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the lords sheep

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the lords sheep

Well Phamily,
In four weeks I graduate college. And I just wanted to give you a little update on where I'm headed! Well... I was hired by my university to work as a Resident Director on their Rome campus! So, on May 22 (or at least that's the plan for now...) I will be moving to Rome. Praise God!
The Lord is certainly a God of surprises, because I never would have thought that I would end up back in Italy next year. I'm still in shock, to be honest. It's a great opportunity, which I am accepting after much prayer and discussion with my spiritual director. God willing, I will begin a degree at one of the Pontifical Universities. And best of all: the community I've been discerning with has a large number of Sisters in Rome! (Not to mention that I'll live less than 20 blocks from the Vatican....)
[i]Please [/i]pray for me as I prepare to move to Rome. For now, I am moving 4 days after graduation, and will be training during my finals week (while taking my finals). It's crazy, but I believe it's the will of God!

In Jesus and Mary,

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God Bless you!

God is working! I see it now more then ever, and with the Pope here . . . WOW!

Yes, you'll be in my prayers and I hope you can put some prayers in for me too.


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What a golden opportunity for you, I am sure that you will enjoy being in Rome. Good luck . My prayers are for you.

Edited by Jennirom
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the lords sheep

Thank you all so much for your prayers. I really can't express how much they mean to me. As excited as I am, this has still been a difficult time: with graduation and saying goodbye to everything I've known and loved for four years and moving to a foreign country, everything seems to be in flux.
I'm doing everything I can to still trust that this is the way God wants me to go. Please continue to pray for me as I prepare! 30 days and counting!

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you are so lucky! er, blessed! i would move to Rome in a second. if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out, no problem. being at the summit location of our Catholic faith is amazing. plus you have access to amazing cities in Italy, plus Poland. went on a pilgrimmage last august and not a day passes that i don't reminisce and wish i could go back. people were great, food is healthy, lots of walking for health, lots of Catholics!

the rest of us on the other hand, may be discerning places in other states or countries, that i think, don't handle a candle to Italy, but of course they're great in their own respect. prayers!

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[quote name='the lords sheep' post='1502397' date='Apr 17 2008, 10:04 PM']Well Phamily,
In four weeks I graduate college. And I just wanted to give you a little update on where I'm headed! Well... I was hired by my university to work as a Resident Director on their Rome campus! So, on May 22 (or at least that's the plan for now...) I will be moving to Rome. Praise God!
The Lord is certainly a God of surprises, because I never would have thought that I would end up back in Italy next year. I'm still in shock, to be honest. It's a great opportunity, which I am accepting after much prayer and discussion with my spiritual director. God willing, I will begin a degree at one of the Pontifical Universities. And best of all: the community I've been discerning with has a large number of Sisters in Rome! (Not to mention that I'll live less than 20 blocks from the Vatican....)
[i]Please [/i]pray for me as I prepare to move to Rome. For now, I am moving 4 days after graduation, and will be training during my finals week (while taking my finals). It's crazy, but I believe it's the will of God!

In Jesus and Mary,

How wonderful for you. We will keep you in our prayers. It sounds like a fantastic opportunity!

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  • 3 weeks later...
the lords sheep
Well Pham,
I move in 10 days!! Praise be Jesus Christ!!
I just wish I weren't freaking out so much!
Thank you all for the wonderful prayers and heartfelt wishes that you have sent my way. I cannot express what a consolation it is to me to know that I have the prayers of others.
Please keep them coming as I graduate, train for my new job, and move to Italy!
God bless you all!!!

In Jesus and Mary,
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Do you know the AS song "Roma Roma Roma"? It's really about the Roma soccer team but it always brings tears to my eyes... we had it on our Rome class video...
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xigDH384K0"]Roma, Roma, Roma[/url]

"Roma, beautiful Roma... Yellow like the sun, red like my heart... (ie. the soccer uniforms.) You were born great and you must stay great! Single great love of so very many people whom you've made fall in love with you."

If you want, PM me and tell me which school you're working for, I'm interested to know.

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the lords sheep

Keep up those prayers! I meet with my spiritual director tomorrow, and I move Friday! Right now everything is so transient as I move and pack and train for the job and everything, so my prayer has been very rough, so please continue to hold me in your prayers!
Thank you all!!! you'll be hearing from me from Rome!!!!!

In Jesus and Mary,

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