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Do You Agree With Income Tax


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Hi everybody,

I want to discuss something that really bothers me in this world.

The word of God calls Satan the God of this world, and the has blinded the minds of men to the salvation of God.

One of the biggest worries for me is why no Christian has really seen the current way the finances of this world is handled.

God's word says in Proverbs 22:7 the rich ruleth over the pour and the borrower is the servant of the lender.

In the world we have central banks that lend out money out to our countries.

First thing to note, to create a communistic government you need strong central banks, but lets lay politics aside.

The creators of the banks have been quoted to say things that could be paraphrased as this - give me the ability to print up the money a country uses then I will control the leaders of that country, and then everybody else.

Here's a quote from one of the families who came up with the ideas of the central banks

[quote]Amsel Rothschild

"Give me control of the economics of a country; and I care not who makes her laws"[/quote]

Now the reason we have income tax, is the central banks loan out money to our countries, who distribute this money to the citizens of those nations, and because these are loans, we are expected to pay back those loans, in the form of interest.

I didn't accept loans, you didn't accept these loans, but because we got monies from these loans we have to pay interest.

As a result, if you think about it. The people who created the central banks wanted to control us by loaning us money, which is pretty much the exact opposite meaning of what God meant when he said the rich ruleth over the poor and the borrower is servant of the lender.

If this is the exact opposite of what God intended in one scripture, than we can both agree, by definition, its against God, his word, and his people, and as a result - its Satanic in nature.

Now, I don't see the Pope standing against the morality of income tax or the central banks?

I stand against it, though I still pay my taxes, simply because it would be foolish not to pay it right now when the IRS and other income tax agencies in the world can make our lives miserable.

Why haven't anybody here stood against this system. Has it been because you just haven't seen it this way? Doesn't it make you sick that men would profane God's word that way.

I know, many of us have been told give unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's, but did God really mean we should support a corrupt economic system which is straight out of Hell?

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well it is a wonder why the issue of taxes doesn't coincide here much with biblical arguments.
are there any?

this is a pretty political place so you'd think it would.

i do know pharoh instituted taxes, and seven years of drought were able to be gotten through. but other than that, i don't know much about taxes and the bible. other than that caesar verse you quoted.
and i do know taxes are mentioned little, but i don't know what is mentioned for waht little is mentioned.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1511953' date='Apr 27 2008, 06:42 PM']well it is a wonder why the issue of taxes doesn't coincide here much with biblical arguments.
are there any?

this is a pretty political place so you'd think it would.

i do know pharoh instituted taxes, and seven years of drought were able to be gotten through. but other than that, i don't know much about taxes and the bible. other than that caesar verse you quoted.
and i do know taxes are mentioned little, but i don't know what is mentioned for waht little is mentioned.[/quote]

As I said, there are times we should render onto Ceasar what is Ceasar, so that is not an issue for me. If it is godly, like the Pharoh who was trying to prevent deaths which would occur when famine stuck, that is a godly tax.

The real issue is, there are men who want to take control of our economics, and therefore our ability to feed, cloth, shelter, and entertain ourselves by lending out money from central banks?

Some taxes are just and godly, the current ones are not in my opinion. They are just for very rich men to control our lives by loaning out monies that we use. All money we use is a loan really. My father who owns the cattle of a thousand hills, whose will open the windows of heaven to pour out a blessing I can't contain has been surplanted by some guy who has his bank print up money for my nation, and now I have to pay that interest back as income tax?

That very rich man is pretty evil, taking God's place to feed, cloth, shelter, and entertain ourselves.

That was one of the first steps that man has taken that has made man God. The Kingdom of the Anti-Christ is simply men making themselves God.

From a hundred different angles, this system is evil when you see in the spirit. I still pay my taxes, under protest, because I don't want someone with a machine gun to break down my door. Discretion is the better part of valour. I don't feel like martyring myself over this right now.

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I haven't set foot in the US in 2 1/2 years, but still pay my taxes to the IRS. Part of being a good Christian is being a good neighbor. I butted heads for many years with the non-tax paying, no driver's license, no car tag crowd. You'll find yourself to be much happier in life if you can learn to be content with "enough." Worrying about how much the government takes of your money and throws away on things you don't approve of, is a sink hole. I prefer to be thankful that I can contribute to society, even if it is in a small financial way.

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Yeah, taxation is a goofy concept, I agree. How free, liberal and modern is a society when its citizens are born into a form of compulsory debt bondage? We have to pay tribute to the ruling establishment or be "punished." I don't really buy the idea that taxes are a monetary debt that we owe to society for public services and the like. This just strikes me as bogus rhetoric meant to justify a primitive system - as if it is impossible for a society to get by without taxes. Dubai seems to be doing okay.

My thinking is that a truly modern and liberal society would obtain revenue not by a system that relegates the citizens to the status of serfs but rather as shareholders with a vested interest in the well being of the government and economy. It must be a system that respects the freedom of the citizens as well and not a compulsory structure that is enforced through punishment, intimidation and cheap rhetoric. Historically taxation tends to foster resentment within a society and systems of taxation are abused almost as a rule. It is essentially a form of exploitation.

