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Sacred Heart


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I've recently begun conversations/discernment with a community that has a devotion to the Sacred Heart. (I don't think that's giving too much away b/c there are a lot of communities out there dedicated to the Sacred Heart. :P ) And, I realize that each community's charism will shape their devotion to the Sacred Heart.

But here I am a "cradle Catholic" and I don't know what Sacred Heart devotion is. Now, I know how to use Google and search around, but I'm wondering, if [b]you [/b]have a personal devotion to the Sacred Heart. And if so, how would you [b]explain [/b]that devotion to others?

Thanks in advance! :)

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Ahh, I absolutely love devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it is just about my favorite. The way I see it, His heart encompasses all of love. His love for us, unto death upon the cross. It is not a negative, it is only positive. When things are pure chaos in my life, I know I can trust the Lord to draw me to Him and keep me safe there. It transcends a physical form, though reminds us that Jesus was indeed human like us. So He truly understands what we are going through.
I always wear a heart somewhere on my person, and it personifies the Sacred Heart of Jesus to me. I wear it in memory of Him, not love of some fellow human. People are always giving me hearts because they know I love them, but not all know the reason!!
You must read the Autobiography of St. Magaret Alacoque who started this devotion, it is wonderful and explains alot.
It is such a wonderful devotion, and I hope you soon find yourself caught up in it.

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Guest Perpetualove

One way to delve into devotion to the Sacred Heart is to take apart the imagery and see how it fits with your life, and how it speaks to you.

A classical representation of the Sacred Heart shows a Heart surrounded by rays of light/fire (representing God's outpouring of burning love for us), a single but often three-tipped flame over the indentation of the Heart (representing Jesus' love for us; in three tips we are reminded of the Triune God) a triangle in the side (representing the tip of the soldier's spear that pierced the side of Jesus), a crown of thorns wrapped around the heart (representing the obvious - the crown of thorns Jesus wore in His passion), and usually, three drops of Blood falling from either the thorns or the piercing (representing the Blood He shed).

When I meditate upon the Sacred Heart, I usually focus on each specific image and reflect upon what it means to me, and how I can better love Jesus. I often save the the triangular piercing for last, because for me, this is the means in which I enter fully into the heart of Jesus. This is not my original idea, and has certainly been written about a lot by others, but for me, it is very meaningful. I sometimes meditate upon the suffering of Jesus and how His suffering opened a door for all of us; aside from the deeper theological discussions we could all have, I like to focus on the more simple imagery...that of just slipping into His heart through this pain and suffering (illustrated by a tangible symbol), and it is there I try to quiet my mind and rest my soul.

I would also suggest to you as discern with this community you take some read of their history. I will use the Carmelite Sisters of the Sacred Heart as an example - I can understand fully why the image of the Sacred Heart would be so important to them. They really suffered and struggled to get here, and I am sure that image - of a Heart enveloped by pain and suffering, yet with the burning love - and especially the rays - bursting forth - was most likely something that gave their Foundress much strength. I have no doubt that as she suffered, and went through all her trials, she would focus on the Sacred Heart and garner strength.

The Carthusians are very devoted to the Sacred Heart. Some of the earliest images found of it were carved into their Charterhouses and gates. (Even before St. Margaret Mary)

I hope this helps, and good luck. Any Community that has a devotion to the Sacred Heart I already love!


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Guest Perpetualove

Oops...I was writing my answer (too long as usual) before I saw Alicemary's. So it doesn't look like I am debating or contradicting her...let me say that the Carthusian's works were not published (to the public!) until much later in their history. Their writings are very old and were published AFTER St. Margaret Mary made the devotion popular and available.

I found a book (hand-bound) on the internet of the Carthusian's book of prayers on the Sacred Heart and it is beautiful; it shows as a woodblock print the actual carving that was found in some of the Charterhouses. (Remember that some of their works/books/writings were passed amongst each other - to different Charterhouses only, not to the public.)

I just didn't want anybody to think I was correcting or finding fault with Alicemary's remarks. Alicemary, I think that is a great idea to wear one. I might copy you!

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I don't know much about it but I will share a beautiful experience I had recently..

