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The Dark Future Of D N A Testing


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[quote name='tgoldson' post='1516473' date='May 1 2008, 11:13 PM']What do you think a jury does?[/quote]
Got ya,

I wasn't thinking in the courtroom sense, but in the journalism sense.

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[quote name='rkwright' post='1516487' date='May 1 2008, 11:40 PM']Its certainly possible. Its also possible God would reveal Himself and tell us all its wrong. Its also possible that there are 12 people moved by human weakness, or possibly satan, to not object to DNA testing. The possibilities with God are endless, and unknown.


We could take what we know right now, and what God has given us right now, and do something about it right now. I know that God has put us in a position to write\elect representatives to stop DNA testing now; I know God has put many others in the world to do it also.

So why should I put my faith in a hope that God will do something later, rather than put my faith in what God has given me right now?

Its like saying, I'm not going to cook right now, even though God has given me the food right now, because when it comes time to eat, its possible loaves will multiply on my plate.[/quote]

I agree that it would be a great idea to start a campaign to stop this. There is something inherently dehumanizing of a person to say, its his/her genes that made them do that. Whats next, ensuring people with 'bad' genes are allowed to reproduce? What's next?

This is just playing God, and I stand on those who play God are going to find out the God of Israel is not going to look at them very happily when they are before him. "So, you thought you could make a world a better place by making sure people with bad genes couldn't reproduce? Why didn't you preach to them, so they come to repentance, and then my spirit could reside in them forever, teaching them the way they should go?"

But, there are sickos who think they have the right to do this kind of stuff!

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