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Why Do You Think Organized Religion Is Right?


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[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1504821' date='Apr 20 2008, 09:06 PM']Are you declaring yourself my enemy Socrates?

I ignore posts about scriptures, because most of you don't have the spirit to understand them. The spirit leads you into all truth, and will reveal the true ideas of scripture.

The fact, your post seems more like a personal attack means you don't like being exposed.[/quote]

I thought you had already declared us your enemies JSMSH? Do you have the [b]infallibility[/b] to know that you have the true ideas of scripture, and we do not have the spirit to understand? How else would you be able to make such a statement? Honestly, I ask sincerely.

[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1504821' date='Apr 20 2008, 09:06 PM']People who rely on other people to tell them about God are lost. God will show them. All he needs is someone to start the process along, sharing with people who God is, and those people will share with others to show who God is, and those people, and those people, and those people, and that is how 120 people in an upper room can make disciples of hundreds of thousands in twenty years.[/quote]

But they did not spilt up and teach hundreds of thousands of gospels, they remained as one, and taught as one, praying, learning and teaching together.

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Instead of ignoring my posts, you need to address points made... that is if you want to have fruitful dialog.

You will have to give them more thought and look at them with logic. Truth cannot contradict truth... if you believe the Scriptures, then surely you can see the contradictions in what you say you believe and what is true in Scripture.

How do you know that you've been taught right, as in what Jesus taught UNLESS you go back and study history from the first five hundred or so years of Christianity? Answer: YOU CAN'T because it's impossible.

Christ built One Church - Not the 40,000+ and growing every day.... One Faith... on the Apostles and Prophets with Jesus Himself as the cornerstone.

I would really love to have a fruitful dialog with you, but you are making it impossible to do so unless you address the points made with thought and logic.

You can't debate what you don't know.

You don't know and you need to learn where we got the New Testament - research Canonization of the New Testament... also research the first five hundred years of Christianity 33 AD to 500 AD.

Again... please go back, read and address the points made in post #128.

God Bless,

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[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1504753' date='Apr 20 2008, 09:39 PM']The scriptures you post is why we are reborn, and show Paul was reborn.

Before we are born again, we just sin, and we enjoy the sins we are involved in. But when we really repent, and truly want to change, God changes us, and then we hate (don't hate, appreciate) (don't hate (don't hate, appreciate), appreciate) the sins we commit.

I prefer this translation

For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate (don't hate, appreciate) (don't hate (don't hate, appreciate), appreciate), that do I.

If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.

Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.

For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.

Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

Now, before you say, we all hate (don't hate, appreciate) (don't hate (don't hate, appreciate), appreciate) sinning. No we don't. Ask some who has done Cocaine for the first time? Did you like it, or hate (don't hate, appreciate) (don't hate (don't hate, appreciate), appreciate) it, and he will say, I liked it. Ask someone who had sex for the first time with someone out of wedlock? They'd say they liked it, and then tell you not to give them a sermon.

You see, when we are born again, we start hating that part of ourselves, and we are going against the sin nature.

To the people who say we are in god's image, so he wouldn't change human nature, the fact we are fallen means we are not what we are intended to be, and the only way is to hate (don't hate, appreciate) (don't hate (don't hate, appreciate), appreciate) the evil inside us through repentance, and saying, I hate (don't hate, appreciate) (don't hate (don't hate, appreciate), appreciate) it so much, I don't want to do it anymore, because I want to live totally for you.

Human nature's ultimate goal is humanism, and that says there is no God, and its just about us.

Nuff said.[/quote]

Actually, I don't like the translation that I posted but it was the only one within arms reach. I have several translations that I use.

I would never say that evil is ugly and we hate (don't hate, appreciate) it at first sight. The evil one is devious and has made sin attractive to us, very attractive. We must continuously fight against this temptation in our on going conversion. There is lyric that I like "the saints are just the sinners who fell down and got up."

We all fall to temptations. It is exactly this that St. Paul spoke. Read the context of the scripture. He is speaking about the his ongoing struggle to to avoid sin. When we fall, and we all fall, we need to repent and start again.

The goal of our conversion is to conform our will to God's will. When we do this God transforms us. But it doesn't change our nature. We are constantly tempted. A deeper conversion allows us to identify these temptations but it doesn't stop us from falling for them.

