/quote]

sorry it took so long for me to see this but ya that was me! were you the one wearing like a dark button down/long sleeve shirt, and like a long skirt? i was glad to see other young discerners there and was hoping to meet and talk to you guys, but the sisters seemed cloistered off, or just very private. i did discover that the Mother there (now in Africa i think), was also from my area and lived with the Fr. Kolbe Missionaries that i've been active with.

of all places, the two other guys happened to be from my area, and one immediately entered and became one of the 7 postulants and [url="http://airmaria.com/?sn=30&vp=995&prefx=finews&plyrnb=1&ttl=FI%20News"]received their habits (video)[/url] Dec 8 2008 9 (Feast of the Immaculate Conception).

i had a great time, and even early on, i wondered, "could this be THE place? is this what they mean when they say "it felt like i was home"?. from the spirituality, to the pretty grounds, to the hummingbird sanctuary and garden i took care of, the veggies i picked, the visitors i met, the fireworks for the Assumption, the friars, the charism, helping with computer stuff.. almost everything seemed to fit what i was looking for, and beyond. lots more, so i'll PM you!

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Uh... I was wearing a skirt... I don't know what what day though. Hey, we just need to get our friends to log on and then we'll have enough people to take over PM for the FI! Logically it would be their next move, after all. I have this whimsical idea that it's a race between them and Google.

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='Thomist-in-Training' post='1818828' date='Mar 28 2009, 06:41 PM']Uh... I was wearing a skirt... I don't know what what day though. Hey, we just need to get our friends to log on and then we'll have enough people to take over PM for the FI! Logically it would be their next move, after all. I have this whimsical idea that it's a race between them and Google.[/quote]

:love: This is such a fabulous thread! :woot: :nerd:

I'll be visiting the sisters' novitiate house in Massachusetts this summer (for two weeks) and the house in Indiana (probably for a few days) -- I was wondering, can you (or anyone else that's been) tell me if there's anything specific that I would need to bring or that I should wear? (For example the chapel veil during Mass? :sign: ) What to expect? :think: Hmmm....and anything else needful? Words of wisdom? :D :detective:

:yahoo: I'm so looking forward to the visit! :yahoo:

Also, feel free to PM me if you would prefer! I'm all for people taking over PM for the FI! :thumbsup:


Wow...I really like these smilies... :blush: Haha!

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' post='1819519' date='Mar 29 2009, 08:44 AM']:love: This is such a fabulous thread! :woot: :nerd:

I'll be visiting the sisters' novitiate house in Massachusetts this summer (for two weeks) and the house in Indiana (probably for a few days) -- I was wondering, can you (or anyone else that's been) tell me if there's anything specific that I would need to bring or that I should wear? (For example the chapel veil during Mass? :sign: ) What to expect? :think: Hmmm....and anything else needful? Words of wisdom? :D :detective:

:yahoo: I'm so looking forward to the visit! :yahoo:

Also, feel free to PM me if you would prefer! I'm all for people taking over PM for the FI! :thumbsup:


Wow...I really like these smilies... :blush: Haha![/quote]

-veils. some wear em, but not required.

-work shoes and jeans for gardening, working, hiking around..

-scarf/gloves for cold early mornings/nights.

-alarm clock/watch.

-notebook/pad for journaling. good for reflecting and remembering things, like the horarium (schedule) between orders.. exchanging contact info..

-some cash for the bookstore. books, pamphlets, music, cool gifts you never knew existed..

-favorite book/daily reading. they'll probably have their own library available as well.

-camera with mini tripod. if you're into that stuff. i like taking photos when i explore, videos of curious animals, recording chants (with permission).. i ended up helping the friars take photos of the grounds for a project..

-mp3 player with favorite Christian music. good for listening at the airport, on plane, bus.

-travel pillow/ear plugs for plane.

-Rosary in left pocket. can't leave home without your secret weapon!


ideally, you don't need to bring anything but yourself and an open heart. they'll provide everything for you, even if you forget something.

just let Our Lady guide you, but don't run off too far by yourself!

have fun and God bless your discernment! :)

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Some days ago in an ancient church in Italy ArchBishop Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura (formarly of St.Louis) ,ordained to priesthood five franciscan friars of the Imamculate:


In this picture you can see from left to right Fr. Giovanni Paolo Da Silva (Brazilian), Fr. Andre Maria Fernandes Gomes (Brazilian), Bishop Raymond Burke (Ordinator), Fr. Cayetano Maria Sulit (Philippines), Fr. John Lawrence Mary Polis (USA), Fr. Timeteo Maria De Iuliis (Italian), Fr. Stefano Manelli, founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.

