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I'm prerry excited that the date is set for the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel which is awesome. I think I mentioned this before but as of right now I will be the only one entering but a lot can change in three months. I am praying ( if the Lord wills it) for a partner in crime. It would be nice to enter with someone else. So who knows.
Thank you everyone for your continued prayers!!!

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Guest ambrose

LOL! Partner in Crime! I am [b]so[/b] going to pray for this cause!! SSEW seem to have a few vocations, so maybe you'll have a co-postulant. I knew a very lovely girl who entered there years ago. I only spoke to her a few times (online) so I love visiting their webpage to see how she's coming along.

Those sisters have my eternal respect for tiling their own roof!

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  • 3 months later...

I just wanted to give another update because I don't remember if I mentioned that I am now entering on August 22nd pending my student loans. Well It seems that most likely I am entering because my loans are really coming together. I am so thankful for the generoisty of my friends, college profs and random strangers. I had $34,000 in student loans and I have brought my debt down to $5,000 so I am hoping I get one of the Mater Ecclesiae Fund for Vocations Grant since they would only need to cover $5,000. So that is all very exciting.
I just got back from spending a few days with my parents which was somewhat okay. MY mom and I talked quite a lot about me entering which was good but. . . my mom is still having a hard time with the fact that I won't really be coming home and that they will need to visit me down there. I said that it's not like they will never see me again. My mom said that I don't know that. I told her the only way it can be true is if she makes it true. Then she said that her and my dad have been discussing this at great length and decided that this is too hard for them and that the only way they can get through this is if they completely cut ties with me, so she said they won;t be coming to visit.
WEll that was quite the blow but I didn't let it disturb my peace. I said okay that's how you feel right now but I hope that in time you will change your mind. I just need to continue to trust the Lord. After this conversation I jsut asked for Our Lady's intercession and entrusted them yet again to Jesus through Mary. Right after the conversation while reflecting, a passage from Psalm 27 came to mind( this has been an important psalm for me) . It's towards the end and it says something to the effect that " Though father and mother forsake me, the Lord will take me in." Hopefully my parents will come around. I think they will eventually but it will jsut take some time. Please pray for them

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That must be so hard! I remember when my family was completely against my vocation and it was one of the worst times of my life, but it was also a time of great grace. Your courage and trust are very inspiring! It took my mom two years and my dad three years to accept my vocation and now they are very supportive of me entering religious life. I owe it all to prayer and the prayers of others. Keep praying for them and always show how joyful you are about entering! You're in my prayers! :)

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[quote name='MandyKhatoon' post='1601723' date='Jul 17 2008, 02:37 AM']That must be so hard! I remember when my family was completely against my vocation and it was one of the worst times of my life, but it was also a time of great grace. Your courage and trust are very inspiring! It took my mom two years and my dad three years to accept my vocation and now they are very supportive of me entering religious life. I owe it all to prayer and the prayers of others. Keep praying for them and always show how joyful you are about entering! You're in my prayers! :)[/quote]

Thank you for your words and for your prayers.

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I sense that your parents will come around eventually as well. I commend you for your calm and measured response to them. I will add my own prayers for your intentions, too. Thanks for posting your update, I was beginning to wonder if your entrance was getting close.

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You are very lucky to be undergoing conflict with your parents. This proves that the enemy does not want you in the Convent. It also gives you something to offer up to Our Suffering Lord. Stay chaste while you wait! Do not allow yourself to be infected by the sins of the world! I will pray for you tonight! I will pray that your parents will come to understand that you have saved yourself for GOD and that you will be a holy Virgin in the sight of the Angels and Saints!

God Bless You!



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Guest Perpetualove

I'm not sure I would agree with Beatus exactly, but I do think that this is very common for families to go through. I know my parents aren't happy (at all) with even the mention of religious life. I think it's great that you have the strength to move forward in the face of conflict and stress, and my hope for you is that this shows you how strong you are. I know others have said it better than I just did, but hopefully you know what I mean. You are entering on another great Feast of Our Lady, so I hope you find comfort in Her. God bless you, and thank you for updating us!

Edited for typo!

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[b]Saint Faustina - on the spiritual life[/b]
"When, over a long period of time, a soul has received much light and many inspirations, and when the confessors have confirmed the source of these inspirations and set the soul at peace; if its love is great, Jesus now makes it known that it is time to put into action what it has received. The soul recognizes that God is counting on it, and this knowledge fortifies it. It knows that to be faithful it will often have to face various difficulties, but it trusts in God and, thanks to this trust, it reaches that point to which God is calling it. Difficulties do not terrify it; they are its daily bread, as it were. They do not frighten or terrify the soul, just as a warrior who is constantly in battle is not terrified by the roar of the cannon. Far from being frightened, it listens to determine from which side the enemy is launching his attack, in order to defeat him. It does nothing blindly, but examines and ponders everything deeply and, not counting on itself, it prays fervently and asks advice of other warriors who are experienced and wise. When the soul acts in this way, it nearly always wins."

My prayers are with you in your discernment.

Edited by Rising_Suns
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