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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Justin86' post='1507313' date='Apr 23 2008, 06:40 AM']Moving on to Madame Vinegar, while it's true that her "whatevers" get tiring and make her sound like an uneducated teenager she is still making some good points in this topic, and some very educated ones at that. If only she would [i]mature[/i] she would be a lot easier to deal with.[/quote]

Wow, I'm simply impressed with how you are able to both compliment me and insult me at the same time.

Here at Phatmass, the hits just keep on comin'.

You know what? I've posted upwards of 120 times on this board and of those 120 only FOUR TIMES have I said "whatever". And what went over your head was WHY I responded "whatever" those four times.

If you don't get, you don't get it. That's okay with me. But I am neither a teenager nor immature. And no one who knows me would ever accuse me of such.

I have also never, ever, ever, ever insulted Catholics and Americans by repeatedly referring to us--unapologetically!!--as "greedy selfish pigs".

But, whatever.

Edited by Madame Vengier
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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Mercy me' post='1506952' date='Apr 22 2008, 05:55 PM']This whole issue really frustrates me. The problem is that we are a nation of laws and we have people coming here that don't think that they apply to them and come here illegally. This is wrong. Then these people then can't work legally and have to take whatever they can get which allows them to be exploited which is also wrong. This is creating an underclass. It is all so frustrating.[/quote]

According to some people here at Phatmass what you just said was "contrary to Scripture" and very "unchristian".

According to some other people you are a "greedy selfish pig" because of what you just said.

According to yet still OTHER people what you just said about our nation "having laws" should be eradicated because between "the laws of man" and "the laws of Scripture" one of those two "has to go".

Christian communism is alive and well at Phatmass. It's like Liberation Theology without the guns.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Deb' post='1507367' date='Apr 23 2008, 08:38 AM']but, what am I?[/quote]

Well, I'm assuming you are a "greedy selfish pig" since you have stated repeatedly that "Americans are greedy selfish pigs". You are American, aren't you?

Or do you even claim a nationality, since your "relationship" with Christ supercedes any and everything else.

Because somehow insulting and deriding your nation, its people and its laws is part of having a relationship with Christ in your mind.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Deb' post='1507342' date='Apr 23 2008, 07:56 AM']Well, actually Justin, Jesus did not say, "The poor will always be with you" and mean it as you think he meant it.[/quote]

Because you, Deb, and no one else, knows what Jesus "meant".

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Deb' post='1507362' date='Apr 23 2008, 08:30 AM']Overreacting to my phrase of We instead of some is just semantics and immature.[/quote]

Not hardly.

You used "we" gleefully and with pride. The very first time I commented on your remark "Americans are greedy selfish pigs" you held fast and defended your remark--and tried to use Sacred Scripture to back up your appalling insults. That is why I responded to you with "whatever" that time.

The next time I called you out on it you tried to change it to "many Americans" but never retracted your original "we". And even though you used "many" you still INSISTED on retaining the phrase "greedy selfish pigs" in reference to Americans, even going to far as to say [b]"it wasn't unchristian, it was the truth"[/b]. Now, just a few posts up from this one you posted "greedy selfish pigs" numerous times in a row just to really drive home your point.

In addition to that comment, you have repeatedly referred to Americans as being corrupt, immoral and unethical. You continue to do so. Not just our government or our policies, but AMERICANS.

Again, it is profoundly offensive. You are entitled to your opinion, but what you have done is pass "opinion" and moved into the realm of making blanket rude and unfair statements about America, America's people and America's laws...and stating them as FACT.

Anyone who challenges you is accused of:

being immature
being unchristian
being some other poster (???)

You are truly and really the most offensive person I have ever come across at this forum and I frankly don't know how anyone abides by your insults and your vile against the American people, many of whom are also Catholics.

With this, I promise you and the rest of Phatmass that I will have no more dealings with you, ever.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1507384' date='Apr 23 2008, 10:01 AM']Not hardly.

You used "we" gleefully and with pride. The very first time I commented on your remark "Americans are greedy selfish pigs" you held fast and defended your remark--and tried to use Sacred Scripture to back up your appalling insults. That is why I responded to you with "whatever" that time.

The next time I called you out on it you tried to change it to "many Americans" but never retracted your original "we". And even though you used "many" you still INSISTED on retaining the phrase "greedy selfish pigs" in reference to Americans, even going to far as to say [b]"it wasn't unchristian, it was the truth"[/b]. Now, just a few posts up from this one you posted "greedy selfish pigs" numerous times in a row just to really drive home your point.

In addition to that comment, you have repeatedly referred to Americans as being corrupt, immoral and unethical. You continue to do so. Not just our government or our policies, but AMERICANS.

Again, it is profoundly offensive. You are entitled to your opinion, but what you have done is pass "opinion" and moved into the realm of making blanket rude and unfair statements about America, America's people and America's laws...and stating them as FACT.

Anyone who challenges you is accused of:

being immature
being unchristian
being some other poster (???)

You are truly and really the most offensive person I have ever come across at this forum and I frankly don't know how anyone abides by your insults and your vile against the American people, many of whom are also Catholics.

With this, I promise you and the rest of Phatmass that I will have no more dealings with you, ever.[/quote]

Thank you. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. God Bless you.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1507372' date='Apr 23 2008, 09:44 AM']According to some people here at Phatmass what you just said was "contrary to Scripture" and very "unchristian".

According to some other people you are a "greedy selfish pig" because of what you just said.

According to yet still OTHER people what you just said about our nation "having laws" should be eradicated because between "the laws of man" and "the laws of Scripture" one of those two "has to go".

Christian communism is alive and well at Phatmass. It's like Liberation Theology without the guns.[/quote]

You know, that was the first thing I noticed about Phatmass, how liberal it was. :rolling:

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1507376' date='Apr 23 2008, 09:48 AM']Well, I'm assuming you are a "greedy selfish pig" since you have stated repeatedly that "Americans are greedy selfish pigs". You are American, aren't you?

Or do you even claim a nationality, since your "relationship" with Christ supercedes any and everything else.

Because somehow insulting and deriding your nation, its people and its laws is part of having a relationship with Christ in your mind.[/quote]

No, I am not a greedy selfish pig and now that you bring it up, My relationship with Christ will always supercede any and everything else. My Lord definitely comes before my nationality, my family, my job or anything else. He is my life. He is also Lord of all of heaven and earth and in the end, it won't matter what nationality your are or what nation you live in. Period.
Matthew 24:14 "
All the [b]nations[/b] will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats."

I would really like you to tell me why you think that a christian cannot object or insult their nation. Do you want to know what I think about this country and the number of abortions are committed every year? Do you want to know why most of those abortions are committed? Because of selfish people who are most likely Americans.
I am just using that as an example to your offense against insulting my nation and its laws. I have every right, period. I have as much right to say what I want as you do to not agree with me. I just have the ability to voice my opinion without coming off like a psycho.

Psalm 22:28 For dominion belongs to the Lord and he rules over the nations.

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you both may have good and valid arguments, but both of you are being obnoxious, and therefore your valid argument gets discounted.

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