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Headed down with my SD tomorrow, on Friday to Springfield to see this Order that she belongs to. It will be interesting I am sure.


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I think these are the sisters that run my school, actually I'm pretty sure they are unless there are other Springfield Dominicans....

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[quote name='sunnysideup' post='1509888' date='Apr 25 2008, 08:40 PM']I think these are the sisters that run my school, actually I'm pretty sure they are unless there are other Springfield Dominicans....[/quote]

There are Springfield, KY, Dominicans--Congregation of St. Catharine of Sienna.


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Well, Pham, I'm back!

I had a wonderful weekend down in Springfield, IL at the Dominican Motherhouse! The Sisters were just lovely, loving and warm to me! Dancing eyes, laughter and smiles! I just loved them!

This trip was so that I could meet my SD's Spiritual Family, as well as see an Active Order. Many of the Sisters are retired at the Motherhouse, and had great stories of teaching and ministry to tell. I had a great tour of the place.

The Convent is HUGE! The Facilities take up 1 square city block. We were very Comfortable in Siena Hall which is used for retreatants etc. It has it's own chapel and Library too. The Main Chapel itself Is Gorgeous, with Huge Mosiacs the Main one Being of the Dominican Saints as well as St Dominic and St. Catheriine of Siena. It has the traditional Choir stalls.

Since most of the Sisters in the Motherhouse are in Habit, either Full or Modified, I want you to know how deeply touched I was during Eucharist, and Morning prayer, looking out and seeing all the Sisters in Habit. It truly was a beautiful sight and I could see why many of our members are so deeply moved by the Habit and the Dominican Habit as well. So, it was a rich insight. I now have a deeper understanding of why some of our members defend the habit so much. It is not my main focal point for MY discernment, but I do feel graced to have seen that.

I also went to Jubilee Farm which is 11 miles from the Motherhouse. It's a self sustaining Organic farm, open to the public, and the Sisters who run it are just terrific! I was able to walk with my SD on Beautiful Lands and visit with llamas, 1 of which kissed me on the Mouth!, see their beautiful collection of Chickens, of all different types. They have La Casa retreat house which is a 3 Bedroom house with fully finished basement and meeting room in beautifully redone garage. What a great place to go, and be in nature. A real blessing for the Sisters, in the whole community.

One of the Highlights of my trip was to have Morning prayer with the Formation community. Those Sisters were patient and answered so many questions about being in an active order, and what formation is like. Also I got to meet with the Vocation Director, Sr. Lori, who also was able to answer many questions on Dominican Life.

So, a Blessed trip in every way! I am so grateful that I was able to go.

My next stop is Carmel of Cleveland at the end of May.

I am staying open in my discernment process. I am grateful to my SD who has had the wisdom to have me check out 3 types of orders, Active, Cloistered, Monastic, not enclosed, and Carmel, as well as 3 charisms, Dominican, Benedictine and Carmel. In every trip that I have made there has been a space inside me for the Holy Spirit to show me the Communities gifts and How He works in those Communities. Little by little the pieces are falling into place for me, as I see each Charism and How it resonates with me.

I will not make any decisions until I am back from Carmel in May. I want to wait to see what Door the Lord picks!
( What was the Name of that Show??Oh yes! [b]Let's Make a Deal!. [/b] When the person got the Horse or the Goat instead of the Car I always wanted the Goat or Horse. and Could not understand why anyone would turn THAT down!!! Sorry, Off topic, But I hear Alice Mary and JK roaring with Laughter!)...

So that was my weekend, and I thank you all for your prayers!!! I also prayed for my Phatmass Phamily.


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Hi, and welcome back! Your SD is to be commended for working on educating you in some of the great religious traditions of consecrated life as part of your discernment. Thank YOU for praying for all the other discerners on the phorum!

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[quote name='praying4carmel' post='1512502' date='Apr 28 2008, 11:26 AM']One of the Highlights of my trip was to have Morning prayer with the Formation community. Those Sisters were patient and answered so many questions about being in an active order, and what formation is like. Also I got to meet with the Vocation Director, Sr. Lori, who also was able to answer many questions on Dominican Life.[/quote]
Thank you for sharing, Nancy. I know some of the women in formation (perhaps you met Sr. Melissa--though she may be here at the Collaborative Novitiate). I haven't had the chance to meet Sr. Lori--have only heard good things! I know some of the brothers here have spent time at their Motherhouse. I'd love to visit myself one day.

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What a wonderful experience Nancy, and you know I was chuckling at your Lets make a deal reference!! It sounds like you are being exposed to a variety of congregations, very important to be openminded. Of course, I love Dominicans, but you need to see what fits with your personality and needs. I loved your experience in the chapel, checked out the website, and it is beautiful!!
Oh, do keep us updated!!

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[quote name='shortnun' post='1512825' date='Apr 28 2008, 07:17 PM']Thank you for sharing, Nancy. I know some of the women in formation (perhaps you met Sr. Melissa--though she may be here at the Collaborative Novitiate). I haven't had the chance to meet Sr. Lori--have only heard good things! I know some of the brothers here have spent time at their Motherhouse. I'd love to visit myself one day.[/quote]

I did not get to meet Sr. Melissa, unfortunately, she is in St. Louis with a group there of Novices of all different Dominican communities, Sinsinawa, Adrian? etc. My SD sent me a Newspaper article on her from the bourbonnais paper..PM me if you have not already read it and I will see if I can dig it up to email you.

She sounds and looks like, because I saw her picture, like a great woman!

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I honestly don't know what I would do without this community pn Phatmass and am so grateful to all of you, for your prayers and support.

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I honestly don't know what I would do without this community on Phatmass and am so grateful to all of you, for your prayers and support.

Sorry Double post..

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[quote name='praying4carmel' post='1512502' date='Apr 28 2008, 12:26 PM']The Convent is HUGE! The Facilities take up 1 square city block. We were very Comfortable in Siena Hall which is used for retreatants etc. It has it's own chapel and Library too. The Main Chapel itself Is Gorgeous, with Huge Mosiacs the Main one Being of the Dominican Saints as well as St Dominic and St. Catheriine of Siena. It has the traditional Choir stalls.

Since most of the Sisters in the Motherhouse are in Habit, either Full or Modified, I want you to know how deeply touched I was during Eucharist, and Morning prayer, looking out and seeing all the Sisters in Habit. It truly was a beautiful sight and I could see why many of our members are so deeply moved by the Habit and the Dominican Habit as well. So, it was a rich insight. I now have a deeper understanding of why some of our members defend the habit so much. It is not my main focal point for MY discernment, but I do feel graced to have seen that.[/quote]

Do they happen to have a motherhouse tour on their website (and if not, could someone put the bug in their ear)? I recall seeing an outdoor photo of their motherhouse in Dehey's book, but I've never seen another. Does it still have a tall tower?

Thanks for sharing that insight on the habit. We needed to have it added to the discussion! I'm sure most of us who lean toward the habit-wearing knew what was there, but just couldn't put it into words. (I hope that makes sense).


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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1513873' date='Apr 29 2008, 12:56 PM']Nancy, this may sound like a strange question, but is your first language German?[/quote]

No, CA I had too many years of German in College and High School and all I can remember is Warum?


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