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[size=4][b]WARNING: NSFF, (Not-Safe-for-Families, curse words, sexual references are to be found on boths sites linked and in the flashes themselves for humour purposes, if you do not wish yopu children to hear them you should not open the links or at least see to it your children are out of earshot. The site on the first link is VERY NSFF)[/b][/size]

I'm an amatuer flash animator and I cuddle with my weeble and wub animating flashes for my flash groups but i've distanced myself from them for moral uncertainty. See, its these forums I landed into first, and learned the ways of ' lulz Internetz', and subsequently grown from my flash ability of This:

To this, my finest work.

Now here's the problem, the groups I belong to are majorly athiestic and vehemently anti-Christian, I've spent long enough on both groups forums to know this to be the truth. I 'luv' my characters, Barbarian Lock and Crusader Clock, (don't ask), and I absolutely 'luv' making movies with them and other locks and clocks from the groups. However, I know for a fact that people have joined these groups because of my work, (I've received fan comments and people telling me so on forum posts), and I also know that some of these said people have become very cynical and associated veiwpoints. What I fear is that people will join these groups and grow athiestic and reject God. I fear that I will be held responsible for this on Judgement day because of my flash movies, (the better I get and more of them I make the more I influence to join the groups etc, etc, etc), even though I do not directly influence their veiwpoints that lead to this, I influence them to join and enviroment which is very anti-God.

Any advice or what would the Church teach a person in such a position as mine? I wish to continue these sorts of flash movies, especially Crusader Clock, I 'luv' the little guy. Such a delightful little bada**.

(On a side note: dust (the ultra-handsome) (the ultra-handsome), seriously, stop that Word fiddler for the word l o v e.)


Edited by Galloglasses
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I vote that you become the official [font="Arial"]phat[/font]mass Flash animator and make videos in service to the church.

Like Superpope!

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While gratifying, (And I feel the invitation is undeserved), I might take you up on the offer. I've seen superpope before on newgrounds, (the site in the first link [b](NSFF)[/b], and i'm keeping an eye on the animator. (I think he's making a flash game out of it =D)

Do you have his permission to host the flash on fartmass? I know he is Catholic but hosting a relevent flash on your website without infroming or asking permission of the author is professional discurtousy and sometimes blatantly stealing.

Since you are interested I can link you to a few more flashes which I think you'd find excellent.

[b](NSFF)[/b] Saint Episode One and two, made by another Catholic who is a also a member of the flash gorup I belong to.
(He also has more Religiously themed flash but I don't really feel like linking them atm)

And uh, you didn't really answer my question XD

Edited by Galloglasses
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I do have the authors permission, and am actually currently working with him on a top secret project.

I'm interested in the other Catholic related flashes you were speaking of--thanks! More creative media for the church!

Your original question would be better answered by somebody else.

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