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Franciscans Of The Immaculate


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Ave Maria!


Happy Solemnity of the Annunciation! If I may make a brief "announcement" in honor of Our Lady.. Once frequenting the phorum as "johnnydigit", I entered the Franciscans of the Immaculate in 2009 and made my first profession of vows on September 8, 2012, Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Praised be Jesus and Mary for taking me on an extraordinary journey and bringing me to such a beautiful order! Have a blessed Solemnity and happy Easter!


In the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,


Friar John Paul Marie of Our Lady of Grace, F.I.


Ave Maria!! That is so wonderful to hear!! :clap: Totally remember you, johnnydigit! :)  Love your religious name! Praised be Jesus & Mary!

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Ave Maria!


Happy Solemnity of the Annunciation! If I may make a brief "announcement" in honor of Our Lady.. Once frequenting the phorum as "johnnydigit", I entered the Franciscans of the Immaculate in 2009 and made my first profession of vows on September 8, 2012, Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Praised be Jesus and Mary for taking me on an extraordinary journey and bringing me to such a beautiful order! Have a blessed Solemnity and happy Easter!


In the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,


Friar John Paul Marie of Our Lady of Grace, F.I.



Congratulations from a Franciscan wannabe.  Our Lady of Grace is a favorite title of Our Blessed Mother, too.

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Ave Maria!


Happy Solemnity of the Annunciation! If I may make a brief "announcement" in honor of Our Lady.. Once frequenting the phorum as "johnnydigit", I entered the Franciscans of the Immaculate in 2009 and made my first profession of vows on September 8, 2012, Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Praised be Jesus and Mary for taking me on an extraordinary journey and bringing me to such a beautiful order! Have a blessed Solemnity and happy Easter!


In the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,


Friar John Paul Marie of Our Lady of Grace, F.I.


That's awesome!  I've been wondering how you were doing and if you ever entered the FFI!  :woot:

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just a note on this website, it doesn't list Pietravairano because the community that was originally in Pastena somewhat (like '09) recently moved there. So it looks like they have 5 monasteries now, also according the map posted above


here it says the monastery in Pastena was unfit ~



someone who entered the one in Creazzo ~ http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=it&u=http://nuovavenezia.gelocal.it/cronaca/2010/11/10/news/infermiera-a-dolo-entra-in-un-convento-di-clausura-1.1330179&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://nuovavenezia.gelocal.it/cronaca/2010/11/10/news/infermiera-a-dolo-entra-in-un-convento-di-clausura-1.1330179%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den awesome! good for her! :like:


& a Novice in Pietravairano ~ http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=it&u=http://www.stpauls.it/jesus/1105je/citta-diocesi-2.htm&prev=/search%3Fhl%3Den%26bih%3D809%26biw%3D1376%26tbs%3Dsbi:AMhZZivjte9WUsI0ii1IFhpOW3egZQBX2Xgakt16z_1jgl8B3l2zFexMlTg-S49uaF3-_11jVpoL2Yy_18SAwNeRYLzUUb8Hu52moPemD4niCpXJEHCbjyxSJwABgKC0F8gNZdUf_1TJD4IIvrNVyLlz2flN7IrvbnbLqKjP9u5dVRSc--bkaA_1boYf2bVvEqcwQRFyiH9I7z-5Rve6-w-Q9IzbvO3_1EwDBQk0IDKPZY73c32lecSZjVN75X2DZKAMzBwDqYzelFdxq6ZHOlOmgPqcyep-v_1Z_18JMeZZxBMnxITDazsJl9nfHa0sXg1fcis7q6jcDDiyfc1EwS_1BKx36_1w8Nd0bjn5QbWzoaPFXnir68RQAj79JTw6Thh1O3FyFpKIwGnIzfGxpEIYHkFTsD6ra7W7eSfq7jYtLNP3DeRdwG-8HNua3jzTZ1-PPOW8DuAviGgYDa4M7iB27LGuQWa5qIofoUQoUsL2LF9dHoyGouqY4UyDi_1L1jeZmVgoQ4G4Z8B5M-h1uzlr7DhbniN6EwzJSzrGGnF7masRTZabIztdVXJcGP1YrJ39PMWN5c4XcDt34kP46_1hakTEb4eW-B4EJO1JsyUuRkEYp-9KrhL3Oc4P6Tjfi4JeDjvZ0BNFj-aoAD2A0soWNg4kLG_1yTnfMgFjkRKiQNYOM1sfiTmXabMxdjCXKRLWCZwwdk8e-V6qapdza-cPTF-ph07lyTQbq5TrONbDCbSu9f2JUOG4a9i6cMZo6aFjIUvp5L5GgSkzfEsjYLDXDE8cChnzi4tTy-3i0iuipo6BE9wicMT8wZ2lETaVvJG2GcqEg4_1mx4MfiYvDcBsxh4sIM3cfXSSTlgEGZYkP7iHMkDeuEl7G1Pf5Er2pdRJWq1iUGWAAhSEh-HYQ15QQj5i9fQHUMMOmzfwvCvi1nQY48NcUAwHCB7mFwtPrGnt8_1mZhLM0ew21itHV2n8uMP_1IXtzjNHCXV7Ibv9V_1ycLq6IG2BYYyUNXBJ_1TyliKBAH4OqkRumr_1Yl-JQu9Cp9WP_1BB6R80UjlFshMS3FamU0D7l1xiCtrHuFkZ0pm_1N1WV-zWzwU5r10IHCebeR_1N0pzdLoxrDLfMG7FK_1Ts4-0fEKix1G97ts9UbIMjq0B-iKxDtRtLNdtZxwtddgRDYs7vY-uFx8aq-nHuI2suGAWyDeZ92BgFqyKQYuM3GUSLWwALMUgNAVoYc35R5gB_1V1OPwly5LV644D4BPXTUNzHXKWPegp_1ZLFKlvRWHM3nt-TmZRXr2gsJqg8709RbCefAYg1qjQdP4gWY3-cclWwZw





Edited by Chiquitunga
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super cool map of all the FIs in the world! https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&t=m&source=embed&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=207696422095117326884.0004a77b17d70ac8a4c36 even has them color-coded: Friars, blue - Sisters, pink - Poor Clares, aqua :like:


Wonderful! They must have also include the contemplative sisters. And the Consolacion convent in the Philippines is pinned on the wrong place. :)

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Wonderful! They must have also include the contemplative sisters. And the Consolacion convent in the Philippines is pinned on the wrong place. :)


uhoh, maybe there's some way we can let them know :proud: Also yes, it included the contemplative Sisters, as they are still FSIs just in the contemplative branch/houses (with a little change of habit, though they can be asked to return to active life)

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FFI Griswold

Ave Maria!



putting this here too :j


Que bella!



super cool map of all the FIs in the world! https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&t=m&source=embed&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=207696422095117326884.0004a77b17d70ac8a4c36 even has them color-coded: Friars, blue - Sisters, pink - Poor Clares, aqua :like:


Ave Maria! It's great to discover new things like this about the community, and I'm sure there is plenty more going on in all the FI missions around the world. After night prayer we pray for the friars whose name day feast is the next day, which really helps to give a sense of family unity, even if they're on the other side of the world.



though they can be asked to return to active life


Can you imagine the feeling? "Ave Maria! I have a little announcement.."


Ave Maria!


fra John Paul

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