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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Knight of the Holy Rosary' post='1506147' date='Apr 21 2008, 09:08 PM']I think this thread has crossed the threshold into the realm of lameness.[/quote]

So you thought you would just add to the "lameness" by stopping by for the sole purpose of saying how "lame" it is?

You guys are really something.

But you are right. It is lame.

The accusations of "attacks" are lame. Calling Americans "greedy selfish pigs" is lame. Childish suggestions that the thread should be locked down is lame. Using Sacred Scripture as a excuse for lawlessness is lame. Suggesting that we should ignore the sovereign laws of our nation because the Bible tells us to "take in the stranger" is lame.

I'm done here. You kids can go back to enjoying the sandbox alone with no one to challenge your radical ideas.

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[quote name='BG45' post='1506347' date='Apr 21 2008, 11:30 PM']I'd say more common sense than wise. I've just watched how it works in life; people with money may have all their material wants, but often, I'd never trade them family lives. And am I misreading you, or was your final bit a reference to the Eucharist? Sorry if I am.[/quote]

Our love for Jesus should be the center of our lives. It should direct our actions. Although, yes, the Eucharist is the center of mine. It gives me strength.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1506509' date='Apr 22 2008, 05:59 AM']So you thought you would just add to the "lameness" by stopping by for the sole purpose of saying how "lame" it is?

You guys are really something.

But you are right. It is lame.

The accusations of "attacks" are lame. Calling Americans "greedy selfish pigs" is lame. Childish suggestions that the thread should be locked down is lame. Using Sacred Scripture as a excuse for lawlessness is lame. Suggesting that we should ignore the sovereign laws of our nation because the Bible tells us to "take in the stranger" is lame.

I'm done here. You kids can go back to enjoying the sandbox alone with no one to challenge your radical ideas.[/quote]

I guess we just don't see things the same way. I am a follower of Christ first. He comes before my country, before my family, before anything. I will always look to the word before the laws of any nation. My place here is only temporary. I prefer to have my concern for where I will be in the afterlife come before this one. My actions here will affect that. Yep. My ideas are very radical. Jesus Christ was radical. That is why they killed him.

Here is one more lame Scripture for you: John 15:18-21

If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. "If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, A slave is not greater than his master ' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also. "But all these things they will do to you for My name's sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1504355' date='Apr 20 2008, 02:56 PM']Whatever.

It's easier to call names and hurl insults than to engage in a discussion about the things you don't agree with, isn't it?

Children operate that way, too, so it's not really a foreign concept.

You might want to think about monitoring your own displays of "grace and charity" (or lack thereof) before you go accusing someone else of the same thing.[/quote]

but....madame...isn't.....that.....what you are doing in every posts you have posted on this thread???

Do you have to be so rude and callous? I actually like some of your points, but can't you engage in this conversation here without being so....how do I say it?.....Un-Christian?

I myself don't like multi-culturalism to take precedence in the celebration of MASS. I didn't enjoy much of the music during the D.C. Mass, and I agree, if the Pope would've said a Latin Mass, perhaps He could've shown the rest of the country just how beautiful it is! It was quite embarrassing to watch them botch up the music selection...and to hear the commentator say at the end of it..."That's indicative of the American Church." Yeesh! Let's do all we can to change that!

In regards to the Hispanics role in the American Catholic Church: I'm happy for it! When I was a postulant in a very prestigious Dominican community here in the U.S.A, I had the privilege of going to Washington D.C. for the March for Life. At the Youth Mass, Cardinal McCarrick stated at the end of the Mass in perfect Spanish, "The future of the Catholic Church in America is in the hands of the Hispanic Catholics." When he said these words, the whole arena went into an uproar, because the majority of the youth there were, in fact, Hispanic. I was pretty much raised in the "Hispanic" side of the Catholic Church down here in central Texas. I have always found Hispanic Catholics extremely reverent and very humble and pious in their worship at Mass. The Hispanic people here have seen much persecution and have had to cling to their faith through it all. The reason for this, is because here in central Texas...racism abounds. Here in Central Texas, if the trees could speak, they would tell you the horrors they witnessed. People who were not White, meaning, those who weren't Irish, German, or any other European ancestry, that is the blacks and hispanics were attacked and oppressed. Catholic Churches were segregated. I myself was persecuted for being me (Hispanic) when I tried to go to Mass at a "white-only" parish. The Pastor kicked me out and told me I didn't belong there! When I entered a very prestigious Dominican community...I used to joke to my sisters, "St. Dominic and I are the only Hispanics in this community!" I also faced a very obnoxious, racist postulant! And nothing was done about her attacks on my character AT ALL. I don't think certain races can ever imagine what it's like to be hated upon if they've never experienced it. I eventually left this very prestigious Dominican community. If not for my strong Catholic Faith, I could've allowed this to ruin my whole perspective on the Catholic Church. But it didn't. I don't believe in the Catholic Church because of the people who make up my Church. I believe because I believe in Jesus Christ. Perhaps the reasons for this latest development in "catering" and "pandering" to the Hispanic Catholic population in our country, is the fruit of the Hispanic's strong faith and prayers, to one day be accepted without persecution, equal to their white Catholic brothers. I find it a bit refreshing and uplifting to finally be looked upon as an important force in the American Catholic Church. Believe me, after decades of being spit on...this is unbelievable!

