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Modesty: Does It Include Bare Feet?


Bare Feet  

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He is Risen!

I have wondered about this, also. I was playing in an orchestra where the women were all told to not wear strappy heals because they were too "exciting". On the other hand, I have seen religious sisters and nuns barefoot or in sandals. I am undecided- but I definately vote against socks with sandals. :kicking:

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I go barefoot around my house all the time.

I don't do it in public, as I don't want to step in anything yucky.

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I was studying with a man once in college and I'd never seen his feet before (spring class, following winter in MN) and he was wearing sandals -like birks or something and I remember thinking what particularly nice feet he had. I know this is SO bizarre. I don't have a foot fetish or anything, which is probably why I remember this.

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My husband has feet issues, so for him, modesty means keeping my socks on. I have adorable feet.

Outside that hasn't been a problem. When it is below zero, most people wear feet coverings. When I lived in Florida though, I always wore Tevas, without socks. No one paid attention because everyone else was walking around with tanned feet. Maybe that's why my husband likes feet. Canadians don't get to see them very often.

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Archaeology cat

I don't go barefoot nearly as much as I did in the US. To be fair, though, I did grow up in KY. :ninja: :P

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Barefoot isn't the same as wearing certain kinds of shoes... sometimes it's heels or something... no "foot fetish" here but just saying... But what ever. Shoes are a cool thing.

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Personally I hate bare feet unless something is on them like sandals. I just hate the feeling of things sticking to my feet. EW!

I don't think that there is a problem with barefeet. I mean Jesus and all those bible people had bare feet a lot. And St. Francis did too.


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I thought bare feet were officially modest. Didn't Moses have to take off his shoes at the burning bush because he was standing on sacred ground?

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[quote name='Veritas' post='1473393' date='Mar 3 2008, 09:39 PM']+

I was studying with a man once in college and I'd never seen his feet before (spring class, following winter in MN) and he was wearing sandals -like birks or something and I remember thinking what particularly nice feet he had. I know this is SO bizarre. I don't have a foot fetish or anything, which is probably why I remember this.[/quote]

you're a female right?


(Latin dis, without, and calceus, shoe).

A term applied to those religious congregations of men and women, the members of which go entirely unshod or wear sandals, with or without other covering for the feet. These congregations are often distinguished of this account from other branches of the same order. The custom of going unshod was introduced into the West by St. Francis of Assissi for men and St. Clare for women.

good enough for them, good enough for me.

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Autumn Dusk

I think bare feet are great. I LOVE not wearing anything on my feet.

However, I do agree with one of the above posters. Some "open toed" foot ware is made to be desirable because of sex appeal.

And some open footware, like crocs, just make one look bummy and unkempt.

So, in conclusion. Bare feet are modest, however, feet can be sexualized and that is immodest.

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I wrote more fully on this topic, with characteristic verbosity, before the forum crashed and it doesn't really seem important to rail on about this issue, but my opinion is fully biased by my dislike of feet, which I find repulsive and which I keep covered from the time I exit my bed to the time I get back into it, with hard-soled shoes.

That said, if feet are sexualised then it is just as subjective as the fact that I find myself looking at peoples hands. I love the hand. I like to sketch and paint and one of the most complex things to draw is the hand. I believe that if you can draw a hand with any skill you can draw anything. The very anatomy of the hand just fascinates me. This makes me weird. Whether I find the totality of a woman attractive, it tends to be her hands that turn me on or off. That is definitely creepy, I know. I sometimes wonder if Autumn Dusk might be right about the state of my psyche? ;) And no I don't have a hand fetish, but it is the feature of the human body that most impresses me. God is a brilliant creator, isn't He?

My point? Should everyone wear gloves, just because I find hands to be sexy?

Edited by petrus_scholasticus
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