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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1510045' date='Apr 25 2008, 08:28 PM']i was mostly speaking to jesusismy

your points are important, more incidental to the thread i'd say, as "prove it" seems vague and doesn't describe how works are applied etc. a protestant cannot disagree with "prove it" after all, a decent protestant anyway.

now, they might disagree with what you are trying to insinuate, but taht gets into the more defined terms like "santification" and "justification" and what i have been talking about.

for jesusismy to debate what you said... given how nondisagreeable it is what you said... is just quibbling and not really getting to the essence of the issue, cause what you said, on its face, again is not something that can be disagreed with.[/quote]

Let me reiterate my position.

Justification comes from faith, and faith without works is dead faith. So if you have living faith, and you work for the betterment of man kind, see through the deceptions of the devil - such as its okay to fertilize eggs with certain sperm to prevent genetic disease, because God should be the only one who decides who gets born, and believe the rest is provided by Jesus Christs death on the cross, God will see your heart, and your works, and say - thank you.

Remember, scripture also says people will say, Jesus I did this, and Jesus I did that, and Jesus will say - I never knew you.

Think about that. When you say I did this, and I did that, who are you focused on? You or Jesus? Are you glorying in yourself and your works? Paul say, I have no glory in myself, but the glory of the knowledge of Christ Jesus. Paul said, all he counted all the things he was, and all the things he had were but dung (sh*t) to him. Pretty strong words about works. My works are sh*t compared to what Jesus Christ did on the cross. My righteousness is filthy rags compared to God's holiness.

Santification of course is growing closer and closer to God. I question you are even involved in the process diary, talking about one of the devil's deceptions as if it were good on other message board topics. God is soverign, and he has the only right to decide which sperm fertilizes which egg to create which individual(s). I don't trust a person who says they are a Christian who would talk about something that 'boderlines' Eugenics!

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[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1510047' date='Apr 25 2008, 09:29 PM']One of my posting styles is to take a post from someone, which goes in line with what I would like to say, and just put a couple of thoughts.

I like the thoughts you have put forward.

I agree, you can't have dead faith.

I am glad you are thinking before you answer, because I appreciate your answer a lot. If you have a heart of worship filled with joy because Jesus died for your sins, then get excited, share it with others, as God moves you to.

I can tell you have a gentle spirit, and an understanding of the works of God. Continue to pray and read your bible sister. You will be a great witness for God, when the time comes. Perhaps you should start a bible study group. Do you go to college? Maybe its time for you to start advertising a bible study group, if you're up for it.[/quote]

That sounds like a good idea. The only thing is I am not qualified for anything like that. I have only had basic religion courses. I do go to college but I will be done in ONE WEEK :yahoo: anyway. Glad to have things clarified.

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[quote name='picchick' post='1510065' date='Apr 25 2008, 08:42 PM']That sounds like a good idea. The only thing is I am not qualified for anything like that. I have only had basic religion courses. I do go to college but I will be done in ONE WEEK :yahoo: anyway. Glad to have things clarified.[/quote]

Who says?

A bible study is not about teaching religion, it is about sharing Christ with people. Of course, Jesus said - go out into all the world and teach the world. . .

He didn't mean it just for the 12, he meant you and me as well!

BTW, I like the composition of your photograph. If that is your choice in comp, you have some talent. Keep it up.

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also... picchick your points in your second post about grace is very warranted.
the idea that one could "earn" grace, and how grace works is very crucial issue. the heart of it, i'd manage.
i'd even venture that that's where the debate should be moving, and anything i said is just introductory setting some important distinctions.

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jesusis... you need to lay off the eugenics stuff. it's like ad homeniems that doesn't actually argue the points. somehting not uncommon from you.
as to preventing diseases, you are deceived. you are living a lie. but that's anotehr thread at another time.

time to get back to talking about santification justification and grace.
i'm still not sure what exactly your disagree with as per catholics.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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[quote name='Deb' post='1507021' date='Apr 22 2008, 07:09 PM']Those men sound like greedy selfish pigs to me. I could be wrong though. I am sure they aren't Americans.[/quote]
Erin Brockovich is an American who almost single handily sued a firm in the united states for doing that. I remember the line in the movie from the judge. The corporation wanted the case to be dismissed, and the impartial judge said,

"I find it disturbing that you would print out pamphlets saying the toxic waste is good for you!"

It made me laugh, but it shows how greedy the elite are, and what lengths they would go to for lust of money. It happens in every single country. Our politicians are bought by powerful individuals who have the politicians look after the corporate needs of that corporation instead of the needs of the people.