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[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1504821' date='Apr 20 2008, 10:06 PM']I ignore posts about scriptures, because most of you don't have the spirit to understand them.[/quote]
If this isn't the biggest cop out ever, then I don't know what is.


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[quote name='JesusIsMySuperHero' post='1504821' date='Apr 20 2008, 10:06 PM']Are you declaring yourself my enemy Socrates?

I ignore posts about scriptures, because most of you don't have the spirit to understand them. The spirit leads you into all truth, and will reveal the true ideas of scripture.

The fact, your post seems more like a personal attack means you don't like being exposed.

People who rely on other people to tell them about God are lost. God will show them. All he needs is someone to start the process along, sharing with people who God is, and those people will share with others to show who God is, and those people, and those people, and those people, and that is how 120 people in an upper room can make disciples of hundreds of thousands in twenty years.[/quote]

:lol_above: :idiot:

Yeah, Socrates, are you making a declaration there? Have you thrown down the glove? Spit in the face? Tossed a pickle at?

The funniest thing about your post JMSH is that it is obvious you pass up replies with scripture because you really don't understand it at all. You exhibit so many of the attitudes that would make you a pharisee and a goat that I cannot believe you have a clue about what the bible means. I am not saying that to be mean, I really think that you are deluded.

I have so much spirit flying through me my father wore sunglasses at my confirmation. I am a human sparkler and I will admit I do not and cannot interpret the bible without some help and that is from other human sparklers. Not from you, your cat, your dog and your cousin Moe.

Socrates, please, didn't someone already warn you about exposing yourself? I am still laughing at JMSH thinking she can argue theology with you. I gave up and at first, I personally thought I could take you. :lol_roll:

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[quote name='Deb' post='1505687' date='Apr 21 2008, 01:33 PM']JMSH, Have you met Madame Vengier? I think you would probably have a lot in common.[/quote]

Ok, this made me lol.

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Careful, don't start any verbal fights. Might I remind you all that is an environment that should inspire friendly dialogue, not a place to flame. Please, I ask both sides of the debate to be charitable and answer each other accordingly. Not pointing fingers. Just saying, be Christian about it.



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We're trying to be. But 8 pages of her asking us why we don't follow scriptures, then us hitting her with scriptures and sound theology, and her saying she ignores the scriptural posts because we are not guided by the spirit, tends to fray the patience a bit.

Altough I understand where you're coming from, I had to tell a couple of guys to shut up more then once before a topic broke out into a fight.

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In humility, I think everybody has been frazzled.

Jesus didn't start a religion, he started a way of life, something most people have forgotten. And because they have forgotten, they can be blinded and manipulated by people to do evil things in the sake of their religions.

I have. You have, I can gaurentee, your family, your friends, everybody has at one time in the past. Think of that.

Looking at the posts of some on this board. I see debates about Eugenics, in the guise of - we will help people if we can create custom people without genetic disease. That was how Hitler presented it to the Germans, and they bought head, line, and sinker.

I see people still thinking theistic evolution is still viable, even though it means God must have changed from the survival of the fittest mentality to, I must send my more fit son to help less fit sinners find their place in me. These things just make me cringe, as the evils of such ideas are too overwhelming to me.

The greatest prison is one in your mind. I would never read the bible for indulgences. I would read the bible to know God and his word. I want to make sure I understand God in any way I can, without someone else's help, because I would rather be personally responsible for the mistakes I make. I don't want some to blame for one thing or another.

Now people think I don't know scripture, and that is they're right to think, but I have read the bible front to cover, and I don't see one place where he says anything other than to gather with a few people to talk about him. It doesn't say in the bible perfect theology is needed to be in heaven. It doesn't say that everybody should think, act, and believe exactly the same thing about God. In fact, it says there are weaker and stronger members in the church, so there are some that will not understand what another understands. The fact, all of you seem to agree that God always agrees with you, which is actually rare for me for God to agree with everything I say, makes me wonder - is God correcting you when you post?

Did God correct people who say I am delusional when they posted. Did he agree with you saying that? What if Catholic Church is really the church God has founded, you just offended one of the believers.

