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Went And Saw!


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I went to "Come and See" at St. Mary Monastery (Benedictine) in Rock Island IL this weekend, and I thank all of you who prayed for me.

I had a terrific weekend there. I went at the request of my SD and also the Vocation Directress, who knows about my journey to and for Carmel but wanted me to see another way of looking at Contemplative Monastic Life, as the Holy Spirit really prompted her to ask me. I was grateful to the Sisters for their Openness towards me and my Journey instead of Just writing me off as Carmelite Oriented, they opened their hearts and minds to me and [b]Listened[/b] to me as well as shared their life openly with me.

Their facilities are new and lovely. Much thought was put into their choice of Rock Island by the Community, and they fit in well there. I had the opportunity to see them interact with people at a spaghetti dinner with the Rock Island, Moline community, and they are deeply loved by the community. Their retreat Ministry is growing, as well as their facilites to accomodate retreatants. The community is growing in new ways since they are no longer in Nauvoo IL running the Girls Boarding school, St Mary Acadamy. They work at the Local Colleges, and the Diocese, as well. They have been faithful stewards of their resources, and are not in "Dire straits." Nowadays, that is extremely important.

One of this week's threads on PM was: "How can you tell if a community is healthy?" and I am going to answer that here by saying that I saw Healthiness in the way that the Sisters interacted with each other, Joy and Laughter was Present, as well as the fact that they are "All Business" when it comes to Liturgy of the Hours and prayer time. People are treated as Adults and not children. The elderly sisters are loved and cared for and are not segregated and forgotten about. The Sisters in Formation were willing to answer tough questions openly and honestly as were the other sisters and the Prioress. The Benedictine Rule is lived out in a Wonderful way. There are still Sisters in Modified Habits, as well as sisters who are not. Even though people dressed comfortably, there were no Ripped jeans, no signs of sloppiness at all. Sunday Mass was beautiful, everyone dressed up and the service with choir wonderful. I was deeply, deeply Moved spiritually, the whole weekend.

The Liturgy of the Hours has chant, and things are done with a slow thoughtful pace the way it should be done. Recitation was also done this way. I teared up several times during prayer; I really KNEW the Holy Spirit and Our Lord were present.

I know that this will sound somewhat odd, but they are not "Desperate for Vocations". Yes, they want Vocations, of Course, but they are not going to just take "anyone" to have a body there. It is a Discernment Process. The Prioress and former Prioress met with me and the Vocation director and we had a wonderful conversation. They understand my contemplative nature and know that I will be visiting Carmel as well as other monasteries in the next few months, and they were so open to that. I felt understood and respected for my Journey and where it has taken me. I also knew that this community has Vision for the future. I sensed no Cliques or Cliquiness. Chapter elections are coming up in a few weeks and the Sisters take those elections seriously, and will not elect someone based upon "Liking her". Where is the Vision and what sister has the talents for Leadership towards that Vision for the next 4 years?. That's another thing I mean by Healthy. Living in Community is No Cakewalk as Sr. Praxedes has said, on our phorum here. Sr. Phyllis, The Prioress, describes it as all these rough stones over the process of time and life together becoming smooth, by being rubbed together. That is a very apt description. It is amazing to see what transpires when a community and individuals in Christ live together and how they grow and change.

Most importantly, the whole weekend [b]I felt Safe.[/b][i][/i] I was accepted for who I was, and I felt at Home. I felt Loved and respected completely and I too have respect for these women. I know that I have made good friends who I will pray for and Keep in touch with, and who will Pray for me, no matter how this journey turns out. That is a Grace.[i][/i] I don't know what the heck Happened here but all of a sudden I had something I did not write Like Cuddle with my Weeble"" dust (the ultra-handsome) (the ultra-handsome)!!!! HELP!!!! NOW IT"S SAYING YOU'RE ULTRA HANDSOME!!!!!

