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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1495256' date='Apr 8 2008, 11:05 PM'][url="http://www.tulsaworld.com/webextra/content/2008/monks/default.aspx"]http://www.tulsaworld.com/webextra/content...ks/default.aspx[/url][/quote]

Oh, yes! One of very few Extraordinary Form of the Latin Rite men's monasteries available in the U.S. I think they were founded from Fontgombault, France.


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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1495256' date='Apr 8 2008, 08:05 PM'][url="http://www.tulsaworld.com/webextra/content/2008/monks/default.aspx"]http://www.tulsaworld.com/webextra/content...ks/default.aspx[/url][/quote]
Clear Creek are a Foundation that started from American born Monks who were at Fontgombault,France (and founded from there)
They are part of the Solesmes Congregation of Benedictines, the group within the Congregation, who still Celebrate liturgics from before the Council, 1962 Missal etc.




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and a video about them from 4 years ago..

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Hi guys!

I am an oblate novice for Clear Creek monastery. I've probably spent a total of three weeks living there on retreat. Their life is amazing! I would love to answer any questions that I can!

I also would like to say that their liturgy is quite beautiful, even the "hybrid" mass. It actually results in a very historical celebration of the liturgy, with a few problems, and a more 'intellectual' experience of the texts of the liturgy. You have to get used to monastic liturgies though; austerity is quite the norm.

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I've heard great things about it, and one of my friends moved nearby. I didn't know their Mass was hybrid though? How is it like '65? I didn't know that was licit.

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I'll give you the list of changes that I remember. These were authorized by the Vatican when Fontgombault went back to the traditional Mass.

1. The Prayers at the Foot of the Altar are omitted.

2. The Priest does not recite those portions of the Mass which the congregation sings.

3. He says the collect from the chair rather than from the altar.

4. The Minor Elevation "Per ipsum et cum ipso...etc. is sung aloud.

5. The Pater Noster is chanted by the whole choir.

6. The last Gospel is omitted.

7. The readings are chanted facing the congregation.

I must say, there are really, of these changes a few that I really like. The first is that the does not say those parts of the Mass which are being sung. That has always smacked to me of the undue influence Low Mass exerted on the ceremonies. I also like getting rid of the Prayers at the Foot. In the new rite, this has been replaced by a "rite of penitence," which misses the point. In fact, a penitential rite at the beginning of Mass is not really attested by liturgical development in the West until later on in the development. It disrupts the flow from procession to prayer to reading greatly, and only works in the Old Mass because it is recited quietly and PRIOR to the Introit. However, I like the idea of transferring most of this rite to the sacristy anyway. Finally, I like the idea of getting rid of the last Gospel. This is another sacristy prayer, unfortunately moved to the main altar without real cause.

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The [url="http://www.clearcreekmonks.org/CDforSell.htm"]chant CDs[/url] they have available here of the monks at Fontgombault are really beautiful .. A few years back they were sending them out in the mail asking for donations, and we were lucky to get all four (the Easter one a friend gave me actually), and of course we sent a donation. God bless them!

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[quote name='son_of_angels' post='1496277' date='Apr 10 2008, 08:35 AM']I'll give you the list of changes that I remember. These were authorized by the Vatican when Fontgombault went back to the traditional Mass.

1. The Prayers at the Foot of the Altar are omitted.

2. The Priest does not recite those portions of the Mass which the congregation sings.

3. He says the collect from the chair rather than from the altar.

4. The Minor Elevation "Per ipsum et cum ipso...etc. is sung aloud.

5. The Pater Noster is chanted by the whole choir.

6. The last Gospel is omitted.

7. The readings are chanted facing the congregation.

I must say, there are really, of these changes a few that I really like. The first is that the does not say those parts of the Mass which are being sung. That has always smacked to me of the undue influence Low Mass exerted on the ceremonies. I also like getting rid of the Prayers at the Foot. In the new rite, this has been replaced by a "rite of penitence," which misses the point. In fact, a penitential rite at the beginning of Mass is not really attested by liturgical development in the West until later on in the development. It disrupts the flow from procession to prayer to reading greatly, and only works in the Old Mass because it is recited quietly and PRIOR to the Introit. However, I like the idea of transferring most of this rite to the sacristy anyway. Finally, I like the idea of getting rid of the last Gospel. This is another sacristy prayer, unfortunately moved to the main altar without real cause.[/quote]
just wanted to mention,their adaptions seem due to Monastic usage-austerity as well as '65,
and the prayers at the foot of the Altar,as i have been told, is eliminated in the Conventual Monastic Mass because they pray an office (Terce) just before..when i was at Fontgombault and N.d. de Triors, the Prayers at the foot were said at all the 'private' morning Masses.
for the non-hybrid full 1962 Tridentine Liturgies in an Monastic setting (the book they gave me at Le Barroux to follow Vigils was printed in 1933 mind you..) that would only be at [url="http://www3.bellapix.com/expos/public/diaporama.php?current_album_oid=ALBUM445622bd886ca"]Le Barroux [/url]


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Even Le Barroux has the changes in their High Mass - all the former 'Ecclesia Dei' Benedictine monasteries do.

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