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Transgendered People


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hmm, im not so convinced. personally i am off the opinion that the mind and personality are not so related to the body. otherwise all the smart funny people would look the same! hehe, not really a good example, but generally physical characteristics may have little to do with personality. sociopaths look just like normal people right? except the were born without any sort of moral center. compared to being born with a personality that is almost completely devoid of humanity, i dont think having a girls mind in a boys head is all that crazy.

and if you dont believe that poeple are born sociopaths, how do they get that way? it doesnt really matter because they are still sociopathic when its all finished. in the same way if you believe that you cant be born a transgender, why couldnt circumstances change that? the end result would be the same.

edit: and i didnt mean to relate genderconfused people with sociopaths in any way, it just made a good comparison.

Edited by Jesus_lol
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[quote name='kenrockthefirst' post='1495414' date='Apr 9 2008, 07:19 AM']What I'm saying is that a person's gender is [i]informed[/i] by his or her sex, and that while certain gender characteristics may be widely accepted they are not absolute. In Middle Eastern societies, for example, men kiss each other in greeting, while in the US that would be considered "girlie." I doubt, however, that a Middle Eastern man would shy from defending his honor if anyone suggested that [i]he[/i] was "girlie" because he kissed another man in greeting.

What I'm also saying is that we're [i]all[/i] broken as a result of the Fall, each in our individual ways, and agree that gender confusion vis-a-vis one's sex is a Bad Thing and harmful to the person experiencing it.[/quote]
I acknowledged earlier that the specific details of what is considered "manly" can vary from culture to culture, but the basic concept of manliness or being a man remains essentially the same.
Maybe our definitions here are totally different, but I don't think such minor cultural details change one's "gender."
For instance, the Middle Eastern man who greets with a kiss is not a different gender than the American man who prefers to shake hands, anymore than the kilted Scotsman is a different gender from the trousered Englishman.

And, using your example, the Middle Easterner would [b]not[/b] consider it manly to break down in tears and run to mama after having his manhood thus insulted.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Lil Red' post='1495625' date='Apr 9 2008, 01:36 PM']+J.M.J.+
i think i like you. :mellow: in a totally platonic way. but i think i will dig having you around phatmass.

welcome, btw![/quote]

Aw, thanks!! :blowkiss:

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