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Nuns' Names

Maria Faustina

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Maria Faustina

If you had to choose another name to be a nun or a sister, what would you choose?

i would choose: Anastasia
Thomas Augustine
John Thomas
Dominic Ambrose
Rita Bernadette
Gemma Maria

Since I have a vocation, this is what I always think about when I have nothing else. I was wondering if I am the only one who does this or not, or if this is bad.
Thanks! :topsy:

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I know that there have been a few other threads about this, so I know other people do think of it. :-)

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Deus te Amat

I think about it alot.

Sister Teresa Catherine is probably my favorite...

others include:

Mary Dominic
Catherine Rose
Mary Catherine
Mary Thomas

(as you can see, there is a slight bias toward the Dominican end :topsy: )

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the lords sheep

I think about it at times, but since in the order i'm discerning with, you are given your name by the superior, I don't bother much for now.
Although, that being said, I have thought about it in the past. Most recently, I really like Sr. Vincent Marie for St. Vincent de Paul, who wad really a beautiful saint. I would also really love Sr. John Paul Mary or Sr. Teresa Benedicta.

In Jesus and Mary,

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Mariana Simone of the Incarnation

Honors Mary, Anna (the widow who prayed night and day in the temple) and Simon/Peter

And the Incarnation in all its mystery owns me and has since I was a kid.

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He is Risen!

I was thinking about this just the other day. My baptismal name is Mary and I think I'd like to keep it, but I also love Martha, maybe Mary Martha? They were always together anyway. I also love Moses from the Exodus, I don't know if he's officially a saint. Does anyone here know? The order I'm checking out you get three names, Sr ____ ____ of the ___. Maybe Sr. Mary Martha of the Holy Spirit, or Sr. Mary Moses of the Holy Spirit, or Sr. Mary Claire of the Rusurrection. You never really use all three names conversationally, so it would probably be shortened to Sr. Mary, that is depending on which name actually gets picked for me.

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My brother actually wrote an Excel spreadsheet program for me so that I could plug in names and titles and it would randomly combine them to make names like
Sister Mary Michael of the Eucharist
Sister Angela of the Sacred Heart

etc etc....

but when I got to Carmel, Mother Prioress had already chosen my name so I didn't really have any choice in the matter. I know that some communities allow one to choose whereas others don't, so find out what yours does before you worry too much about choosing a name! :rolleyes:

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[quote name='nunsense' post='1505236' date='Apr 21 2008, 01:07 AM']My brother actually wrote an Excel spreadsheet program for me so that I could plug in names and titles and it would randomly combine them to make names like
Sister Mary Michael of the Eucharist
Sister Angela of the Sacred Heart

etc etc....

but when I got to Carmel, Mother Prioress had already chosen my name so I didn't really have any choice in the matter. I know that some communities allow one to choose whereas others don't, so find out what yours does before you worry too much about choosing a name! :rolleyes:[/quote]

What an excellent use of excel!!

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If it be the will of God that I become a religious, I have always favored the name Sr. Maria Magdalena of Jesus through Mary... One time I saw a religious' "third name" in Latin. I liked that. I understand though that in some communities the prioress will choose the name. That is ok with me too because I know that whatever name she chooses will be the name God has chosen for me, and so I am sure it will be more special/beautiful then anything I could fancy.

Edited by TotusTuusMaria
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the lords sheep

At first I had a really hard time with the community choosing my name (if that is where I enter), but as I prayed about it, I realized how beautiful it was to be totally poor to Jesus, to surrender everything, even my own identity to Him.

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[quote name='the lords sheep' post='1504626' date='Apr 20 2008, 07:37 PM']I think about it at times, but since in the order i'm discerning with, you are given your name by the superior, I don't bother much for now.
Although, that being said, I have thought about it in the past. Most recently, I really like Sr. Vincent Marie for St. Vincent de Paul, who wad really a beautiful saint. I would also really love Sr. John Paul Mary or Sr. Teresa Benedicta.

In Jesus and Mary,

St. Vincent de Paul is so awesome. I got to see his incorrupt body in France - AMAZING. He looked so peaceful. It was an experience I'll never forget.

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Anything with Mary's name it in would be just wonderful. Maria Faustina, of course. (Speaking of, I quite like your username, Maria Faustina :) ). Therese or Theresa, Rose, Francis, Benedict. I would love to have a name in Spanish, because the Spanish language is really special to me, if it was allowed. And if the order includes the 'of...." in their names, then most definitely the Blessed Sacrament, or the Sacred Heart of Jesus, or the Divine Mercy.

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In the community I'm discerning with, everyone is Sister Mary Something. The future novice submits 3 suggestions to Mother and she prays over it and usually chooses one of them. All my first choices are already taken :sadder: so I really don't know. When reading everyone else's I came up with the following short list which will probably change.

Sr. Mary Grace
Sr. Mary Bernadette
Sr. Mary Acquila (as in fly like an eagle) :lol_roll:

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Maria a Cruce... Mary by the Cross/at the Cross if that is the right Latin. (Like Teresa Benedicta a Cruce.)

My baptismal name is already "nunny" though, which is amusing... in fact the Mother of the Carmel around here used to have the same name, I think.

I was told a funny story by a religious--she was of an order where you could submit three preferences, and she really, really wanted a certain one, so she submitted the name she liked, an Old Testament name which she knew she wouldn't get, and another name that was already taken (or something like that). Lo and behold, she got the name she wanted! hmm...

Edited by Thomist-in-Training
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