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The "born Gay" Hoax


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Archaeology cat

Interesting. He has a link to a draft of his book, so I think I might peruse it and then post again when I've done that.

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Farsight one

Do you know what his credentials are? Does he have the biology degree needed to make light of real evidence for or against?

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Working with homosexuals for several years I have never met one i wasnt able to "cure", the morn gay is a hoax

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Autumn Dusk

This guy honestly seems like a nutter. Weither he speaks the truth or not really dosn't matter...he seems to just appeal to persons who already question homosexuality. I think he's right, but I also think that he'll get lost in the great chasm of religion v. science.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='Farsight one' post='1500693' date='Apr 16 2008, 03:24 PM']Do you know what his credentials are? Does he have the biology degree needed to make light of real evidence for or against?[/quote]
That's one thing I'm wondering - I haven't looked much for his credentials yet, though. I'm also not very far into his work yet, so I'm trying to reserve judgment until then.

Edited by Archaeology cat
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If he is able to open a genuine disucssion with a group of opponents, while keeping calm and cool to present the truth, I say bravo to him.

Best of luck in his endeavor, may it bare good fruits.

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Farsight one

[quote name='Archaeology cat' post='1500795' date='Apr 16 2008, 11:58 AM']That's one thing I'm wondering - I haven't looked much for his credentials yet, though. I'm also not very far into his work yet, so I'm trying to reserve judgment until then.[/quote]
Yes. I am just abhor to accept his statements at face value without knowing about any credentials he has first. I'd feel too much like a Jack Chick fan if I did that. *shudder*

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It seems logical that people would be born gay. I don't think *all* of the people who claim to be homosexuals are that way. I think some are just weird kids who find solace in the group identity of the homosexual community, and are sexually androgynous enough to pass. I think others are victims of abuse who are sexually confused. I think others are just "sexually liberated" people who are really just gluttons of sexuality.

But that as it may, I think that there are some whose concupiscience manifests itself in the tendency towards homosexual attraction. It's there "brand" of sin, the one that always gets them. Its like how not everyone feels a strong urge to gamble excessively, or others don't have problems with profanity.

[quote name='CatholicMax' post='1500740' date='Apr 16 2008, 12:08 PM']Working with homosexuals for several years I have never met one i wasnt able to "cure", the morn gay is a hoax[/quote]

Cure? How?

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I'm going to read the draft and see what I think. I most definitely believe that no one is physically born gay. If this is was true then I would have to believe that it was a mental or physical defect that could (eventually) be treated medically, maybe a severe hormonal imbalance or some such thing. But even that is stretching it for me. God does give people mental and physical defects to live with, even serious ones (I know, I have one). But I can't imagine Him giving something to someone that is a serious attack on their soul with the severe temptations that would come along with it. This is why I can't accept the born gay theory, because I don't believe God would tempt anyone, which is what happens if he creates someone with this defect.

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[quote name='goldenchild17' post='1501048' date='Apr 16 2008, 05:50 PM']But I can't imagine Him giving something to someone that is a serious attack on their soul with the severe temptations that would come along with it. This is why I can't accept the born gay theory, because I don't believe God would tempt anyone, which is what happens if he creates someone with this defect.[/quote]

God doesn't "give" anybody any temptations. We are tempted by the devil and we fall short because of our human weakness. Gay or straight, we must offer our sexuality to God and ask Him to guide it and purify it. We must know that sex is the expression of the purest love between a man and a woman who have expressed their commitment to each other by being married by a priest of the Catholic Church, and that it is meant to be experienced and enjoyed with an openness to the natural end of intercourse: procreation. If society believed these things to be true, homosexuals would remain chaste just like others who are called to the vocation of single life.

Like my old Youth Minister said, it's all about chastity.

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It is impossible for someone to be born with a gay gen or to be born gay.

If God if the creator of all and God is all good. And homosexuality is an evil. God cannot create what is evil.

Homosexuality must be a choice made by a good creature.

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Exactly, but the way I see it, homosexuality as it exists is a perverted view of human sexuality. It is by its very nature, unordered. God will allow us to be tempted by Satan. So I can definitely see someone BECOMING gay due to temptation. But I don't believe God would create a person with that perverted orientation as it is against His very nature and law.

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