I said this once, and there is one person who was spirit filled who agree with me on this board, and that was I said - if God is always agreeing with you, then are you a really communicating with God? He/she agreed, which was nice to see. I am glad I have one spirit filled brother/sister in this place, and I will be talking to them more closely.

But are all of you the people who will be saying -

Jesus, I defended the Roman Catholic Church you founded and many other marvelous things, and Jesus look at you, I never knew you. . .

He will be saying that to many people on this message board, and maybe even me, a thought that I don't want to be be true with all my heart, but may happen anyways because there is a chance I could be deceived.

Remember, straight is the way, and narrow is the path that leads to salvation.

Now, I will leave my final note for this topic as this.

The most important thing is not theology, but an honest heart dedicated for the Lord.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1504961' date='Apr 20 2008, 09:38 PM']Wouldn't the Bride of Christ know who she is?
[url="http://www.drbo.org/chapter/73006.htm"]"White horse"... He that sitteth on the white horse is Christ, going forth to subdue the world by his gospel. The other horses that follow represent the judgments and punishment that were to fall on the enemies of Christ and his church. The red horse signifies war; the black horse, famine; and the pale horse (which has Death for its rider), plagues or pestilence.[/url][/quote]

Interesting thought. I have heard the white horse being Christ too. But I don't believe it. It isn't the Anti-Christ, that most Protestants say either. Christ comes with a sword in Revelation, on his white horse. What if the white rider is a . . . Christian? In the spirit, a Christian has no weapons, except the sword of truth. That allows us to understand what is happening in the moment, but we don't attack. Remember, the white rider has no arrows, but a bow? Why that? The bow was a weapon the David used, but why is this rider a person with a bow without arrows? How does he conquer without any loaded weapon?

I agree that all the other horses are judgements against God's people too, and I am glad you understand that. With all those posts, why do I feel protected by that thought. God will avenge himself on the people who would want my demise.

I have experience in spiritual warfare against individuals that can only be explained that God has a special form of protection on me.

I made mention earlier on these posts, I don't appreciate Yule anymore, what we call Christmas. I want it abolished, because on the 27th of December, 2007, I should have died, if it weren't for God's love for his children. On that night, I felt like an entire coven of Pagans had cursed me with something that should have made me have a massive stroke while I was working. I was shaking, I was sweating profusely, my vision blurredto the point I could hardly see my computer screen as I felt what felt like a dozen sledge hammers slam into my skull on both sides, and if it wasn't for God's promise one will send a thousand to flight, I should have had a massive stroke and died. The next morning, I woke up completely well again.

Needless to say, I don't want to know what God did to those who attacked me.

I feel confident that God has me under his protection, and that the 4 horsemen will pass me by because the blood is over my life, and they will judge the others in this wicked land.

BTW, have you realized what 666 really means yet? I know, and is remarkably simple. It is one of the reasons I am totally against Eugenics.

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666 is the number of Nero. Each letter in his name had a certain value, and they all added up to 666 (I've also heard something about 616. That's another story). As for the future meaning of 666, I cannot definitively say. I'm not God.

And btw, sounds like you DID have a stroke. Serious stuff. God bless you that haven't died.

Edited by Sacred Music Man
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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1506814' date='Apr 22 2008, 04:40 PM']666 is the number of Nero. Each letter in his name had a certain value, and they all added up to 666 (I've also heard something about 616. That's another story). As for the future meaning of 666, I cannot definitively say. I'm not God.

And btw, sounds like you DID have a stroke. Serious stuff. God bless you that haven't died.[/quote]

If I did, I haven't suffered any side effects of one. I am completely healthy. I work on the telephones, so my speech is good. I have a great memory still- most of the time, I remember people's phone number without much of an issue. I also have full mobility. Goes to show, God protects his own. Don't mess with one of God's children. He's there to protect you, and ensure you are safe.

But, I have realized what 666 really is.

It could have been the numerical value of Nero's name. It could also be something most people talk about every single day - playing God,

6 is the number of man, and God is a trinity, so 666 is Man declaring himself God, by taking control of the environment, taking control of nature, and taking control of mans destiny. I think of the system of the beast will be one that is suppose to take care of all your needs, which will lead everybody away from God, because we have become self sufficient.

Eugenics is an essential part of that plan, as it allows those in control to decide what kind of individual gets born.

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