I hate (don't hate, appreciate) that evil, and how our elected leaders are comprimised through support of the evil of being bought and sold!

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1510075' date='Apr 25 2008, 08:51 PM']jesusis... you need to lay off the eugenics stuff. it's like ad homeniems that doesn't actually argue the points. somehting not uncommon from you.
as to preventing diseases, you are deceived. you are living a lie. but that's anotehr thread at another time.

time to get back to talking about santification justification and grace.
i'm still not sure what exactly your disagree with as per catholics.[/quote]


Diary, the more you post, the more I clearly see something most don't.

There will be ones who will see the truth as lies and the light as darkness at the end of this age. You're one of them.

I can't believe you haven't mustered the courage up yet diary. Nobody here should trust you.

Remember, one in two will be taken dairy, the way you're going about this, it is so obvious that you will be taken in judgment unless you repent.

But I agree, let us continue to talk about faith and works and justification and sanctification. I may be able to accomplish two goods within this topic.

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dude whatever. you are as deceived as they come. you know some truth, but manage to kill the rest, much like the pharasees did.
you come here, acting like catholics do not understand the ways of God, grandstanding yoru relationship with God when what you have or what Gods ways are are not necessarily exclusive to catholics.

instead of all that, why don't you actually debate?
why don't you just stick to the topic for a change. actually address the points.
we can have emotional appeal to a significant extent in the debate board, but it should mostly coched within well reasoned argument.

issues which mainly are... what do you actually disagree with as per catholics on this matter? how do you think your idea of grace is different given that they don't think they can earn grace, but given that you surely have to think the more you do the more you open yourself, the more God will work within you. there's balance there that i don't think excludes you from catholic though. but i can't know unless you speak.

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[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1510085' date='Apr 25 2008, 09:05 PM']Remember, one in two will be taken dairy, the way you're going about this, it is so obvious that you will be taken in judgment unless you repent.[/quote]

Are you God, Jesus Christ to know such a thing? And again I ask you, are you infallible to know that others do not have the spirit to know scripture but you do?

Yes, I know you don't like to respond to me, you've declared me you enemy, thou I pray for you. Anyway you should think of others that will visit these threads years from now and see your inabilty to answer with sound faith, reason and truth. Your silence only serves to discredit you.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1510090' date='Apr 25 2008, 09:10 PM']dude whatever. you are as deceived as they come. you know some truth, but manage to kill the rest, much like the pharasees did.
why don't you just stick to the topic for a change. actually address the points.[/quote]

I am not arguing any points, because I actually like the Catholic point of view. Works don't save me, but once I am saved, works will follow.

I just like posting here for other reasons.

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tell me about it. anytime a debate tries to get anywhere, he always resorts to how God is good, and how he knows Jesus, and how humans are nothing to the maginifcance of God etc.
and then he stops talking. stops debating and leaves that thread. much like he probably intended to do here.

i mean, all good points, what he says generally about God... but at a certain point, it's just hot air if he's not willing to actually debate in a debate board.
and really, it's grandstanding and condesceanding to do that around other christians who also know God.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1510098' date='Apr 25 2008, 09:19 PM']Are you God, Jesus Christ to know such a thing? And again I ask you, are you infallible to know that others do not have the spirit to know scripture but you do?

Yes, I know you don't like to respond to me, you've declared me you enemy, thou I pray for you. Anyway you should think of others that will visit these threads years from now and see your inabilty to answer with sound faith, reason and truth. Your silence only serves to discredit you.[/quote]

One of the gifts of the spirit is the discernment of spirits. God can talk to all of us in response to someone's character. I know dairy is some very interesting, and I don't like her. She is passing off filth as something is of God and God needs someone who will stand against her. I am here to be her nemesis. After all, Paul told the old witch who said, these are the sons of the living god to shut her mouth because it grieved him. I guess he shouldn't have told a witch to shut up when she spoke evil. . .

I have answered most of your posts. I understand we don't agree on the fact that belief should/shouldn't be organized. That's okay though, because you are honest about your intentions.

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ok, well if you admit you have no problems andor agree with the catholic position, then i have no issue.

i'm still not sure if by "like" you mean, a good and reasonable christian could believe it... or if you mean you agree. cause if you don't agree, i still wonder what it is you disagree with.

but i will let it go since you at least i think mean that a godo and reasonable christian could believe it, and in my mind that's enough of a concesstion for the purposes of a debate.

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