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Kindled As A Furnace


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I did use 'I' a lot, about 43 times. I would say that that has a lot to do with the fact that I was confessing a personal sin and that sin involves the person, is an act of the 'ego' and reparation for it ultimately involves the individual. It may also interest you to note that I did in fact never once use the pronoun I in a positive context. I checked. It was rather distressing, I'm glad I'm not a proponent of the 1980's self esteem movement. ^_^

Also, it is actually composed of only 1075 words, minus salutation and closing. Now if you got onto my case about syllables, then I would say I used 1484. Weren't expecting that were you. :scratchhead: I used 4453 actual letters. And there were 56 sentences in total. Amusingly enough I average 1.38 syllables a word, crazy when you break it down. It really isn't that much writing, maybe for a discussion board it is, but in the world of journalism it might be a short news piece, in the literary world it would be laughable.

The style, is more reminiscent of the nineteenth century and only resembles a sermon in its plentiful use of scripture and rhetorical style. That said, I'm not sure I could pull off English from the 1500s with any skill. According to the SMOG calculator, someone with some high school education should be able to understand everything that I wrote.

Perhaps, it was overkill, and I'll admit that it probably was, but as you will soon learn it is me being me and to stop being me would be ... wrong. I have always been seen as someone who says something in 1500 words what could have been said in 3, but who at least has a lot of fun while he's doing it. My teachers never once complained about brevity, because they had fun reading my stuff. That always made me happy. Because enjoyment is the point, if not for others than for myself.

As for the confession, this thread can close up any time, since I think that I am on a roll, since I posted that confession I believe that I have succeeded in not using any negative language and not directing any malicious sarcasm at any persons. That makes my heart glad and I hope to continue in that way.

If it was self-serving it was a way in which I could serve my soul, and tending to our salvation is a service to the greater glory of God.

P.S. The number of times I mention God, the Church, the Pope, and the Saints as well as the content that is either directly quote from the scriptures and the Saints far outstrips the number of times I say 'I'.

Edited by petrus_scholasticus
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Notice that I still haven't went to bed. I am a stupid person.

P.S. BTW, what did you mean by "not getting enough," I'm not sure how much I should read into that and whether I should agree, laugh, or be irritated.

Edited by petrus_scholasticus
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Theologian in Training

Honestly, and this is from someone who lost a lot of posts himself, if it is going to be longer than a paragraph, put it in a text file, save it that way, then post. This way you still have it and don't have to be angry about it being lost. Remember, technology is fallible, always back everything up, otherwise, you lose a lot, in every sense of the word :)

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But that's the point, Father, I'm happy I lost it and I have in fact decided to download any threads that I have made major contributions in. It annoyed me at first, but I do not mind anymore. Your advise is most welcome, by the way, I enjoyed your bit on Forgiveness and Healing.

In every sense of the word!? :eek: Bu-but it has like twelve.

Edited by petrus_scholasticus
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[quote]I love the way you write! It's beautiful.[/quote]

My thanks to you. Is the gentleman in your avatar, Bela Legosi?

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