Here are a picture-slideshow and a video:

[url="http://www.rinascimentosacro.com/2009/03/ffi-nuove-ordinazioni-tarquinia.html"]Italian WebSite[/url]

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Jeans are just for men, kiddo! For girls you don't have to do as much hard work (in Indiana), we practically had to beg them to let us dry dishes for a few mornings, heh, heh, heh! Praying is tiring enough! For women it is strongly strongly preferred that you wear a skirt, several inches past knee at least. Other than that... in Indiana there were clocks in the room, MA I don't know since I wasn't there too long but could be good to have a watch. Notebooks are a given for me... yeah, definitely helpful. The bookstore is in IN, don't know if there is one in MA. Ya, it is pretty cool. DON'T be lame like me and bring lots of books, like johnnydigit says they will lend you books.

[quote name='johnnydigit' post='1820180' date='Mar 30 2009, 12:21 AM']-veils. some wear em, but not required.

-work shoes and jeans for gardening, working, hiking around..

-scarf/gloves for cold early mornings/nights.

-alarm clock/watch.

-notebook/pad for journaling. good for reflecting and remembering things, like the horarium (schedule) between orders.. exchanging contact info..

-some cash for the bookstore. books, pamphlets, music, cool gifts you never knew existed..

-favorite book/daily reading. they'll probably have their own library available as well.

-camera with mini tripod. if you're into that stuff. i like taking photos when i explore, videos of curious animals, recording chants (with permission).. i ended up helping the friars take photos of the grounds for a project..

-mp3 player with favorite Christian music. good for listening at the airport, on plane, bus.

-travel pillow/ear plugs for plane.

-Rosary in left pocket. can't leave home without your secret weapon!


ideally, you don't need to bring anything but yourself and an open heart. they'll provide everything for you, even if you forget something.

just let Our Lady guide you, but don't run off too far by yourself!

have fun and God bless your discernment! :)[/quote]

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='johnnydigit' post='1820180' date='Mar 30 2009, 01:21 AM']-veils. some wear em, but not required.

-work shoes and jeans for gardening, working, hiking around..

-scarf/gloves for cold early mornings/nights.

-alarm clock/watch.

-notebook/pad for journaling. good for reflecting and remembering things, like the horarium (schedule) between orders.. exchanging contact info..

-some cash for the bookstore. books, pamphlets, music, cool gifts you never knew existed..

-favorite book/daily reading. they'll probably have their own library available as well.

-camera with mini tripod. if you're into that stuff. i like taking photos when i explore, videos of curious animals, recording chants (with permission).. i ended up helping the friars take photos of the grounds for a project..

-mp3 player with favorite Christian music. good for listening at the airport, on plane, bus.

-travel pillow/ear plugs for plane.

-Rosary in left pocket. can't leave home without your secret weapon!


ideally, you don't need to bring anything but yourself and an open heart. they'll provide everything for you, even if you forget something.

just let Our Lady guide you, but don't run off too far by yourself!

have fun and God bless your discernment! :)[/quote]

Thank you SO much!!!

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' post='1819519' date='Mar 29 2009, 11:44 AM']:love: This is such a fabulous thread! :woot: :nerd:

I'll be visiting the sisters' novitiate house in Massachusetts this summer (for two weeks) and the house in Indiana (probably for a few days) -- I was wondering, can you (or anyone else that's been) tell me if there's anything specific that I would need to bring or that I should wear? (For example the chapel veil during Mass? :sign: ) What to expect? :think: Hmmm....and anything else needful? Words of wisdom? :D :detective:

:yahoo: I'm so looking forward to the visit! :yahoo:

Also, feel free to PM me if you would prefer! I'm all for people taking over PM for the FI! :thumbsup:


Wow...I really like these smilies... :blush: Haha![/quote]

Beautiful! I live just a few miles from the sisters in Indiana...they are amazing!!...I can't really tell you what to bring since I've technically never "officially" visited them (us townies tend to pop over there ever so ofter for prayers and such, especially on First Friday/Saturday) but you are most definitely in my prayers :bigpray:

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