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Getting Drunk


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[quote]I dont have anything against drinking alcohol.[/quote]
yes, I do believe you simply required clarification of my position as you thought I was saying it was okay to get wasted with friends. it's all good.

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[size=1]Lol...sorry so much editing.

I cant decide on what I want to say and when I want to say it!

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' post='1483314' date='Mar 24 2008, 08:20 PM']thanks for you're advice man, i love you're post. that's the problem im haveing with drinking. i mean, i have a job and i only drink once or twice a week. but when i do drink it seems more often or not i end up saying stuff i shouldnt say and end up doing things i shouldnt do. i dont want to blame this on the the drinks because thats just lame. i dunno, i love to go up to the college town nearby get a hotel and take the cab and go drink down at the bars. i feel their is nohten wrong with this one or two nights a week. but then i end up doing something stupid and the next day im at the exetreme of not wanting to drinking at all. i dont even know if this is rational or not though.
changing topics kinda but as far as mortal sin goes. if we commit the same mortal sin more then once in short periods of time does it make it alot worse ? or as long as we go to confession were fine if we repent honestly and try to avoid the sin again ? or is God more likely to let something bad happen to us because were commiting the same mortal sin over again ?[/quote]
as long as you continue trying to stop the sin, you're doing fine. God doesn't pile things up if he's already forgiven you for them.

however, the damage caused by sin can pile up even if you continue to get forgiven. sin has consequences that must be dealt with, damage to the soul. through prayers we can seek God's healing of the damage that sin has caused so that we will be strengthened to avoid it next time. this is what "indulgences" are in Catholic theology, the Church attaches "indulgences" to certain prayers so that when we pray them we can seek this amount of healing from the Church for the damage sin has caused. it used to be counted in "days" "months" and "years" of penance as to how much it would heal the damage, now it is simply counted as "partial"... all sorts of prayers have indulgences, like the Rosary and the prayer before a crucifix or the stations of the cross... and any sincere prayer to God can result in the effects of an indulgence helping to heal your soul so you can avoid sin in the future.

so no, you don't keep accumulating more blame for the sins so long as you continue to truly repent... but the same if you kept breaking your neighbor's window, and you kept going to their door and sincerely apologizing and the neighbor kept forgiving you but you ended up doing it again, there's still a bunch of broken windows to be cleaned up. gaining indulgences through prayers would be like gaining enough money to fix your neighbor's window.

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I've always thought that it also depends on why you are drinking in the first place. There were times in college that I was drinking to get drunk. That was obviously a sin. There have been times at formal dinners where they kept refilling my glass between courses that I honestly didn't notice how much I'd had to drink until I tried to stand up. That's different.

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I think it is okay to drink with the point in mind of getting to the point of hilarity, as I have described it above.

since drunkenness is a sin then obviously it's not okay to drink with the purpose of getting drunk, but drinking with the purpose of feeling its effects is not outright wrong.

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[quote name='XIX' post='1483330' date='Mar 24 2008, 10:02 PM']Drunkenness is a huge waste of perfectly good alcohol.

And vital organs, for that matter. :)[/quote]
and brain cells...

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' post='1483176' date='Mar 24 2008, 04:48 PM']... I was just reading in the "lame board " a thread about tequila. Also alot of talk about other drinks and no one had a problem with them being consumed nor do I think they should have. But again, my question is, what is being drunk by the church's standard and is it a mortal sin evertyime one crosses this line? Thanks for any imput, have a good day.[/quote]
lawl, I was just reading that thread too when i saw this one... uhh I have nothing to add. They've said it all. Do your best, man. That's all I gotta say.

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[quote name='Aloysius' post='1483325' date='Mar 24 2008, 09:53 PM']I think it is okay to drink with the point in mind of getting to the point of hilarity, as I have described it above.

since drunkenness is a sin then obviously it's not okay to drink with the purpose of getting drunk, but drinking with the purpose of feeling its effects is not outright wrong.[/quote]
Exactly right.

Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine,
There's laughter, cheer, and good red wine;
At least I have always found it so--
Benedicamos Domino!
--Hillaire Belloc

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My .02....

I believe that there is a difference being [i]drunk [/i]and being [b]A drunk[/b]. A lot of this depends on your intent, as Aloysius and others have pointed out so eloquently. I also believe it involves a lot on the frequency of your consumption of alcohol and whether or not it adversely-affects your life. That is, are you neglecting your responsibilities? As a college student, does your drinking cause you to miss class or perform poorly on tests and assignments? As an adult, do you find that your drinking habit infringes on your ability to perform the tasks required of you at work or at home? Do you engage in truly mortal sins as a result of your intoxication?

These are all things that the individual must discern. I believe that there is no black or white in this area until you've discerned the intention, the frequency and the affects (intented or not) on your life.

Peace bro!

...and cheers!!!

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[quote name='kujo' post='1483728' date='Mar 25 2008, 12:30 PM']My .02....

I believe that there is a difference being [i]drunk [/i]and being [b]A drunk[/b]. A lot of this depends on your intent, as Aloysius and others have pointed out so eloquently. I also believe it involves a lot on the frequency of your consumption of alcohol and whether or not it adversely-affects your life. That is, are you neglecting your responsibilities? As a college student, does your drinking cause you to miss class or perform poorly on tests and assignments? As an adult, do you find that your drinking habit infringes on your ability to perform the tasks required of you at work or at home? Do you engage in truly mortal sins as a result of your intoxication?

These are all things that the individual must discern. I believe that there is no black or white in this area until you've discerned the intention, the frequency and the affects (intented or not) on your life.

Peace bro!

...and cheers!!![/quote]
Be careful, there is such a thing as a functional alcoholic.

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[quote name='Dismas' post='1483982' date='Mar 25 2008, 06:44 PM']Be careful, there is such a thing as a functional alcoholic.[/quote]

Yeah, about that...

I don't quite understand what a "functioning" alcoholic is. Why is it that a taste for alcohol which does not harm your life and commitments is deemed bad?

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I didn't think it was a sin... My friend even asked her priest during confession and he was like it's okay as long as youre not doing stupid stuff like having sex or whatever...

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I say that it's like everything else in life. Moderation is paramount. If anything in your life adversely affects your professional, family or spiritual life, it is most likely something you need to stay away from; however, if drinking alcohol is something you like doing, and it doesn't cause a dip in you attending to your responsibilities, I say you're okay.

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The Church defines drunkeness as a sin. Drunkenness for this purpose is defined as drinking to the point where one no longer possesses the use of right reason.

I've read somewhere that any of the following are signs that one drank to the point of mortal sin:
1) You drink to the point of sickness or passing out
2) You do things that are out of character or that you would otherwise never think of doing (not just being a bit sillier or louder than normal)
3) You can't remember afterwards what you did while drunk

While habitual drunkenness is of course a more serious problem, deliberately getting seriously drunk anytime constitutes a sin.
There's nothing wrong with drinking in moderation, or even to get a light "buzz," but drinking to get smashed is a sin.

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