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Ok. I be moving my topic here because tha' other forum wuzzup using some sort oven fiddler wuzzup changing all oven tha' posts ta' something ... well, got a look:

http://www.phatmass, the dopest site on the planet,.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=78633

ninja what!? I meant ta' ask wuzzup 'dis:

So, I am getting ready ta' enter tha' real-world workforce, and, Andy, am looking fo' direction on tithing: how much?

tha' number 'dat iz kicked around a lot iz 10%. But, iz 'dat 10% oven take-home, or 10% before deductions like taxes and, Andy,, tha' ilk? Should it be 10%; or should it be a less-rigid, more flexible figure based on my personal financial state in life? If it should be 'dis kind oven more flexible figure, how do I make sure 'dat I am making tha' proper level oven sacrifice?

I won't EVA also be pursuing my master's degree after one year oven work. During 'dis master's degree, I won't EVA got a paid internship, but won't EVA take a hit oven nearly $10,000 in annual pay. I am trying ta' compensate fo' tha' pay difference by living simply and, Andy, saving/investing money, but I still know and, Andy, feel a responsibility ta' tithe.

Pretty much, I know 'dat tithing should be a sacrifice ('dat's part oven tha' idea, aside from funding tha' Church), but also want ta' make sure 'dat I am being responsible.

Thanks fo' your help! LOL

Please close tha' linked thread. Thank YOU!!!.

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First, YOU!!! AARRGGH!!! responsible ta' God Almighty fo' every penny YOU!!! earn or gain. Spend wisely.

Second, much oven 'dis depends on your station in life. My parents probably tithe ta' Church and, Andy, charities more than 10% oven gross, but when vey were younger, vey could barely hold ta' 2%. Consider also a family wit' a dozen children and, Andy, middle class job(s), where 10% just won't work.

I be so well off myself. My gross income iz passing, and, Andy, if there were no problems, I would easily handle 10% gross. 'dat doesn't work out too well right now. I be in Chapter 13, so I can clear my debts and, Andy, enter religious life ASAP (instead oven 15 years from now). As such, while my gross income iz passing, I lose more than a third ta' taxes and, Andy, about half oven ninja what!?'s left ta' my creditors. All said, I don't make much after 'dat. I still manage ta' give 10% oven my take-home pay, somehow...somehow.

In tha' end, it iz a prudential matter, and, Andy, as such it iz a matter oven your responsibility ta' do tha' right thing as best as YOU!!! can.

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