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Is America The Greatest Nation On Earth?


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"'My country, right or wrong,' is the same as 'my mother, drunk or sober'" -paraphrased from GK Chesterton

right or wrong, we ought all still be proud of our country. you wouldn't be proud of your mother's drunkenness, but you'd still love your mother if you were a decent human being. same for your country.

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[quote name='CatholicMax' post='1496987' date='Apr 11 2008, 02:00 AM']"Better" is relative. maybe your definition is but not mine. definition, Better: improved, more attractive, favorable, or commendable, more advantageous or effective, improved in performance.

American is better.

True there is real abject poverty here in America but it is not a "serious problem" (serious implying that it is wide spread). but even the people that live on the streets get three square meals a day, soup kitchens are open. I went literally from living on the street at 14 with nothing (literally) but the shirt on my back the pants on my waist and the shoes on my feet, to renting a 5 bedroom house at age 15. I was motivated I knew i needed a place to stay found some people my own age in a similar situation found someone who was 18, worked under the table, did side jobs. and went to school. I was able to bring home $2,000 a month from hard work and various jobs. the majority of people in America who are poor are poor because they choose to be, they are either 1, lazy, or 2. think its more important to buy video games and Nikes than to save that $60 or $150. so don't tell me poverty is a real problem in America because that is a line of croutons.[/quote]

We may be better when it comes to attaining materialistic things but, we are spiritually and morally bankrupt. I don't consider that better than anything. I would rather live without "stuff" and in a place where all live their religion 24/7 than with all the "stuff" and see what I see take place in this country every day.

I won't get into an argument with you about the poor in America because from your statements, you do not have a clue. I have worked with the poor for 27 years and you are full of it if you think the majority of poor are poor because they choose it.
My mother grew up in a family with ten children. She also grew up dirt poor. My grandparents worked hard every day of their lives and the kids all worked picking fruit and veggies in the summer to get money to buy school clothes and books. Don't assume anything about the poor. That is sanctimonious, judgemental and definitely now within church teachings. Jesus was poor and the poor was who he drew to him.

Edited by Deb
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I agree that what America has accomplished in the past two centuries is
absolutely astonishing. Perhaps 60 % - 90% of all information that I possess came from
American authors. ( I've read the Bible a lot and Israeli authors gave us that one)!

But this warning for America is extremely important:


[quote]During Ned Dougherty's NDE, a Lady of Light told him how to change the world to prevent these catastrophic visions of the future from happening:

[size=4]I was told that the world could be saved, not by its leaders, but by prayer groups throughout the world. I was told that the prayers of a group of twenty could save a nation from war. I was told that the fate of mankind rested on our ability, individually and collectively, to change the direction of mankind in accordance with God's plan ... Depending on mankind's response to God, these events may be altered, postponed, or cancelled[/size]. (Ned Dougherty)[/quote]

These prophecies about Canada are interesting:


[quote]Around 1776 this prophecy was given by the Puritan Reformers, when the British Empire Loyalists turned north to settle in Canada in order to remain under British rule. When zealous Americans sought to persecute them because of this decision, the Spirit of the Lord spoke through their prophets saying, "Do not hinder these people. Let them move to Canada. Do not seek to incorporate the land of Canada into America. [size=4]I am in the independence of America from Britain, and will mightily use this country. But Canad a has been reserved by me for the last days for a special work.."[/size] Could this prophecy, delivered over 200 years ago, be a confirmation of a prophetic word concerning Canada delivered by Dr. David Yonggi Cho, of Seoul, Korea in 1975 and 1984? - James Watt (a Canadian called to call Canadian Christians to intercede for their country)[/quote]

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1497038' date='Apr 11 2008, 07:26 AM']Are dreams not attainable elsewhere in the world? It's interesting that the world's richest man, Carlos Slim, is a Lebanese immigrant to Mexico. He's just one example, but suffice it to say, nearly every country has its share of entrepreneurs and most live under democractic governments that at least offer some freedoms and rights.[/quote]

To move from Lebanon to Mexico is an improvement i dont deny that, my question however is is it the best improvement possible. no. how do we know this? because millions of Mexicans flee here to the united states, where as compared to American only 200,000 have left over our entire history. most democratic Governments become socialist countries (look at Venezuela for living proof). In America you are more free than in any other country in the world we are one of the few very few countries with a right to free speach.

[quote]I'm proud that the United States is the model of democracy for the world, that we have the Bill of Rights, and the freedoms it provides. Still, part of our role as a leader is to recognize the good offered by other countries that come from different cultures and developed outside of Western history. Unfortunately, American public schools don't teach much about the history of non-Western civilizations, so few of us have any clue where non-white people are coming from (or even whites in the East, like Constantinople).[/quote]

Not teach non western History? are you insane? I spent all of middle school and high school with the exception of 1 year learning about "world Civilization" there was so much about non western countries it was ridiculous, and when it did mention the west it was always in a bad light unless you were reading about the French revolution. we need more western Civ courses.

Saying that America is superior to the rest of the world does not mean we deny the good in other countries.

