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Prayers for you and your family. I was also the only child. It may take a while, but once your parents see that you're happy, they will be too.

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Okay Pham Here is my big and exciting news.

My visit was amazing and Mother is jsut a remarkable woman. Our meeting went very well. She said she had looked over all my stuff several times and she accepted me. My entrance date is set for July 16th this year pending my student loans. So please pray that this will work out. I actually think it will. I'm working with the Laboure Society and will apply with the Mater Ecclesiae Fund as well. So.... the community I will be entering is............. The Sister Servants of the Eternal Word. I'm very excited. Please keep me in your prayers during this time and I will keep updating as to what's goign on. If anyone would like to help financially please message me eitehr with helping with the loans or items I need to buy before entering. Any help would be much appreciated but mostly prayers. Gosh I'm so excited. I have a deep peace about this and a lot of joy. My friend picked me up from the airport and before tellign her naythign baout the visit she said, " Wow are you radiant!"

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How Wonderful! I love the retreat ministry of these sisters - it is so sorely needed in our very stressed out world! I will keep you in my prayers along with the intentions of all the other PM'ers who are out there discerning, heading in or heading out! God bless!

And you're entering on the Feast of OL Mt. Carmel! She will surely pray for you!

Edited by DameAgnes
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[quote name='veritas99' post='1499541' date='Apr 14 2008, 05:56 PM']Okay Pham Here is my big and exciting news.

My visit was amazing and Mother is jsut a remarkable woman. Our meeting went very well. She said she had looked over all my stuff several times and she accepted me. My entrance date is set for July 16th this year pending my student loans. So please pray that this will work out. I actually think it will. I'm working with the Laboure Society and will apply with the Mater Ecclesiae Fund as well. So.... the community I will be entering is............. The Sister Servants of the Eternal Word. I'm very excited. Please keep me in your prayers during this time and I will keep updating as to what's goign on. If anyone would like to help financially please message me eitehr with helping with the loans or items I need to buy before entering. Any help would be much appreciated but mostly prayers. Gosh I'm so excited. I have a deep peace about this and a lot of joy. My friend picked me up from the airport and before tellign her naythign baout the visit she said, " Wow are you radiant!"[/quote]

Praise God! You are in my prayers :pray:

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I told my parents about the visit andthey are really upset. My mom got so upset when I told her she passed the phone to him and then I told him. I could hear my mom yealling and crying inthe background saying things like, "Why are you doing this to us? Why are you abandoneing us? We're never going to see you again?" I told my dad that they will still get to see me ( The sisters don't go home for visits, their family comes there) then my dad say, " yeah but we have to go to Alabama to see you." I didn't say anything to this because well I thought that was s dumb comment. My parents are retireed and have money so I guess I don't see what it's such a difficulty to go down to visit. SO they are really upset, which surpriseed me a bit because last time I talked to my dad he was supportive and now he's not. Maybe it's because now I;'m actually accepted adn the reality of it all has hit him. Please keep my parents in your prayers this is really hard for them since I am an only child and they are lapsed Catholic's so this dones't really make much sense to them. It's just going to take them awhile. I know it's still 3 months away but as of right now they said they will not take me down because they have too much going on in July, which is true. My friend Joe is going to drive me down and we're going to make it a road trip. Please pray for me in this because it weighs heavy on me because it really pulls on my heart when I hear them say thigns like I am abandoneing them. I know I need to continueto trust the Lord with everything including my parents, I need to detach.

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NO, detach might not be the right thing to go for right now, understanding might be better. Your parents dont really understand what is going on and need some time. They might feel hurt, they might feel betrayed. That is a very common thing, as most here who have entered will tell you. Dont expect them to be thrilled with the idea, few parents will be. Surround them with love. Give them as much information as you can, and spend as much time as you can with them. These people love you so much, and are struggling to understand you.
You might just be the person who will bring them back to the church, but this takes time. Show them how very happy you are. Let them see photos of your trip if you have them. Downplay the fact you cant come home, and talk about how much them can visit, and when you can write them, call them or email them.
Please do not seperate yourself from them now, or you might put up barriers that wil take forver to remove. As a future religious you might detach yourself from things, from useless possesions, but never from those that love you. They are your parents, and you are forever bound.
And remember prayer works wonders, as does the utmost care and love you will give them.