The Lord is helping me so much. I am an Outgoing person as well as a Contemplative one. I think that what struck me the Most about this weekend was the Balance in this community of Contemplation and Activity. So much of Carmel is present there, and one of the Sisters is very Carmelite in many ways including Loving Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity who is my favorite along with Teresa of Avila. Yet they remain faithful to their Benedictine Charism.

I have been invited back for another stay this time extended, 7-10 days. I have accepted, and we will figure out the dates. After I go to Carmel and see another community, it will be good to come back again to St. Mary's. Alicemary, thanks again for talking about extended stays in the healthy community post, that is so correct. I would not want to join a Community that I only saw once and also who would LET ME join after only seeing them once.

So, friends, This is what I saw! I am home now with a sense of peace, and confidence that the Lord is guiding me on my Journey. How do I use my talents in a balanced way? What is the Lord asking me? Is there a way that I could bring Carmel there? Or Must I be enclosed? There are some circumstances in my life that I am seeing that are important that may make me Not want to be enclosed; at this point I am not certain. More will be revealed as I discern.

I must say I was surprised! I am reminded again of how I am Christ's servant, and how this journey is His. I must keep an open mind, and go where He is leading me. Not my will be done but thine O Lord.

I would encourage discerning women who feel a pull towards contemplative monastic life and Benedictine Life to check out St. Mary Monastery, and speak to the Vocation Director, Sr. Bobbi Bussan. She is very welcoming, knowledgeable, and kind. Oldsters like me (49) are welcomed.


Edited by praying4carmel
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Dear Nancy,
God is rewarding your faithfulness and your desire - which is so difficult - to remain open! May you continue to remain open...and may you continue to "listen with the ear of your heart!" (RB)
God cuddle with my weeble and wub you,

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Well I guess if you say cuddle with my weeble and wub this is what you get Cuddles to you too praxedes until they fix this!

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How wonderful an experience!! Yeah, I am so glad that you went. So often we tend to judge a book by its cover and discount something though we have not experienced it. You went and gave it a try. Who knows where this will end up!! Regardless of where you enter, ,you are out there searching. And it certainly sounds like these are God centered and community loving woman. I rejoice with you, and am glad you are going back to another look. Just the time spent living in community will be very valuable for you.
Please keep us updated. It is wonderful to hear of others journey's.
And dust (the ultra-handsome), enough of this word substitution thing. I don't hate, appreciate it and it is so distracting to a serious conversation. Cant we just keep it away????

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I have intense dislike for the word substitution thing....grrrr...

Nancy, glad to read your report - they sound wonderful and you "sound" luminous. If one may sound luminous! :-)

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Thank you for sharing this part of your journey so far. Your experience sounds like it was truly Spirit led.

We continue to hold you in prayer. :pray:

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Thanks for posting--I'm so glad it went well for you. That whole focus on prayer, community, and hospitality is such a witness to all of us. :saint:

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Pax Christi!

It is so good to hear you had a blessed experience with the sisters this weekend! Thanks for sharing, Nancy.

Prayers! God bless you.

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for us.

Yours in Christ,

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Guest ambrose

Wonderful post. I knew those Benedictine sisters sounded a treat when I saw their website.

And it sounds like you had an incredible time. Good old Benedictine hospitality. I'm sure even if you find a home in Carmel, you'll remember these sisters fondly. Unless, of course, you join them! (it does sound like someone's in love!)

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[quote name='praying4carmel' post='1494222' date='Apr 7 2008, 02:18 PM']I'm Glowing![/quote]

Thank you Nancy for sharing about your visit and your joy.

L o v e and prayers,


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Love Love?

I love the Lord!

A test before an edit.

Well I guess you can't edit after time..Oh well.. I am glad that i can say LOVE again!

Thanks to everyone who prayed, replied and PM'd me..
Love to you all too!

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Oh good, dust (the ultra-handsome) finally fixed it, I am glad!!!

I am also really glad to know that you had such a wonderful time, being able to see the sisters joy and love for each other is such an amazing thing.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Saint Therese

How would you feel if there wasn't the obvious sisterly love for each other in the community?

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