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there doesn't need to be much explanation that it's wrong that....

the national debt goes up at least a million dollar a minute...

that a fifth of the budget goes to paying interest... which means a fifth of what everyone pays is on nothing, interest. if you pay 10k in taxes, you just payed two thousand for nothing. enough for a mini house mortgage over thirty years.

plus, the way they waste it is also bad. if it was at least needed, then it'd be justified.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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This is an amusing documentary:


Not sure how true it is but it is interesting at least.

This guy has some interesting points too: [url="http://cato.org/pubs/tbb/tbb-0204-2.html"]http://cato.org/pubs/tbb/tbb-0204-2.html[/url]

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I think that when you have 300 million people living in one country and you want to make sure they have clean water and air and decent transportation and medical costs, ya know, the basics, they have to be provided somehow.
So, what are our choices? If this was a purely agricultural society and herding society like it was back in bibilical times, with small villages and communities, people would take care of each other. So, we pay taxes. We would hope that our money would be handled in a good manner. It isn't. We could dump the taxes and then what? I really can't afford to replace the 35W bridge by myself. I can't buy my own medical clinic.
Is this a God issue, no. God gave man the tools he needed and free will and man has chosen to turn the world into what it is. Seems to me the Catholic Church and the current and prior Popes have always spoken about social justice and taking care of the poor etc.
Maybe all those pentecostals and protestants could speak up and solve this?

I do remember Christ having one of his disciples catch a fish that had a coin in its mouth so he could pay a tax for both of them. I wish I could do that. I would probably be taxed on the income I caught though.

The rich and powerful have always trod on the necks of the poor and powerless, even before the time of Christ. The byproduct of being born of sin.

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[quote name='Deb' post='1512091' date='Apr 27 2008, 08:21 PM']I think that when you have 300 million people living in one country and you want to make sure they have clean water and air and decent transportation and medical costs, ya know, the basics, they have to be provided somehow.
So, what are our choices? If this was a purely agricultural society and herding society like it was back in bibilical times, with small villages and communities, people would take care of each other. So, we pay taxes. We would hope that our money would be handled in a good manner. It isn't. We could dump the taxes and then what? I really can't afford to replace the 35W bridge by myself. I can't buy my own medical clinic.
Is this a God issue, no. God gave man the tools he needed and free will and man has chosen to turn the world into what it is. Seems to me the Catholic Church and the current and prior Popes have always spoken about social justice and taking care of the poor etc.
Maybe all those pentecostals and protestants could speak up and solve this?

I do remember Christ having one of his disciples catch a fish that had a coin in its mouth so he could pay a tax for both of them. I wish I could do that. I would probably be taxed on the income I caught though.

The rich and powerful have always trod on the necks of the poor and powerless, even before the time of Christ. The byproduct of being born of sin.[/quote]

I'm not against gasoline tax. That goes to something that I actually benefit from. All roads are paid for, and all bridges, from a hidden Gasoline Tax.

On the Pentecostal stuff, I am no longer involved in it because it is ungodly. The last time I read in the bible someone was convulsing around because of a spirit, he was possessed by a demon Christ himself rebuked. So, that lame attack will not be tolerated anymore.

There are lots of different indirect taxes that go to the things we enjoy. Income tax is not one of those taxes. If you read my arguments from above Deb, which you obviously didn't. I am oppose to a system that puts me into perpetual debt bondage because some guy wants to control how I feed myself, how I cloth myself, how I shelter myself, and how I entertain myself.

Income tax is really theft, and it shouldn't be tolerated by decent Christians who can see it is someone trying to lord over their lives.

So, if you are okay for the powerful to abuse the weak, what good are you. [mod]personal attack. -777[/mod] for not having a backbone and standing against real evil, instead of a preconceived one.

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[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1512095' date='Apr 27 2008, 09:31 PM']I'm not against gasoline tax. That goes to something that I actually benefit from. All roads are paid for, and all bridges, from a hidden Gasoline Tax.

On the Pentecostal stuff, I am no longer involved in it because it is ungodly. The last time I read in the bible someone was convulsing around because of a spirit, he was possessed by a demon Christ himself rebuked. So, that lame attack will not be tolerated anymore.

There are lots of different indirect taxes that go to the things we enjoy. Income tax is not one of those taxes. If you read my arguments from above Deb, which you obviously didn't. I am oppose to a system that puts me into perpetual debt bondage because some guy wants to control how I feed myself, how I cloth myself, how I shelter myself, and how I entertain myself.

Income tax is really theft, and it shouldn't be tolerated by decent Christians who can see it is someone trying to lord over their lives.

So, if you are okay for the powerful to abuse the weak, what good are you. If I were Christ, I would spit you out right now for not having a backbone and standing against real evil, instead of a preconceived one.[/quote]

[mod]edited for personal attack -Lil Red[/mod]

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[quote name='Deb' post='1512099' date='Apr 27 2008, 08:34 PM']I guess I am happy you aren't Christ. If you were, I think I would change religions.[/quote]
Deb, I am reporting every post you have made to me today.

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LOL! These people are a trip.



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