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The Best Arguement In Favor Of Purgatory


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i don't think he's really interested in conversing,,,, more like accusing the CC of contempt, and stating his position, and then leaving and not responding to anyone else.

definitely not personally responsible.

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[quote name='thessalonian' post='1494102' date='Apr 7 2008, 08:29 AM']JesusIS,

By the way, your method of weasiling out of the question at hand is typical. You slip in that sanctification is a process but don't ever answer how that process is guaranteed to be completed by the end of life. Nor do you answer the question of whether or not sanctification has to be completed to enter in to heaven. We agree that not being sanctified does not mean one is not saved.[/quote]

I have one question then.

How much time in Purgatory will I have to go through?

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[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1495225' date='Apr 8 2008, 09:10 PM']I have one question then.

How much time in Purgatory will I have to go through?[/quote]

Remind me not to waste time on a good faith effort in answering this guy's questions in the future.

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I guess I like the idea of purgatory, because the alternative scares me. I'm not sure I can ever live the life I need to to go straight to heaven.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1495492' date='Apr 9 2008, 10:11 AM']I guess I like the idea of purgatory, because the alternative scares me. I'm not sure I can ever live the life I need to to go straight to heaven.[/quote]

I heard you Catherine.

It was that fear that made me break down before God myself, and ask him to forgive me, and I asked Jesus Christ to take the reigns.

Because when you do the will of the father and listen and obey the words of the son, you can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

I believe in God's Grace, and that Jesus Christ has already received the punishment that was reserved for me when I die. I can't stop sinning myself. But I trust in Jesus death on the Cross, and I continually repent. Every time I think of my sins, I start crying and asking God again and again, please forgive me. And each time, I know God is just and faithful to forgive me and wash me cleaner than snow. My sins are not snow covered mushy mud pie, my sins are mushy mud pie turned into diamonds after I ask for forgiveness, because that is God's grace.

Making it to heaven is nothing about what we can do, but all what God has done, and is doing, and will continue to do.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1495252' date='Apr 8 2008, 08:58 PM']Unknown, time is an earthly bound it does not exist as we know it in the afterlife.[/quote]

Good answer.

Unknown, because there is no time. So - if there is no time, there is no need for purification. Making it to heaven isn't performance based. Your performance on earth is going to be because you have faith in God's grace, but God's grace is not dependent on your performance on earth. There is no time in Purgatory, because there is no time in heaven. You have to be 'instantly' purified from you sins. I have the faith that will happen when I die. God will 'instantly' welcome me into his presence, because past, present, and future are in him.

In fact, I believe God is heaven. Heaven isn't where God is, because that would me there are places that God doesn't fill, if he exists in heaven. So if we die, we go to him instantly, and he determines where we go depending on our faith. That is what it means, one life and then the judgement.

I choose the simple in my faith. I trust God will forgive my sins, and that I will be in heaven once he calls me back, be it dying, or after he comes back near the end of the tribulation.

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