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That Charity May Not Be Wounded

Sr Mary Catharine OP

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

Dear Friends in Christ,
A while ago I was asked by the father of a person on Vocation Station to consider coming onto the phorum after I posted a correction that was made about my religious community. I talked to my prioress who agreed that my presence could be helpful. I recalled how, since I entered over 17 years ago before the internet, I had no support and really no one to ask questions, compare notes, etc. I found the phorum encouraging and helpful and inspiring.

Recently, it seems that my presence has engendered failures in charity, misunderstandings and misreadings of post of my own and others. Even more recently my identity has been questioned although from the beginning I have made it clear who I am and what community I have come from.

For those who have been offended by my remarks or who felt that I was muzzling, lording it over them, etc. I'm sorry. That was never my intention.

My viewpoint has often been different coming from my experience and the experiences of other vocation directreses and communities. I have tried to be careful NOT to give examples in order to be charitable to others.

It's become obvious that my presence is not a help but a serious problem to this forum so it's time to depart.

I would like to say that I have and will continue to pray for all of you that you will find what God truly desires for you but for those for whom this would be offensive, it's not meant to be.

I also don't intend to check back and read posts. I've had little time to do this in awhile, anyway.

Please pray for me and my community.

In Jesus, Mary and St. Dominic,
Sr. Mary Catharine of Jesus, OP
Vocation Directress, Dominican Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary, Summit, NJ

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Charity has already been wounded, Sister, and it's [b]not[/b] your fault.

Imagine what our phorum must look like to converts or those considering conversion or vocations. "Congratulations" everyone. Why is [i]Parce Domine[/i] ringing in my ears instead of Easter's [i]Alleluia[/i]?!

May the Virgin Mary with Her loving Child bless you, Sister Mary Catharine! Thank you for your most helpful presence here for which the vast majority of us are undescribably grateful.

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the lords sheep

Our prayers are with you. I sincerely hope you reconsider your decision. Your opinions and experience are not only appreciated but needed.

In the profound unity of prayer,

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Sister, please stay. I need you hear as the voice of charity and reason. Seriously. You give the mods a break when you are around. Your experience and patience is invaluable.

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Sister, it isn't my place to say this but ...... please don't leave.

Remember that Jesus was persecuted and vilified for trying to help people too. And when he was slapped across the face, he said to them, "If there is some offence in what I said, point it out; but if not, why do you strike me?"

It isn't easy to turn the other cheek when you feel that you have done no wrong and are being criticised, but we have such a beautiful example in Our Beloved Lord.

Please don't let a few heated exchanges take away from the good that you can do by being here. If only a few, or even if only one person benefits from something you post - then what a service you are doing for Him. And isn't that what it is all about after all? :love:

Please stay. :pray:


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Deus te Amat

Sister... I dont really post in the vocation station anymore... But that isn't because of a lack of vocation. It is because of a desire to do more than "tell" people of my experiences... I am past that stage. I desire to talk to religious sisters themselves, to attain more of a feel of what being a religious sister is about. I read most of your posts, sister, and doing so helps me to desire to be a religious even more. I cannot force you to change your mind, but I can implore you to reconsider your decision. There are many young women like myself longing to get in contact with religious, and being unable to do so for various reasons, in my own--familial circumstances. You are a bridge between two worlds... [i]wanting[/i] and [i]being[/i]. Your words of wisdom touch our lives in ways that other people cannot, and those morsals sometimes are what keep me from dispairing entirely.

I am a Dominican at heart, Sister, and St. Catherine is my patron. I guess we are kindred spirits, of sorts... Whatever your decision, my prayers will be with you. Please pray for me as well. I am sincerely regretting not getting the courage to open my mind to you before, and if you are pursuaded against this course of action for whatever reason, I pray that we will be able to talk in the future.

May God's blessings shine upon you Sister... and thank you for being such a wonderful inspiration to us on this forum.

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I wonder where the heck she got the idea that she was wounding charity? Preposterous. One is not responsible if another misinterprets clarity for judgement and unkindness. Logic. Logic. Logic. Perhaps someday it will be part of the general education and we will not have such affronts against and mockeries of reason. There is no reason for her to leave.

The first rule of internet charity: Only a fool takes offense where none is intended. Unfortunately, Sister is a victim of the foolish offense taken by others.

* edit: I've just seen the thread about the adopted children. I've never seen someone so viciously and personally attacked on phatmass. For shame, for all of us.

Edited by Veritas
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Sister, your voice has been one of reason, clarity, and experience. We'll miss your presence. God bless.

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Sister, though you have already gone, and it is not my place to say it, please do not leave. I do not post on this part of the board, but I do read it, and I stand with those who say that you have been a voice of reason and charity here. A calm from the storms, and for that, you will always have my thanks and my prayers.

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Legend Chaser

God bless you and your walk, Sister. I pray to meet you someday, where we'll all finally see that charity we're seeking. I will keep you in my prayers.

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Dude. What has [i]happened[/i] to Vocation Station?

Sister, you know what I would want to say... but I also understand that for a cloistered nun, this situation isn't exactly conductive to peace. Please do know that like the others said, there's no fault in you. I can't believe that some of the other posters [i]deliberately[/i] misunderstood you, but there was misunderstanding all the same, and I don't see how it could have arisen from YOU, of all people!

Your posts been very important to me at some steps of my discernment, just so you know. :)

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We are all very sad to see you go, sister, your wisdom and quidance will be sorely missed by all of us.

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