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Nuns' Names

Maria Faustina

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Mari Therese

If I were to pick a name for religious life, it would definately be Marie Therese. I was placed under the protection of Mary at my baptism, and St. Therese is my favorite saint, my dad told me that my grandmother's name was Sr. Therese when she was in religious life (kinda cool).

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:topsy: Well, for my nuns name I would take Sister Mary Hilda.Hilda is my real name,and I would takeit too for St.Hilda of Whitby,the famous Abbess.
Or Sister Maria Emma,for both my mom and her namesake,St.Emma,
or Sister Mary Generose.That was the name in religion of my great aunt Eva,who was a School Sister of Notre Dame
for over 60 years until she passed away at age 99.
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Well, my atheist brother calls me "Sister Diet Coke", so I guess I don't have to explain that to anyone :rolleyes:

I also told him that maybe I needed to start a new community and his reply was...

[i]"Finally, – I agree that women won’t be attracted to a religious order with just Diet Coke and free internet access. You have to give them pictures of handsome young men and endless repeats of Gilmore Girls too !"[/i]

Naturally, he misses the whole point of religious life (and "young?" men - does he forget how old I am?), but I figure I will just keep talking to him about it in the hope that one day he will wonder if there is anything to all this "God" stuff after all! :rolleyes:

Edited by nunsense
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I have given this some thought, and I think I posted my choices when this thread ran before but that has changed now. I have some ideas as of right now but am sure that will change. I will just be open and see how things go when I enter. I believe I get to list three for Mother and she picks, part of me just wants to let Mother select I'm not sure if I could. I mean I could but I have a close relationship ( at least I think I do ) with many saints and have a particular draw to certain devotions and titles of Mary so I really don't know. SO with all that said my answer right now is I just don't know

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So I keep tripping out on this name. One of the characters in the television show LOST is named Evangeline. I began torealize what a beautiful name that was.
Then last week, I met a cute little old nun named Sister Evangeline. It was the cherry on top of my sundae.

Bro Mark

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I've actually thought about it now (I refused to, earlier :) ) and I have some ideas - one for if the Dominicans win, and one for the Blue Sisters (since then it'd have to be a name of Mary!).

I've only told my mum so far, and I'll keep it at that ;)

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I had thought about it before... at one point I liked Sr. Paul Christopher. At the time, it made sense... but now, I'm not so much a fan. :wacko: Other names that I still like:

[b]Mary Simeon[/b] (because his canticle is my favorite)
[b]Corpus Christi[/b] (the Dominican in me appreciates this wonderful feast that comes from St. Thomas)
[b]Stella Maris[/b] (just like the name and title of Mary)
[b]Madeleva[/b] (a famous sister who ran the college I went to- a combo of Magdalene and Eve)

And as the Holy Spirit would have it, I'm discerning with a community who doesn't change names (anymore). I think this is a real blessing for me as one of the hardest parts of this "vocation thing" for my parents has been the idea that my name would "change." And seeing as I don't so much care one way or the other, I think that's a consolation that the Spirit is giving my family amidst this struggle.

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[quote name='shortnun' post='1508256' date='Apr 24 2008, 11:47 AM']I had thought about it before... at one point I liked Sr. Paul Christopher. At the time, it made sense... but now, I'm not so much a fan. :wacko: Other names that I still like:

[b]Mary Simeon[/b] (because his canticle is my favorite)
[b]Corpus Christi[/b] (the Dominican in me appreciates this wonderful feast that comes from St. Thomas)
[b]Stella Maris[/b] (just like the name and title of Mary)
[b]Madeleva[/b] (a famous sister who ran the college I went to- a combo of Magdalene and Eve)

And as the Holy Spirit would have it, I'm discerning with a community who doesn't change names (anymore). I think this is a real blessing for me as one of the hardest parts of this "vocation thing" for my parents has been the idea that my name would "change." And seeing as I don't so much care one way or the other, I think that's a consolation that the Spirit is giving my family amidst this struggle.[/quote]

Your comment on your parents made me chuckle.....I think this is a cute story....as I've mentioned before, I am a lifelong friend of a now Nashville Dominican Novice, this sweet young woman grew up in a lovely family but when it came to changing her name, her dad had a little "issue" with it (after all her parents chose her name/patron very carefully for her)...but then on her clothing day received a new name - that of both her parents....suddenly, DAD didn't so much mind the name change.


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