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[quote name='Deb' post='1497142' date='Apr 11 2008, 10:18 AM']We may be better when it comes to attaining materialistic things but, we are spiritually and morally bankrupt. I don't consider that better than anything. I would rather live without "stuff" and in a place where all live their religion 24/7 than with all the "stuff" and see what I see take place in this country every day.

I won't get into an argument with you about the poor in America because from your statements, you do not have a clue. I have worked with the poor for 27 years and you are full of it if you think the majority of poor are poor because they choose it.
My mother grew up in a family with ten children. She also grew up dirt poor. My grandparents worked hard every day of their lives and the kids all worked picking fruit and veggies in the summer to get money to buy school clothes and books. Don't assume anything about the poor. That is sanctimonious, judgemental and definitely now within church teachings. Jesus was poor and the poor was who he drew to him.[/quote]
Alright here is my challenge to you. If America is not the greatest country which country would you rather live in?

and I have lived in poverty as i have said and the majority of people choose to live in poverty. they would rather go out and purchase material goods which dont have any substantial value. and dont say that i am being judgemental because i am not, what I am doing is pointing to facts and saying that there are not many truly poor people in the united states for example; if you are a single person making $700 a month you are making enough money to not be in poverty.
ANYONE who has discretionary spending is not poor.

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[quote name='XIX' post='1497336' date='Apr 11 2008, 03:31 PM']Canada is better from April thru the beginning of June. :))[/quote]
and why is that?

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='CatholicMax' post='1497334' date='Apr 11 2008, 09:24 PM']where as compared to American only 200,000 have left over our entire history.[/quote]
May I ask for a source, please? I am genuinely interested in this tidbit (not least because we're considering emigrating to the UK, though we aren't planning on giving up our US citizenship).

[quote name='CatholicMax' post='1497334' date='Apr 11 2008, 09:24 PM']Not teach non western History? are you insane? I spent all of middle school and high school with the exception of 1 year learning about "world Civilization" there was so much about non western countries it was ridiculous, and when it did mention the west it was always in a bad light unless you were reading about the French revolution. we need more western Civ courses.[/quote]
I would say your experience was likely not the norm, as I have rarely heard of this happening. In my world civ class, for instance, we focused almost exclusively on western civ, with a small section on India & China. There should be some kind of balance, I feel.

Edited by Archaeology cat
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[quote name='Archaeology cat' post='1497355' date='Apr 11 2008, 03:53 PM']May I ask for a source, please? I am genuinely interested in this tidbit (not least because we're considering emigrating to the UK, though we aren't planning on giving up our US citizenship).[/quote]
I will ask my Prof for the source i got the stats from him but didnt think it important enough to note. Also you should note that while you may live in the UK you dont have the same rights as they do and you some rights they dont. you are emigrating but not fully.

[quote]I would say your experience was likely not the norm, as I have rarely heard of this happening. In my world civ class, for instance, we focused almost exclusively on western civ, with a small section on India & China. There should be some kind of balance, I feel.[/quote]
I dont think you understand how history should be structure and you this give you an idea that because they dont have "equal time" there is an imbalance(that is a very socialist idea of balance by the way). you need to first ask the question what is the purpose of history. I think once you understand that answer you can see really why focusing more on Western Civ is more important.

so What is the purpose of History. most people will say "to study the past". and that answer is... Completely wrong. it vague and has no real substance or meaning. the purpose of history is to allow me(the individual) to understand my past. this means that really when i begin studying history I need to begin with my immediate family the town i am an the history of the town. so on and so forth. then you go back and you look at the larger and larger society like circles within circles. so it is more important to study US History than it is to study Western History, and it is more important to study Western history than it is to study World History. Just like African countries should focus on Africa and Asian countries should focus on Asia. Its like layering with World History being the most general, and Local being the most specific. If you look at it like that it is not imbalanced at all. Anything you study you should be asking "how does this make me a better person" and "how does this relate to me. It is good to start in broad strokes but you need to narrow things down more and more because otherwise you cannot come to any conclusions about things

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Is America the greatest country in the world? Heck yes!
Though liberalism seriously threatens her greatness.

America is far from perfect, but I think is currently the world's best hope. Despite recent troubles, America remains a beacon of hope and land of opportunity for people from around the world. It was America that played the decisive role in defeating Nazism and Fascism, and eventually bringing down the Soviet Union.
America remains the most Christian of the major world powers, though liberalism is rapidly working to erode this. (Both defenders and attackers of America and American culture agree that America remains considerably more religious than most of Europe, which has whole-heartedly embraced statist secularism.) Much of Europe has a negative birth rate and a rapidly aging population, and in some places the population is already declining (including in "Catholic" Italy and Spain) - hardly a sign of a vibrant and healthy Christian culture. American liberals often decry the "religious right" and wish America to become more secularist and statist like Europe and Canada. The way things are going, there will soon be more Muslims than practicing Christians in Europe.

