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hello friends,

It's been awhile since I have posted so I wanted to give a bit of an update. I wanted to let you know that I am actively discerning again and have been for about six months now or so. I set things aside for a bit after my return from Alton back in 2006 and have been working closely with my spiritual director and have been given the green light to visit places again back in October or so. I visited a community in January that I had been in touch with for a bit before. IT was a wonderful visit. My spiritual director thinks this is the community as do I and the vocation directress has urged me to apply and Father said yes fill out the application. MY application is about done and I will be returning for another visit the second weekend of April to meet with Mother. At this time I would prerfer not to mention the particular community. This is not out of fear of judgement but because I really rushed things last time and I want to be cautiious overall here and in general. I did want to at least let you all know and would appreciate your prayers. They will have a decesion for me by the end of May.
The big thing right now in my student loans $32,ooo but I have some cd's that will be maturing soon to help and I have a meeting with Cy Laurent of the Laboure Society in two weeks and will be applying to the Mater Ecclesiae Fund for Vocations as well. So talkign with Sister if accepted and if the Lord paves the way in regards to my student loans she would like me to enter this year if no go on the debts then I will work for a year. I already have a job lined up if needed. Please pray that the Lord's will be done.
Also some of you may remember that I am an only child and they were not happy one bit when I entered the Martyr's of St.George. Well over spring break ( holy week) I told them seperatly. MY dad was really okay with it which I was surprised and my mom well she left the room and cried. I think it's just going to take her longer. MY time with my family was very blessed and the Lord really was there. I had been praying novena after novena in preperation for my visit asking that the Lord would prepare my parents hearts for my vocation.

I think that's it for now. I will keep you posted. I'll let you know how the visit with the Sisters and with Mother goes and if I get accepted I'll let you know the community as well = ) Please keep me in your prayers and be assured of mine as well.


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Dear Tracy,

It's great to see you working with this so slowly and carefully. My prayers are with your family. To give you the advise I just received: your mother has to see you happy before she'll let go of her little girl! :) And because your discernment with the Martyrs led you back home, it's probably harder this time. But all will be well if God's will is done!

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Dear Tracy,
God bless you in your continuing search to realize your vocation. In the end it will be worth all the effort you have placed in it. Our prayers are with you.

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Tracy, many prayers for you and for your (God-willing) future community, and for your parents in their struggles.

Praise be to our Risen Lord! Alleluia!

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Mari Therese


You are a wonderful source of encouragement on Phatmass. Thank you for being so open and honest. I find it very helpful and encouraging for my own discernment to read your posts. Many prayers and blessings:)


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Thank you for the prayers I really appreicate it. I had my physical today and that went well. A perfect bill of health, so that's good. It wasn't much fun because honestly I really don't like going to the doctor. Tomarrow I go in for the last of my dental work and will be thankful once that is all done, that jsut about broke the bank. I hadn't been to the dentist in liek three years because well I don't like the dentist very much either. I had five cavities and also ended up needing a root canal .I had the last bit of work done on the root canal on tuesday and tomarrow I go backto my dentist for the permenant filling and crown. All of that in the end costed over $2,000 out of pocket since I don't have dental being a poor college student, but I did buy a powerball ticket for saturday's drawing. I leave two weeks from tomarrow for my visit and I am really looking forward to it, it will be nice to be there during the Easter Season.

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I dropped my application in the mail today, which was exciting. 11 days until I head out for my visit.

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[quote name='veritas99' post='1489532' date='Mar 31 2008, 11:40 AM']I dropped my application in the mail today, which was exciting. 11 days until I head out for my visit.[/quote]

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There'll be a votive candle with a prayer attached to it flickering away at my parish church for you--God bless!

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[quote name='stlmom' post='1489658' date='Mar 31 2008, 03:28 PM']There'll be a votive candle with a prayer attached to it flickering away at my parish church for you--God bless![/quote]

thank you so much for you prayers! ! !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Pham,

Well tomarrow I head out to visit the community I have applied to. Mother has received all of my material. The psyc eval went well and was kind of fun. We are suppose to get hit with some winter weather here in Minnesota so I'm hoping it won't mess with my flight too much. Please keep me in your prayers while I make my visit. I will be gone from Friday to Monday.
Also today I met with Cy Laurent, from the Laboure Society, for lunch. It was a wonderful meeting and I'm looking forward to working with him.

I will keep all of you in my prayers as well while I'm visiting the Sisters.

In Jesus and Mary,

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