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I agree with Alicemary and will certainly keep your parents in my prayers. As a mom, myself, and one who is not "lapsed" and who supports vocations and the idea that if we want the church to continue we need to be willing to let our children go, I still know that it would be incredibly wrenching to see my kid go and know I would only see them again in small doses. For parents with no other children and no real appreciation for the worth and meaning of vocations, it has to be a very confusing and jumbled time. Just keep loving your parents. Their tears will certainly make it hard on you but recall that their reactions - as unhelpful as they might be - are rooted in love for you and a "selfish" desire to always have access to you.

I understand what you meant by "detach" and to some extend you will have to do that, but it must be interiorly, of course. You will not be the first sister to have parents unwilling to support the vocation...but hopefully they will not be the last parents to have a change of heart once they see how happy their daughter is! :-)

God bless!

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My mom is visiting me right now and I let her read your post. She told me that when I left their house after telling them about my vocation my dad cried and actually locked himself in his office for a couple of hours. I was clueless about his pain. Her advice is to be patient and keep the communication open. And that if they see you are happy it will work out. We are both praying for her and you.


p.s. Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel!! How cool is that!

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I will definitely pray for you and your parents as I, too, am an Only Child and it has taken 34 years for my father to give me His blessing. Now I am Actively Discerning.

You have alot of 'guts' and courage. Pray to Our Lady of Mount Carmel (no Coincidence there..) and she will help your parents. Keep the lines of communication open and loving; they will see your happiness.

God Bless you in every way!
You are in my Prayers.

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[quote name='alicemary' post='1500022' date='Apr 15 2008, 12:52 PM']NO, detach might not be the right thing to go for right now, understanding might be better. Your parents dont really understand what is going on and need some time. They might feel hurt, they might feel betrayed. That is a very common thing, as most here who have entered will tell you. Dont expect them to be thrilled with the idea, few parents will be. Surround them with love. Give them as much information as you can, and spend as much time as you can with them. These people love you so much, and are struggling to understand you.
You might just be the person who will bring them back to the church, but this takes time. Show them how very happy you are. Let them see photos of your trip if you have them. Downplay the fact you cant come home, and talk about how much them can visit, and when you can write them, call them or email them.
Please do not seperate yourself from them now, or you might put up barriers that wil take forver to remove. As a future religious you might detach yourself from things, from useless possesions, but never from those that love you. They are your parents, and you are forever bound.
And remember prayer works wonders, as does the utmost care and love you will give them.[/quote]

Just to clarify on how I am using the word detach. What I mean as I need to detach from my desrie to please them and have their approval, I need to let go of that. I don't mean detach in the sense of cutting myself off and living like I am a religious. Does that make sense? I agree with you on what you said but I am using detach in a different way. This is what my spiritual director has asked me to do as well as the Sisters beacuse I am attched to them in the way that I want their approval and I need to jsut trust that God is at work in their hearts and I can't make them react and respond how I want them respond. I hope that makes some sense

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Let me add my congratulations at your acceptance! Wow--from Minnesota to the deep South--major culture changes are in store!

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[quote name='veritas99' post='1500205' date='Apr 15 2008, 10:57 PM']Just to clarify on how I am using the word detach. What I mean as I need to detach from my desrie to please them and have their approval, I need to let go of that. I don't mean detach in the sense of cutting myself off and living like I am a religious. Does that make sense? I agree with you on what you said but I am using detach in a different way. This is what my spiritual director has asked me to do as well as the Sisters beacuse I am attched to them in the way that I want their approval and I need to jsut trust that God is at work in their hearts and I can't make them react and respond how I want them respond. I hope that makes some sense[/quote]

It does make sense, yes :)

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