It can be very easy to judge a whole race when you don't live in their shoes. Illegal immigration, to be fair, is not a good thing for our country because it is criminal, and breaks the law. It isn't right for them to come over here and not pay taxes, etc. But consider that they come here looking for a better life, and many of them are living in dire poverty in Mexico. They come here with hopes and dreams for themselves and for their loved ones. If you could live in their shoes for just one day, perhaps you could find yourself being a little more merciful to their plight.

Edited by dominicansoul
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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1506509' date='Apr 22 2008, 06:59 AM']Suggesting that we should ignore the sovereign laws of our nation because the Bible tells us to "take in the stranger" is lame.[/quote]

Sounds like one or the other needs to change.

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[quote name='dominicansoul' post='1506544' date='Apr 22 2008, 09:52 AM']I agree, if the Pope would've said a Latin Mass, perhaps He could've shown the rest of the country just how beautiful it is![/quote]

Not to be too nitpicky, but there are rules concerning appropriate situations in which the Tridentine Rite may be used, and local bishops still have the power to deny the Rite from being celebrated if those rules aren't followed. For example, those in attendance must be there with the right spirit of understanding and reverence. It simply wouldn't be wise to thrust the Tridentine Rite on thousands of people like that. Plus, considering the challenge it is to maintain reverence in large open air Masses with all the distractions, the experience would be nothing like it is inside a church.

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[quote name='Deb' post='1506530' date='Apr 22 2008, 09:04 AM']Our love for Jesus should be the center of our lives. It should direct our actions. Although, yes, the Eucharist is the center of mine. It gives me strength.[/quote]

Well put again. :)

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[quote name='MIkolbe' post='1506123' date='Apr 21 2008, 09:28 PM']srsly... where is Dairygirl?[/quote]
Are you suggesting that Madame Vengier is just another one of Dairygirl's half-dozen personalities on phatmass?

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1506604' date='Apr 22 2008, 10:21 AM']Not to be too nitpicky, but there are rules concerning appropriate situations in which the Tridentine Rite may be used, and local bishops still have the power to deny the Rite from being celebrated if those rules aren't followed. For example, those in attendance must be there with the right spirit of understanding and reverence. It simply wouldn't be wise to thrust the Tridentine Rite on thousands of people like that. Plus, considering the challenge it is to maintain reverence in large open air Masses with all the distractions, the experience would be nothing like it is inside a church.[/quote]

Yeah, that was wishful thinking. But can you imagine if the thousands of people would KNOW EXACTLY how to worship together in an outdoor LATIN MASS??? THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!!

...MAYBE SOMEDAY......in my lifetime!

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[quote name='Deb' post='1506634' date='Apr 22 2008, 12:39 PM']Thanks. I got my Eucharist this morning and I feel sooooooooooo great![/quote]


As I've told BG before, the Eucharist is like getting your spiritual Wheaties. ;)

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[quote name='Knight of the Holy Rosary' post='1506147' date='Apr 21 2008, 10:08 PM']I think this thread has crossed the threshold into the realm of lameness.[/quote]
It take 7 votes. You're one :mellow:

[quote name='notardillacid' post='1506668' date='Apr 22 2008, 12:23 PM']Are you suggesting that Madame Vengier is just another one of Dairygirl's half-dozen personalities on phatmass?[/quote]

What? Lawl. Hardly... wait... what are her other 5 personalities?

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