Despite increasing socialist statism (thanks to liberalism), America remains the freest country on earth, and many freedoms Americans take for granted are denied in other parts of the world. (And yes, this includes the much-maligned right to keep and bear arms). In European countries like Germany, parents who homeschool face serious criminal prosecution. America has long been a haven for those fleeing repressive dictatorship.

If America is such a horrible, repressive place as liberals claim, why do immigrants from around the world flock to America in such great numbers? Why isn't there an equivalent great exodus from America to "better" countries?
All we get is whiny American liberals threatening to move to Canada or France, but rarely making good on their words.

Americans should work hard to protect and defend America's greatness and freedoms from further erosion, rather than taking them for granted or wallowing in shame about how horrible their country is.

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1497038' date='Apr 11 2008, 07:26 AM']Are dreams not attainable elsewhere in the world? It's interesting that the world's richest man, Carlos Slim, is a Lebanese immigrant to Mexico. He's just one example, but suffice it to say, nearly every country has its share of entrepreneurs and most live under democractic governments that at least offer some freedoms and rights.[/quote]
Yes, extremely rich people live elsewhere in the world, yet even the most "multicultural" of liberals will have to admit that overall, people have it much better materially in the U.S. than Mexico. In countries like Mexico there is often enormous disparity between the rich few, and the many who are quite poor. (Ironically, this is a charge commonly made against America by leftists - however the poor in Mexico are generally much poorer than in America).
Why do you think it is that every year millions, both legally and illegally, cross northward over the U.S./Mexican border, rather than in the other direction?

[quote]I'm proud that the United States is the model of democracy for the world, that we have the Bill of Rights, and the freedoms it provides. Still, part of our role as a leader is to recognize the good offered by other countries that come from different cultures and developed outside of Western history. Unfortunately, American public schools don't teach much about the history of non-Western civilizations, so few of us have any clue where non-white people are coming from (or even whites in the East, like Constantinople).[/quote]
The truth is that most American schools today are woefully ignorant of the history of Western Civilization, and of America. At the same time, schools often push "multiculturalism" at the expense of teaching about Western Civilization.
Year, after year, studies show that many American [i]college[/i] students lakc basic knowledge of American history, such as being unbale to place the Civil War in the correct half-century, not knowing the Preamble of the Constitution from the writings of Karl Marx, or being able to identify basic events in the American Revolution - all things American [i]grade-schoolers[/i] of several generations ago would have been familiar. Knowledge of European history is equally lacking.
I'm afraid America and the West's current contemptuous disregard for and ignorance of its own heritage will play a huge role in its downfall.

Edited by Socrates
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i bet mexico is pretty religious. so, is greatness measured by material wealth?

i mean, the US has so many abortions, and is not as religous as many other countries, or as free. material wealth is the only area it's got anyone beat.

mexico is more religous. belgium has a lot fewer abortions, and is much more free. most of those northern europe countries are freeer.

maybe in the totality of the circumstances the US is better. but i don't htink it's obvious.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1497715' date='Apr 11 2008, 11:59 PM']i bet mexico is pretty religious. so, is greatness measured by material wealth?

i mean, the US has so many abortions, and is not as religous as many other countries, or as free. material wealth is the only area it's got anyone beat.

mexico is more religous. belgium has a lot fewer abortions, and is much more free. most of those northern europe countries are freeer.

maybe in the totality of the circumstances the US is better. but i don't htink it's obvious.[/quote]
I am so sick of people using abortion to point out how America is not the greatest country in the world. Firstly no Mexico is actually not more religious than America and there is good argument its not even as Catholic as America(liberation theology is not Catholic). When you look at the number of people who actually attend cult services America beats out Mexico with ease and with exception of Africa and India(arguably) we beat out the rest of the world as well. do you see what people who are trying to argue America is not the greatest country are doing? They narrow it down to a single issue. that is as bad as a single issue voter it shows no intelligence.

now as to you Diary girl are you seriously going ot say that other countries are freer than America? especially Europe. your joking right? the PC socialists have Europe especially northern europe on lock down. France, Britain, the Netherlands's, Germany. Heck in Germany if you home school your kid you are arrested. you dont have freedom of Speech in one European country. you dont have the right to bare arms. you don't have half the rights that we Americans do. not only that but in Europe and Mexico, Canada and other places the government steals half your check. here at least they only steal 26%

the reason its not obvious is because you choose to be blind to reality. I have an idea for you if America is not the best. and I am going to say this to EVERYONE who does not think America is the best country. Get out. that is right leave. find a or the better country and go live there.

God Bless America.[/url]
Land that I love
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies ,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America
My home sweet home.

While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer:

God Bless America,
Land that I love
Stand beside her,
And guide her,
Through the night
With the light from above,
From the mountains,
To the prairies,
To the ocean,
White with foam,
God bless America,
My home sweet home.
God bless America,
My home sweet home.[/quote]


And i say that with as much charity as possible. There are three things you must never insult. The honor of my Mother(my earthly mother), the honor of my country(philosophical and political mother), and the Honor of the Church(my spiritual mother).

If you insult my Mother prepare to be on the reception of a very long beating.

Edited by CatholicMax
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