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Men, Women In Same Dorm Rooms


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Archaeology cat

[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1492660' date='Apr 4 2008, 11:29 PM']With the exception of Lucy Cavendish, Newnham, and New Hall, which are all-women colleges, the colleges of Cambridge University are mixed. As the students live on-site, this means mixed accommodation as well. I live in an old-fashioned lodge with six other people, only one of whom is a girl. I have my own little suite (bedroom-study and bathroom) and I hardly ever see my housemates at all. Not one of them has set foot in my room, as my friends are drawn from other circles. I don't see why this sort of arrangement need be a problem for a Catholic - it's no different from having a male next-door neighbour in a block of flats.

Then again, I may be misunderstanding the question - I've yet to get my head around the American dormitory system. In England a dormitory is a single room that you share with several people, usually at boarding school.[/quote]
In the US, most dorm room consist of 2 beds, 2 desks, some storage space, maybe a fridge, but not much else. There is little to no privacy between the 2 roommates, so you can't just close your door and get away from them. Some dorms are suites so there's a shared bathroom between 2 rooms, and some just have showers and toilets at the end of the hall, for all to use. That's why there's the uproar, because it is different from having a male neighbour in a flat. It is literally like living with someone of the opposite gender. (I personally like the British system of university housing).

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When I transfer this fall to finish up my degree I'll be living in apartment-style housing. I believe they only mix gender the housing if it is pre-agreed to. But the buildings are mixed, and I'm sure there will be girls over all the time, as there was when I was in my last dorm. Though at least here I'll have my own bedroom.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='goldenchild17' post='1492895' date='Apr 5 2008, 10:19 AM']When I transfer this fall to finish up my degree I'll be living in apartment-style housing. I believe they only mix gender the housing if it is pre-agreed to. But the buildings are mixed, and I'm sure there will be girls over all the time, as there was when I was in my last dorm. Though at least here I'll have my own bedroom.[/quote]
Yeah, I changed to an apartment junior year, though it was still all girls. I just liked having my own kitchen. :)

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[quote name='Autumn Dusk' post='1492620' date='Apr 4 2008, 05:20 PM']Honestly, I'd rather share a room with a gay guy than a lesbian woman.[/quote]
[quote name='MissyP89' post='1492662' date='Apr 4 2008, 06:32 PM']As for me, I'll be transferring to a university with co-ed dorms next fall. I wouldn't mind rooming with a lesbian--a few friends are--or a gay guy. However, I definitely would be wary of rooming with a straight guy I've only just met then. Given the stress put on most men these days to drink and then attempt to sleep with everything that moves, well...honestly, I'd be scared.[/quote]
[quote name='BeenaBobba' post='1492697' date='Apr 4 2008, 07:26 PM']Icky! That's pretty disrespectful for people to have sex when there are other people in the room who don't want to see/hear them getting it on.
Yeah, I don't think I'd mind sharing a room with a gay guy or a lesbian. But a random straight guy? No way![/quote]
really? huh. I don't think I could room with ANY guy - gay or straight. I mean, gay guys are still guys.

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Autumn Dusk

[quote name='Brigid' post='1493381' date='Apr 6 2008, 01:51 AM']really? huh. I don't think I could room with ANY guy - gay or straight. I mean, gay guys are still guys.[/quote]

I'm not biased against lesbians in general, but, as in another thread I spoke about the homosexual's and the rights society gives them to make unwanted advances.

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I would never let my child go to any university if they were assigned to a dorm room with the opposite sex.

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I don't know if I agree or not about co-ed dorms. I do have problems with mixed living like roommates of different genders or suitemates of different genders.

I think that gays and lesbians should not room with their gender though...even if you think that homosexuality is wrong, it is not going to change them and I think that it will cause in the very least temptation for them.

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I went to a conservative orthodox Catholic college with the unthinkably backwards and repressed policy of single-sex dorms with no intervisitation allowed by the opposite sex. (While most secular people are shocked at this, that was actually standard policy on almost all college campuses prior to the 1960s).

Once society begins sanctioning pre/extra-marital sex as an absolute right, there's really no limit. Same-sex dorms already have problems of "sexiles" exiled from their dormrooms by roomates having sex, the public sex mentioned, and policy questions regarding assigning "gay" students rooms with other homosexuals.

Edited by Socrates
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Autumn Dusk

My college is pretty conservative. Floors are segregated by gender, single gender apartments, and suite houses. Boys aren't supposed to be be on the girl's floor from midnight to noon, and it is enforced, but they don't open doors so its not too hard to have guys later than midnight anyways.

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