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Vatican Lists New Sinful Behaviors


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[quote]"A recent survey said that 60 percent of Italian Catholics do not go to confession."[/quote]

That's of greater concern than global warming!

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Yes, I think that it is, but we aren't talking about Global warming, Global warming and the environmental awareness are not synonymous. And yes, I agree that confession is more important than environmental awareness, but that doesn't make environmental awareness less important. It is still important. I have always found it curious that people will dismiss something because it is supposedly not as important as something else. What kind of reasoning is this? I am conscious that we live in a disgusting and polluted world, I try to do my part to keep it from being polluted. I'm not militant about it. I don't have a Global warming agenda. It isn't political. I don't like to see the world turned into a landfill. So I use reusable bags. Is that wrong? Does it take anything away from the importance of confession? No, I go weekly. I do weigh priorities, but dearest God, I don't dismiss something because something else is more important. Do I wake every morning clip my nails, comb my hair, and brush my teeth? Yes, I do and I put on clean clothes that have been washed and pressed. Going to daily mass and receiving our Lord is more important than my appearance, but does that mean I go to daily mass in some dirty slacks with bed head and bad breath? Grooming ourselves is important too, but it doesn't follow that just because the Eucharist is more important I should neglect my hygiene. If all of the above sounds as ridiculous to you as it does to me, maybe you'll see my point.

Also, it might interest you to read what Phil wrote at CWN:

[quote]When he finished his interview with L'Osservatore Romano, Archishop Gianfranco Girotti [b]probably thought that his main message had been an appeal to Catholics to use the sacrament of Confession[/b]. Little did he know that the English-language news media would play the interview as a newly revised list of sins.[/quote]

Edited by petrus_scholasticus
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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' post='1475453' date='Mar 11 2008, 04:22 AM']LOL.... that is priceless. No matter what the subject matter, asking someone to "get over their obsession with sex" is generally code language for "I have a heterodox agenda here, and, like, the church needs to ~*change*~" (insert idealistic stars and rainbows here)[/quote]

The Vatican is not obsessed with sex. The media is. If a cardinal so much as breathes one word about sex, a big debate about Catholic ethics and morality explodes in the newspapers. Practically any Zenit article on sexual ethics will be picked up automatically by the mainstream press, making it seem as though sex is all the Church ever talks about. Lots of other things just get ignored.

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