I do Adoration at my church on Saturday Nights. It's a lovely time 1 hour of total quiet.
When you come in there is a bookcase and table by it that has Divine mercy 8.5 x11 Pictures on it, that are free and that you can take home with you. I know because I always look there and see those pictures. I do the Divine Mercy Chaplet, So I always smile at the pictures before I go into the chapel.

This Night I thought I'd look at the pamphlet rack and I saw a Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I thought, I'd pray a Novena for my Vocation, because at that time I had not started Active discernment yet though I was using my SD.

So I went into the chapel and prayed to our Lord with this Sacred Heart Novena with the intention of my Vocation etc. I felt that my heart was deeply touched for some reason, more than usual. It was a very deep Hour of prayer.

I had to go to the bathroom. Now mind you this chapel is Locked with a keypad code. No one had come in I would have heard them. On the table where the Divine Mercy pictures were was: A PICTURE OF THE LORD WITH HIS SACRED HEART!!!!! It is a german picture of our Lord, dark background, very beautiful I want to say 18th or 19th century. It's on the back of the picture. I'll have to post what picture it is.

Neat Huh?

So that's how I got started on the Sacred Heart Novena!

Naturally the picture went home with me and I put it in a frame.

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The Netherlands is dedicated to the Sacred Heart :)

Other than that, despite it being the dedication of the parish where I was baptised, I don't have an enormous devotion to it - but I'm working on that. Can't take over the country without learning to love the one thing the country is devoted to!

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I never had much attraction to the Sacred Heart tradition/devotion but do have an affinity for St. Faustina and the Divine Mercy devotion. ABout six months ago it hit me Divine Mercy is the Sacred Heart of Jesus. :bigshock: Duh!! slow learner that I am. Vey much looking forward to the Feast of the Sacred Heart this year. :cupidhit:

Edited by irishdancer
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Sister Rose Therese

The devotion to the Sacred Heart is so central to the Church. It certainly got more attention and focus with the apparitions to Saint Margaret Mary, but you can also see it in the writings of Saint Gertrude back in the 1300s.
Without going into a lot of personal detail, as a sister, and as a woman, my devotion to the Heart of my Spouse is well, ... how could it not be the most important?!
Interesting fact, in case you haven't heard this, in one of the Eucharistic miracles, can't name it right now, the Sacred Host turned into visible flesh. Upon examination it was determined to be a slice of tissue from a human heart.

Edited by Sister Rose Therese
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the lords sheep

You may find these interesting:

[url="http://www.catholicculture.org/library/view.cfm?id=6076&repos=1&subrepos=&searchid=220305"]Sacred Heart of Jesus, article 1[/url]

[url="http://www.ewtn.com/library/CHRIST/FR90204.TXT"]article 2[/url]

[url="http://www.ewtn.org/library/Theology/heartb16.htm"]article 3[/url]

[url="http://www.piercedhearts.org/hearts_jesus_mary/sacred_heart_reparation_jpii_calkins.htm"]article 4[/url]

I only had time to read the first one, but they are from reliable sources! I know it doesn't explain my devotion, but I often find articles like these aid my meditation.
In Jesus and Mary,

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Thank you all for your responses thus far. It's helping me "flesh out" this part of our Catholic "imagination" and tradition. I'll have lots to read in the next day or so, as well as bring to prayer.

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[quote name='shortnun' post='1500522' date='Apr 15 2008, 11:53 PM']Thank you all for your responses thus far. It's helping me "flesh out" this part of our Catholic "imagination" and tradition. I'll have lots to read in the next day or so, as well as bring to prayer.[/quote]

I learned more about devotion to the Sacred Heart--and Him in particular--in three days with the Visitation nuns than I ever did in 20 years of studying the subject.


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My devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has grown over the years, and especially this last year. I was in a parish Spiritual Growth/ Weight Loss program called The Light Weigh, which is dedicated to the Sacred Heart. We always lit a candle and said a prayer to the Sacred Heart.

It was around this time I also found myself drawn to pray the Anime Christi after Eucharist.

Then I was listening to Catholic Answers and they were talking to converts about devotions. The deacon said that the devotional prayer he loved was the Chaplet to the Sacred Heart. Well, of course I had to look it up. Imagine my surprise to find that it was based on the Anime Christi!

God is so good, and things like this just make me laugh! Of course, I've ordered one. Here's a link, in case you're interested.


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