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I voted 'yes', 'ideally all people should become Catholic', and 'it's important to accept people for who they are and live peacefully'.

I chose this last option because I believe that accepting people for who they are is a fundamental part of evangelisation and conversion, and that nothing can be done if that acceptance isn't there. The Gospel comes to us just as we are, so it's important to go to other people just as they are.

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On a semi-related note, [url="http://www.stpatricksoho.org/spes/index.htm"]St Patrick's Evangelisation School[/url] in London (aptly nicknamed SPES) has one of the most vibrant and exciting programmes of evangelisation that I've ever seen. It's a programme that trains Catholic young people in evangelism, with intensive focus on the catechism, and it also incorporates practical work - the students go out on the streets on Friday evenings to share the Gospel. Soho is one of London's more, um, immoral areas - lots of bars, clubs, prostitutes - so the founders of school decided that street witness would be one of the best methods to use.

Young adults come from all over the world to study at SPES. When I was visiting they had students from England, Poland, China, the USA, and Brazil. :) So if anybody is thinking of spending nine months abroad...

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I'm Protestant, so I would rather qualify my answers than plainly vote on the polls.

Yes, it is important to bring people to the Catholic Church, if they are not already going to a church that teaches a saving knowledge of who Jesus is, so like a Protestant or Orthodox church is ok, but Mormans, athiests, agnostics, Muslims, etc. probably need some evangelization.

I think that Salvation is more important than doctrinal details, so I would say, like my last answer, if they are Protestant or Orthodox, then what is more important is done. I don't know about Jews, since there is a verse about Jews being gathered up at the end of time, but it would probably be best for them anyways to know who Jesus is.

Jesus accepted people as they were, and through a relationship, these people were changed. I'm not good at evangelism, but the people who most teach me about who Jesus is are the people who accept me for me and share their faith as my friends rather than someone seeking to gain numbers for their cause.

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Can anybody speak to the rumor that Catholics and Orthodox in the USA are not supposed to evangelize each other? That it is coming from the Bishops of each Church?

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The best way to "evangalize" is to just love people unconditionally and answer questions honestly when they come. And they will. If you are trying to live an authentic Catholic life in this day of age you are a [size=3]wierd-o[/size]...(in the world's eyes.) Trying to "sell" your religion rarely works.

The last question was hard to answer. If you do not do the latter accept people and try to live peacefully with them you will never accomplish the first response--converting them to the CC.

Edited by friendofJPII
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Didn't the pope put out a letter a few months ago that our missionaries shouldn't just be doing good works like building schools, but they should also be evangelizing. I guess we have gotten away from that part of being a missionary. Political correctness I guess.

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fides quarens intellectum

i believe the New Evangelization is vital to reclaiming our culture for Christ.

This is not a time to stand by and just accept people where they are - we must go further and call our brothers and sisters to holiness. Since the Catholic Church contains the fullness of the truth, then yes, i think it is very important to strive to bring others into its arms.

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