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Went And Saw!


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I have visited communities that lacked that feeling of sisterly concern, and usually that would raise a red flag for me. For me, community is primary. Sometimes you will feel an undercurrent of discord in the community, and belive me, I can't hit the door fast enough.
I once visited a community that just felt so cold. The sisters seemed so distant, and not friendly with each other. Why would I want to enter there? Now, I feel no attraction to the hermit life, though I know some of you do. I enjoy praying and recreating in common. So if I didn't see woman who enjoyed each others company, then I am definetly not interested.
Loved your doggie!!!

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This community sounds wonderful. It is so important that each sister feel valuable and capable and loved - and it sounds like that is what you experienced. I am so happy for you.

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So glad the visit went well. It sounds like your heart may well have found its home.
(Actually, I had almost become accustomed to cuddling with my weeble and wub - although I never did figure out what it meant - it sounded kind of cozy!)

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