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How Do You Visit The Sisters Of Life?


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"Suzy" and I are going on a nun run this summer, driving, and she would like to visit them if we can. I'm up for whatever, but I don't want to, you know, get murdered. How can you visit the Sisters of Life? Leave the car in some safe town and take the train in? Or is that worse? Anyone been to visit? Which house do they like to have people visit?

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I live in "that" part of town here. Don't have a dangling purse. Put your wallet in your pocket, or a backpack with both straps on your shoulders. Don't wear flashy clothes or jewelry, including ipods or expensive sneakers. Be aware of your surroundings. Make eye contact with people that seem scary to you. That's hard, but it makes them understand that you "see" them. If you can, go with an escort, and during the daylight hours. If you put your wallet in your pocket, do the front pocket, and put a rubber band around it. That makes it harder for pickpockets. When I'm going someplace really scary, I take a mugger's wallet. I buy a wallet at a thrift store, and fill it with things like those fake credit cards that come in credit card offers, used phone calling cards, and five dollars in folding money. If you are accosted, you give them that wallet, and they run away. I have lost two of those wallets over the years, one in Mexico, and one in Memphis.

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Where are they located? CatherineM has good advice. Especially about looking people in the eye if they're eying you. Chances are you'll be fine, walk around like you know what you're doing.

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You could indeed park your car outside NYC (In NY, or CT, or NJ) and take the train in and then take public transport in NY, but if you are not city-savvy, I would not recommend that you do that alone.

You should contact the Sisters of Life, because they may well want to meet you at the train station or at a subway/bus stop somewhere and drive you to one of their homes. That not only addresses any possible safety issues but saves you from getting lost trying to find them. As I recall, the Bronx is not an easy grid of streets like Manhattan, so getting lost might be a real concern.

Hope this helps.


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Guest ambrose

I live in the Bronx, you'll be fine. Remember - people are living, breathing, raising kids, praying etc here every day without incident. Just be street smart. Giving off a scared-little-person vibe won't help you!

Why don't you get a sister to meet you at a transport spot (like Grand Central or something) so you won't get lost in a shady neighbourhood?

If you drive, I can recommend my suburb to park your car, it's quite safe. And you could subway it from there. PM me if you want the suburb (or just think North Bronx)

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It's 2 of us, my friend and I. I don't know whether we count as city-savvy or not. I've walked around Rome by myself, but not bad parts.

Is there anyone who has visited them & knows what would be a good way?

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the lords sheep

I've visited them a number of times at various convents, and it kind of depends. They really aren't in a terrible section of the bronx, and as long as you didn't leave things (like an ipod or phone or valuable stuff) in plain view in your car, you can park right next to the convent in the church parking lot. You could also visit the Sisters at their home for Mothers (Sacred Heart Convent) in Hell's Kitchen (which is much safer than it sounds) or at their Visitation Convent on the Upper East Side (very nice area), but same rules still apply for your car.
The problem with parking somewhere and driving in is a) their formation house is not easily accessible by public transport. I've done it, but i've lived in NY for 4 years, so it's a bit different and b) even if you park somewhere safe, you're going to have to pay parking fees, and leave your car far away in a lot for commuters that's prone to vandalism anyway.
My advice (from a New Yorker whose been there): park next to the convent, entrust your trip and your stuff to Our Lady's and your Guardian angel's protection, and enjoy your visit, because your stuff will be fine.
PM me if you have any more questions about visiting.

In Jesus and Mary, Lauren

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A long time ago, I was a postulant with the Sisters. At that time, there were only two convents. The one in Manhattan wasn't in existence yet. We lived at the convent on Hollywood Avenue in Bronx, in Throgg's Neck area. It was incredibly safe. We walked to the pharmacy, to the grocery and even took walks to SUNY Maritime College and back without leers or other incidents. We parked our cars out front, as well as near Cardinal Spellman High School when we were preparing the second convent... all without incident or feelings of unease. I wouldn't be too concerned, but would just be aware of your surroundings, as you would in any unfamiliar place.

God bless you.

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if you are flying in, make sure your arrival time is earlier in the day!

i flew in from california and i arrived at around 10:30pm. it was my first trip ever to the east coast and i was clueless. i ended up taking some buses and was not sure where my street was. by God's good providence a lady sat next to me and asked me where i was getting dropped off, and she happened to be getting off right there.

so i was walking down the street with my luggage at midnight in the Bronx.. "hm, this is kind of scary. oh well, if God wants me to kick the bucket this way, so be it." so i take a deep breath and finally arrive at St. Joseph's Friary. it's pitch black. no answer from the bell. "i guess i'm going to camp out on the steps until morning. what could happen?"

Fr. calls from the window and let's me in. "oh my, thank goodness you're alive!"

-the only communication i had was some messages i left before flying out. i should have planned it better with Fr., but it was a spur of the moment and for various reasons i thought it was ok.

-normally first time visitors stay for 2-3 days. i booked my flight for 21. had to shorten it and i stayed for 9.

-no visitors in september. new postulants are just starting. so um, i guess i did get a lot of privileged attention.

i realized that if i had landed at the other airport (la guardia or the other one), i would have had to have taken the subway and i hear that's a nightmare for tourists.

so there's my story. full of errors on my side. the point? trust in God and He'll take care of you!


hey wait just a sec, guess what i have? i wanted a pic with the CFR sisters, but i guess you're the reason why i got these visitors to the friary instead!

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the lords sheep

I've known Sr. Bridgid since she was discerning, and I believe the other novice is Sr. Maris Stella- she was in the navy before she entered.
I truly love the Sisters of Life. One of my favorite groups of Sisters. I highly recommend them!!!

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[quote name='the lords sheep' post='1499066' date='Apr 14 2008, 08:47 AM']I've known Sr. Bridgid since she was discerning, and I believe the other novice is Sr. Maris Stella- she was in the navy before she entered.
I truly love the Sisters of Life. One of my favorite groups of Sisters. I highly recommend them!!![/quote]

they're so pretty, and so are their habits!

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